1191. Chapter 1191 The King of Legends and the Waves of History

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    Arturia tonight seemed to be a special match, and Feng Yu Chen slowly stopped the rhythm until near dawn.

    "How do you cooperate today, baby?"

    Feng Yu Chen hand gently soothes the softness of Arturia's slightly bulging, the white enamel is as bright as agate and the light pink snow is so delicate. In these days of the fairy town, there is a feeling of drunken dreams.

    "Don't be baby, listen to the tired people…"

    Arturia curled up in Feng Yu Chen's arms and sucked his breath, slowly said: "That…Discuss something with you…"

    Upon hearing this sentence, Feng Yu Chen frowned and said, "Is it really necessary to leave our children in this world?" Arturia, you have to think clearly, not that I am not convinced. To be honest, this time I came to the world through the strength of Holy Grail, which is the past of the "Holy Grail War" world.

    We are in the past, and once I leave this 'past' with you, then I will always be possible to come back, even to our time, our children may have become a king in history…And we will always be impossible to see him again, he will come over, not now, you know? ”

    "I understand, but our child must be a king. Although I hope my child can live a carefree life, he inherits the blood of our king. Only when he becomes a capable king is him. The road, the Pendragon family is not weak, he has his life and the king to go, I hope he can surpass me…"Arturia's heroic eyes are filled with the king's decision, and the natural king is destined not to be lying in the shackles.

    "Really, I know you will do this…"

    Feng Yu Chen is distressed and scratching his head. His child will be the king of England, and history will definitely change. The history of this "Holy Grail World" will definitely change. What will happen in the end is that he can't predict it. what.

    "Are you promised, Yu Chen?"

    Arturia was delighted to hug Feng Yu Chen's back.

    "Since you made your decision, don't regret it, well, fight to dawn…"

    don’tNo, I…"

    "This is what you promised, come on, for our children…"

    "Ahhhh……You tap it…"


    The hometown of the fairy is isolated from the world. The passage of time is a little different from the outside world. It is the ideal hometown of immortality. In this Everdistant Utopia, Feng Yu Chen and Arturia have spent a year, they also have The crystallization of love.

    "Lancelot, Albert * Wind *pendragon, he will give you, Albert is noble and wise, with the Son of God and the Red Dragon family Pendragon Bloodline, but also will be an excellent and wise king of the top, I hope you can assist him, Let this era unify, let the war disappear from this land, let the country be rich, let the people live and work in peace and contentment … "

    Arturia reluctantly handed the sleeping baby in her arms to Kneel on one knee on the ground.

    "I will live up to the expectations…"

    Lancelot is like holding a Sacred Relic to hold the baby in his arms. This child will become the king of England!

    "The Golden Sword of Certain Victory was handed over to him. Only the descendants who inherited my blood can use this sword of the king of the sea, the new Caliburn, I hope he can create an unprecedented empire."

    The right hand reaches out and the chrome of The Golden Sword of Certain Victory on the back of the hand becomes a golden light that enters the baby's body.

    "Then, the two kings, Lancelot, this is gone, you take care…King Arthur, the tradition of the Knights of the Round Table will be passed on, and your legend will always wander in this era…"

    Lancelot turned and took the boat and slowly left the holy lake.

    Arturia didn't stretch her hand and move forward. The reluctant feeling suddenly made her tears flow. She was not a good mother, she pinned the wishes of the unification kingdom on the body of the newly born child. Is she too ruthless?

    "Well, I have come to this step. I know that today, why should we go back, and the time spent in the past is a little long…"

    Feng Yu Chen holds Arturia in his arms. How is he not reluctant? But he and Arturia's children, the love of two people crystallizes. Over the years, his looks at Arturia's stomach is big, and he has fatherly love. If the mountain is heavy, if you want to give your child more fatherly love, it is different…


    Arturia bit her lip on Fei Yu Chen's shoulder and choked, but she really wanted to bring peace to the world, ending this chaotic era.


    Three days later, Feng Yu Chen and Arturia returned to the world of Holy Grail War. The strange thing is that the time of the world remains at the moment when Feng Yu Chen leaves.

    And the first thing I did back here was —

    Feng Yu Chen and Arturia took a flight to the European Library.

    After arriving in the UK, Feng Yu Chen and Arturia put an unusually rich epic book of Celtic mythology on the table, and read it back to the narrative behind the sword. ——

    "In 537 AD, Battle-of-Camlann was known as King Arthur's last battle. In this battle, King Arthur killed the rebellious Mordred, but he was also fatally wounded. At this moment, God Child, the sea king of Poseidon, who is flattering the hand of God, rides Frost Pegasus to King Arthur and redeems King Arthur with the blood of God.

    The Son of God and King Arthur (King Arthur's identity is a female, the real name Arturia *Pendragon, whose true has been proved by the Guardian Knights Bedivere and one of King Arthur's left-handed Knights, Lancelot, the girl who inherited the throne of the king created a round table The Knights, although at fault, are the only one who can be called the king of the knight.

    –albert * Wind *pendragon, a legendary king of ancient times, holds the caliburn that can manipulate the waters of the universe, unifies the whole of Europe and its regions of Central Asia and North Africa, and in the next 300 years, the top of the world becomes the strongest empire in the world, and for 300 of years, There is no war and smoke, is the most rich and magnificent era in history …

    The legendary King Albert and the royal family in Europe, according to legend, had more than 100 Wang Hao in their reign, and even now there is evidence that Albert's blood is in the Bloodline of many European nobles…"

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