1188. Chapter 1188 Home of the Fairy: Avalon (below)

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    The Pegasus of the ice rushes through the sky, and Feng Yu Chen and Arturia open double-handed like a fairy, inciting the breeze of the day.

    However, when passing through the hill of the sword, the heavy bloody moments made Feng Yu Chen and Arturia frown.

    "The war can't avoid casualties, the pain is born from it, the struggle, the embarrassment, the helplessness. The evil that was born in this era is really deep. Your own efforts are useless…"Feng Yu Chen said slightly, "If you want to continue, I can accompany you to fight in this era. When you are satisfied, I will take you out of here. The purpose of my coming here is to find you and become yours." Guardian knight, your will is my will."


    Arturia shook his head, hid in Feng Yu Chen's arms, said: "I do not want to wade into, although there are still people supporting me in the country, but has experienced, my King's journey is over, now I am your sword, too much nostalgia is not as natural, King Arthur's time to end , there will be a new king to stand up and rule this time, and I am really a little overstretched … "

    "No, you are doing very well, where are we going now?"

    Feng Yu Chen asked, Arturia certainly has her nostalgia in this world?

    "Go to the lake of the goblins and arrive at The Everdistant Utopia, where, under the guidance of Lake Spirit, we form a companion, this is what I want, can I?"Arturia is like a newly married girl who is at the sight of Feng Yu Chen.

    "Land of Fantasy? Yes, then we will be a partner there, please ask the Spirit of the Lake to be our witness…"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded happily, manipulating the ice of the Pegasus over the bloody battlefield, and gradually came to the lakeside of the fairy, which is the lake where the goblin is also the fairy, the vow of victory and the Everdistant Utopia scabbard Avalon From the hands of the lake's fairies, including Lancelot's undestroyed lake light, also Gawain's rotating victory sword is from the Treasure Tool.

    Avalon is surrounded by swamps and fog, and can only be reached by boat. The island is guarded by Spirit. There is no time and no time, everything will not grow old.

    Arturia is able to move on the water because of the blessing of the lake fairy, and Feng Yu Chen naturally knows how to walk on the water. The 'treading water' ability of the ninja in Hokage is used on the water. of.

    The two men gradually set foot on the road to utopia, and the flood of water surface fluctuated in the behind of the two people. As they went, the undulating water surface gradually calmed down, as if there were no traces left.

    The fog enveloped the line of sight, and Feng Yu Chen and Arturia marched without any fear. Gradually, a man in green clothes walked through the fog, smiled at the map at Arturia and said, "It seems that you Put down the identity of the king, and your time is over, regret it? Will you look for Holy Grail again? ”

    "No, from now on, it will be the dream of the famous 'Arturia' girl, who has her knight guarding her in this dream. This time, I am coming, in addition to returning the vow of victory, please also ask you Help us host the wedding, let go of everything in the past and start a new life…"Arturia double-handed holds the vow of victory and gives it to the fairy of the lake.

    The fairy of the lake shook his head and smiled and said: "Your destiny has just begun. Your husband still needs you to fight for him in the future. Excalibur (swearing sword of victory) only you are qualified to hold, this is you s things……"

    "Really?"Arturia looks at Feng Yu Chen, revealing doubts.

    Feng Yu Chen shyly scratched his head and said, "Well, I didn't say it before. I came from a parallel world. In that world, I am also a king. I am facing a crisis and I am moving forward. Sorry, I can't With your lifelong utopia, I have my mission…"

    "Really?" Well, I have the reason to pick up this sword again and fight for my lover. ”Arturia puts aside the sword of the vows in his hand.

    Looks at Feng Yu Chen, the fairy of the lake, said with some surprise, "your body has the legendary strength of the sea Wang Bo, also the power of the special Saint Mark strength, the Lord Saint Mark of Jesus ' foundation, and We have some origins in the spirit of the lake, after all, Poseidon rules the entire waters, and the spirit of the lake is also the people and descendants of Poseidon, so that you can allow you to carry on the land of Fantasy Avalon … "

    “The Golden Sword of Certain Victory in my hands was made with Sea God Trident, but I don’t know if this is the real Sea God Trident?”Feng Yu Chen asked The Golden Sword of Certain Victory.

    "From the strength fluctuation above can feel is the Sea King's strength, but not the complete artifact, should be the Oracle used by Avatar, Poseidon has a lot of avatar, in all parts of the marriage with the beautiful woman, this should be his a hint of divine power to come out, But also very good, this caliburn (the Golden Sword of certain victory) has exceeded the original strength, good use of it, you and the sea God Fate … "

    The fairy of the lake said, turning to the depths of the fog, indicating that Feng Yu Chen and Arturia were keeping up.

    After the Treasure Tool, Feng Yu Chen and Arturia gradually followed the lake fairy through the layers of fog and swamps, and finally came to a dreamy island, one by one, Spirit, playing on the island, no worries, no annoyance, one The green trees cover the entire island, and there is a red apple on the apple tree…

    "The breath of life, the taste of freedom…"Feng Yu Chen can't help but feel the strength of this space.

    "Of course, here is utopia, isolated, no disputed world, come on…"Said the fairy of the lake.

    "Well, come here, you can put down all the troubles here…"

    Arturia took Feng Yu Chen and ran to the Land of Fantasy.

    The island's Spirits look at Feng Yu Chen and Arturia suddenly hide behind the trees and look at them, showing a curious expression.

    Look at these lively Spirits, Feng Yu Chen really can't connect them with the Spirits in the Antarctic forest. After all, he and Esdeath often kill these Spirits in the Antarctic forest.

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