1210. Chapter 1210 Bloodline Fire [true] and [false]

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    [Ten is more rhythm at 12 o'clock in the evening, look forward to it, Mina Sang]

    Dragon Claw Island, Dragon King Hall.

    The man with three-color hair sits on the main hall, and the two columns are full of men and women with dragon scales or dragon horns. A soul dragon swims back and forth across the hall.

    At this moment, the maid of the dragon horn on the head walked into the hall, followed by several men and women, but how to see, these people's legs are trembling.

    "Hey, a group of humble guys, can't perceive a trace of Energy, is this planet too low-level?"

    "That is, the fire is really in this place, the big prince will not detect the error?"

    "Cut, it is very likely that I want the Three Princes to waste Strength?"

    "No, this crucial time, the big prince should not be joking…"

    “There is a planet that is lacking in Energy, and the 'creating' Great Ruler is a drop…”

    "I can't think of it. The island on the other side should be created by the 'creation' Great Ruler. Can it be seen that its vast strength is fictitious?"


    The men and women who stood in the two columns talked about it, but it was just a whisper.

    After the maid of the Emerald Dragon Horn took several men and women to the palace, he said respectfully to the man with three colors of hair sitting on the throne: "His Royal Highness the three princes of AM, a few indigenous leaders whom I have brought back from this world, I can fully find the fire through their strength, in quantitative terms, Or do they have an advantage … "

    “Hey, how can a humble group of people find a fire?”

    The tri-colored hair man is coldly snorted.

    The maid of the dragon horn showed a smile and said: "From their message, I think I have already learned the location of the fire…"


    "What, where?"

    "Quickly say, Marquis of Scarlet, this is a great achievement!"

    "That is, if you can find this type of fire in advance, then Dragon Clan can have two Great Ruler, and it is not necessarily the first force in the universe!"

    "Great, I can find the fire when I first arrive, it is really the noble aura of the Three Princes…"

    "That is, we really have no choice. If we follow the words of the Three Princes, we will be able to climb the peak…"


    be quiet

    The man with three-color hair said coldly, the whole hall was silent, and the sound of breathing disappeared.

    The maid of the dragon horn was greeted with a smile and suddenly showed a dignified expression. "Although I learned the information of the fire, it is necessary to find some time and means to find this kind of fire…"


    The man with three-color hair nodded as expected and said: "Continue to say, what is the hidden truth…I don't believe that the seven-dominated fire can be easily obtained…"

    YesYour Highness and listen to the next…"

    The maid of the dragon horn organizes the language and says: "The 'creative' Great Ruler has left a game in this world, an infinite loop of Dimensional World games, the ordinary people of this world come through the performance and struggle in Infinite World. Get the ability given by the system, there are all kinds of Strength in these abilities, as for the kind of fire –

    There are also, but these fires are divided into a weak Bloodline, even if this weak Bloodline is not available to ordinary players, only those who claim to be king in Infinite World have the organic rate to get Bloodline.

    The humans who have obtained the Bloodline fire now know that there are three human beings, one is called 'Feng Yu Chen', this is the infinite and strongest person, and his men's 'Bai Hun', there is still one. Grab her, called Bing Die…"

    "Oh ?"Yeah?

    The eyes of the tri-color man’s eyes lit up slightly.

    "The only way I want to find a fire is to join this game and compete for the king, and the last victorious person will get a really powerful bloodline fire, and if I don't guess wrong, the most powerful bloodline fire is the ' fire ', with that great the ability to Ruler, Even the other six great Ruler would not be half-dead, want to get her fire, only obey her meaning, participate in the game.

    The big prince seems to be aware of this and feels trouble, so let the three princes come over?

    Probably the situation is like this, what do you do? ”

    The emerald dragon horn maid watched the three-colored man above the main hall.

    "Bloodline fire? Rise to the level of bloodline is not the same, the height of the bloodline represents the height of achievement, the fire into the bloodline of the force, the great Ruler strength is tough, but these fires should only be "false" existence, to be clear, only There is a "true" bloodline can achieve great Ruler, it seems that to get her fire, must participate in this game, then take part in her game, you capture the ' Bing Die '? ”

    The tri-color man seems to have a little interest in Infinite World. The Greatest Ruler in the universe, the Great Ruler, is generally considered to be the founder of the entire universe. The creation of a world of Strength is also possible with this existence. In the first round of the world, experiencing these worlds will be able to exercise the inner strength of the self into the power of steel. This is a rare opportunity.

    "No, the three princes, entering the infinite reincarnation, isn't fate controlled by the 'creation' Great Ruler??"

    "Yeah, we came here, the Great Ruler just didn't want us to interfere with her fire heritage…"

    "This is absolutely impossible, in case…in case of


    The men and women on both sides suddenly moved, and they seemed to want to stop the decision of the three-color man.

    "Revenue and risk coexist. I believe that the Great Ruler will not kill me like this. After all, she should be looking for someone to inherit. Oh, I will let her see that only I can inherit her fire!"

    The tricolor man said.


    The maid of the dragon horn took a girl with black hair and blue eyes from the space and threw it on the ground.

    "It's still a beautiful beauty, huh, huh…"

    The man with three-color hair instantly appeared in front of Bing Die's eyes. The hand held her chin and looked up. The stubborn gaze in the ice-blue eyes, he liked it very much…

    Bah!To kill and kill…"

    Bing Die coldly snorted said.

    "It won't kill you, but it will all deprive you of the infinite power of your body. Don't worry, this King hasn't had a strong idea for you. When you think about the woman who is doing this King, you will be allowed." Be my 103rd king, okay…"

    The tri-color hair man said plainly.

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