1196. Chapter 1196 Divine Dragon Island and Land of Fantasy, collapsed (1)

    [Today's second, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    With the gush of many little Loli, a sleeveless shrine Maiden suit with its shoulders and armpits (sleeves worn in addition), a maiden with a huge bow and hair strap on his head and a tie on his chest, with a hand clinging to the royal coin (note or cloth for God in the Japan Shinto ritual, Strung together hanging on a straight column, folded into a number of glyphs, the shape is simply a stick, wrapped in a note of this thing), slowly suspended above the sky.

    With the advent of the Red and White Shrine Maiden, a huge barrier suddenly covered the entire island of Japan, and all the monsters (should be Little Loli, although some with wings) were isolated from the outside world.

    Red and White men with gold tri-color hair flew out of the Gold beam, frowning at the Red and White Shrine Maiden, and felt a powerful Reiatsu, the atmosphere in the space was a little shaken.

    "Do you want to drink tea? monster

    The first sentence of the girl makes the man with three colors have a feeling of vomiting blood. This guy is too busy to go too far, saying that the pair of cockroaches who just met can still have a leisurely discussion about drinking tea, especially, this guy’s The head is definitely problematic.

    "The weather is good, I want to sleep…"

    Red and White Shrine Maiden stretched out in confusion, seemingly preparing for the ceremony before going to bed.


    Good girl! The sun is covered by Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression). Now it is the dark age. How can there be a good weather? Is this guy really normal?

    "Well, sure enough, come back to you again in the next day, sleepy, I will sleep first, don't mess up…"

    Red and White Shrine Maiden waved the coin in his hand and turned to prepare to walk inside the barrier.

    "WaitIs it the guardian of this world? ”

    The man with three-color hair suddenly lost a bit of calm and stopped Red and White Shrine Maiden.

    "If you say Hakurei big barrier, then it is awkward. Recently, the shrine's incense is so much money…"Red and White Shrine Maiden can't help thinking about some unfair things, such as buying something in an Item store without giving money…

    "Hakurei big barrier, the Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression) array of the world and the outside world, the method is not bad, so that means to destroy you and the existence of this barrier and barrier, you can rule the planet. ?"The three vertical eyes of the man with three-color hair suddenly began to smash, emitting three blushing rays, attacking Red and White Shrine Maiden, Speed ​​is fast and incredible.

    "Ahhhh……Oh, hungry…"

    Red and White Shrine Maiden felt a sense of hunger and couldn't help but squint, and her glimpse of the three blush beams.


    Three ray of light hit the sea above, suddenly arousing a lot of waves.

    "You guy is really lucky, Da☆Ze…"

    At this very time, with long blonde hair and waist, on one side of the braid hanging in front, braided with a bow decoration, wearing a standard black witch dress, on top of which added a white apron, wearing a large black three Kakuzu wizard hat (conical, top tip, bottom wide hat), The hat has a large bow decoration, the color of the bow is white, from the color of the costumes above, compared with red and white Shrine Maiden is a black and white witch.

    The girl's feet stood on a magic broom and looked at the opposite three-color man. I felt a heavy Strength repressing, thinking that Reimu, a laid-back guy, could ignore this tension, no matter what. How to say, the guys in front of me are a bit too strong.

    "Is it coming at night, it seems to be the darkness of the night, so I don't want to let me sleep?"

    A girl with the same blond hair appeared in the space for no reason, holding a huge umbrella in her hand, and the portrait of the clothes wearing the eight trigrams chart was on the forty-five of the "Book of Changes" The vastness of the people can not see the strength and weakness, it seems that it is impossible to distinguish whether it is strong or weak.

    "Yakumo Yukari…You came……"

    Black and white Witch suddenly look at the girl who suddenly disappeared, the tone is not a surprise, but seems to recognize that she will definitely appear in general.

    "How could it not come? The outside monsters are coming to destruction. The Land of Fantasy I created is naturally not polite. Reimu, when you work, retreat to the monster…"Yakumo Yukari looks at Red and White Shrine Maiden.

    "No road race (annoying), old woman…"Red and White Shrine Maiden suddenly confuses his eyes and says bored.

    "Let you confirm it again, I am seventeen!"

    A space suddenly rips open in front of Red and White Shrine Maiden, and the two small hands suddenly pick up the face of Red and White Shrine Maiden.

    PainPainPain, do you want to do it, old woman…"Red and White Shrine Maiden suddenly grinned.

    "It seems that you have not long-term memory. Sure enough, today I want to give you pocket money. It seems that it is still…"Yakumo Yukari seems to be stern, and seems to have a kind of feeling for Red and White Shrine Maiden, which is clearly clear to people.

    "Mm."SOGA, I always remember, purple is always seventeen years old, can you give 100,000? ”

    After hearing the pocket money, Red and White Shrine Maiden decisively gave up the existence of the festival.

    Staring ——

    A black and white Witch next to it can't help but want to vomit, and the exercise is only worth Shuni Maiden of a shrine in the 100,000 garden. Sure enough, today she might as well do mushroom soup, just found a good poison mushroom variety…

    (In other words, this is the place to spit?) Is poisonous mushroom edible? )

    "You are enough, even ignore the existence of this King!"

    The man with three-color hair has a feeling of anger, and the powerful deterrence swells out. The whole space presents a state of super-pressure, and a little muddy, which makes the whole space tremble strongly, and the ocean can't help. A large and small variety of fish that have been killed by pressure.

    "His Royal Highness the Three Princes, the first battle is still to be played by the genius…First come to this realm, the Prince is still a good rest for a while, after all, to maintain the super-dimensional transmission, but the consumption of your considerable energy, the first gathering intelligence, to obtain the fire, that is, with the great Ruler confrontation, the presence of the present is presumably the fall of the great Ruler created, To fight against our strength, in this case, to facilitate the possession of our strength, wisdom is also dragon Clan pride … "A maid with an emerald dragon horn on her head appeared in the behind of the tricolor man.

    "Alright, if you go to collect the situation, it is best to bring back a few humble inferior creatures to torture…"

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