1231. Chapter 1231 Frost Bone Projection Magic VSGold Holy Blood Dragon Flame

    [Thank you for the month of Jinlong, the vegetable radish, Xia Zhuite Heatherink, the king of the silver, the comics from the beginning, the month of the heart, MingCong., won't win the name A children's shoes, today's first Send it more, ask for a subscription, a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket, and a reward.

    The fusion of Frost air-conditioning and Shikotsumyaku (Dead Bone Pulse) is only temporary. The two bloods are inherently conflicting. It is also a Bloodline. It is not an easy task to combine with each other.

    But Feng Yu Chen under the heavy blow of the tri-color man, makes the body's breath a muddy, and the two breaths are dominated by the will of Feng Yu Chen's will.

    From the power of Bloodline, Feng Yu Chen really can't compare with the three-color man. This is the fact that he can't erase things, and the initial stage is so different. It can be imagined that after they grow up, they The difference between the two will be great.

    Bloodline, Bloodline, this Bloodline is a world of respect, there is no rule, Bloodline is the rule, although it is straightforward, but it is straightforward, and the only one that can evolve Bloodline is this Infinite World, so only in this world Continue to grow.

    Feng Yu Chen has the advantage that in this world, all players' Floodlines are sealed at the initial stage. He understands that even the strong Bloodline is not much different in the initial stage. Every upgrade of Bloodline is a qualitative improvement. In this initial stage, if he can't beat the other party, then it really falls.

    Must win, no reason.

    "—-I- am -the- bone-of -my -sword.(My bones are crazy and twisted))! – Pseudo * spiral sword! ”

    As Feng Yu Chen's sang, suddenly a Frost bone bow condensed in his hand, while the right handful of Frost bones gathered into a Frost bone spiral sword, which split the sword into an arrow. String archery, puncture everything, my great will! !

    Unlimited Blade Works learned from the dark can not be wasted, the understanding of the sword, the feelings of the sword, the true meaning of the sword, the world of the sword of infinity!

    A strong cracked Frosty Bone Frost gradually formed, and the intense storm split second punctures the body of the tri-color man with a lightning-fast Speed. The three-color man's confident gold and silver dragon scale armor is under the piercing of the Frost Bone Storm. , split second 璀璨!

    "The crane wing does not owe, my heart is solid stone…Heart skills to Mount Tai, force to wear mountains…The heart is crossing the Yellow River, the sword is breaking the water…Life has reached the palace, only the name of the day…The same as the crane, the two heroes are different…Dry will * Mo evil! ”

    Feng Yu Chen didn't stop his attack. In the double-handed, Frost's bones gradually merged into two black and white daggers. As Feng Yu Chen's Mercedes gradually evolved into two huge black-white swords like wings.

    Then Feng Yu Chen double-handed behind the sword, the body is like a black and white wing in the sky, when it flashes again, the black and white light instantly slams into the body of the tri-color man! !


    For a time, two blood splashed from the body of the tri-color man.

    The players watching around are at the sight of Feng Yu Chen, and they are so surprised that they can't close their mouths. Is this too great?

    Double-handed Transforming the weapon and attacking this kind of thing, as if the weapon you made at random is not so powerful, right?

    "Projection magic, yes, the projection of the weapon has been very strong …" purple-haired girl looks at Feng Yu Chen's martial arts can not help but show a hint, the use of projection magic with the present weapon, although compared to the real one job order, But can still play the inherent strength, and although the use of a broken, but in a sense, can freely copy countless weapons how can worry about broken?

    Gentle Fist Method – Eight Trigrams Palm – Yin Yang *Primal Chaos Cloud Hands!

    Then Feng Yu Chen's gathered two rotating black and white yin and yang fish in the left and right hands, and together, quickly hit the body of the tri-color man.


    This time, the person who was hit by the wall was replaced by a three-color man, and the dragon scale of the whole body faintly collapsed.


    However, everything did not end there. All the injuries of the three-color man's body were under the shower of silver and light, and instantly returned to the original stage, but it consumed Energy, but compared to the loss of Energy, this The result of completely repairing the body injury is very good.

    "The scars of the dragon are trapped, not the abyss…I don’t fly in the sky, I don’t see it in the sky…Dwelling at the bottom of the well, dancing before…Tibetan fangs, I am the same! – Blood diving dragons! ! ”

    The three-color hair man is like a madman, the blood of the body is splashed out, and the dragon scales of the whole body gradually become red like a flame. The body is filled with a strong flame energy, and the ground is blackened!

    Gradually in the fear of everyone, the tri-color man became a huge flame Colossal Dragon, not the Colossal Dragon of the Western-winged lizard, but the Divine Dragon in the oriental mythology. Divine Dragon shuttles through the heavens and the earth, such as dreams to attract the general stalwart.


    The sound of the dragon's voice that penetrated the heavens and the earth, as its dragons gradually expanded, the players felt the blood in the body frantically surging, gradually streaming out of the seven scorpions, and finally all the players had to I have a pair of ears.

    The sound of Long Yin rushed to Feng Yu Chen, and then a strong flame gathered in Feng Yu Chen's, like the Divine Dragon's Flame of Heavenly Punishment, the fire of the world! !


    – Just in the split second of the heavenly flame, Feng Yu Chen began to sing –

    LAWAIAS…The Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens ! '

    Feng Yu Chen shouted the real name of split second, the atmosphere shook, heavenly punishment flame and a shield hit together, can not avoid, break through any defense of the heavenly punishment flame is blocked by the huge shield, the dragon's inflammation and high temperature Continue to blow off the surrounding earth –

    At this point, look closely at Feng Yu Chen's forward shield, shaped like a petal, with seven pieces, each of which is enough to rival the ancient walls.

    This projected Treasure Tool is a powerful defensive Treasure Tool used in the Trojan Wars. It is a powerful barrier to overcome the sturdy penetration attack. As long as you use this, it is an invincible barrier Treasure Tool.

    In front of this shield, the rain of fire is bound to be blocked, and Feng Yu Chen is confident that no gun can break through this ultimate defense.

    However, this confidence suddenly vanished.

    Like ridicule, the rain of the heavenly punishment of the flames peeled off the petals one by one.

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