1184. Chapter 1184 The Sword of the Victory (Son)

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    Feng Yu Chen and Arturia stood in front of the blackening of King of Gold. A strong energy wave swayed from the feet of three people, and the dust and gravel surrounding them were blown away.

    "I didn't expect to be against you…"

    King of Gold's dark eyes can't help but look at the companion Feng Yu Chen and Arturia, even if it is idiot, I feel the affection between two people.

    "We are both kings, but now you are manipulating, it is a ridiculously written, King of Gold."Feng Yu Chen said without hesitation, his tone is not ridiculous, but rather sympathetic.

    Interesting…I was concealed by the despicable guy, but although I was under her control, but I was serious about it, I was defeated before, I have no consciousness, it is not true. You, eroded by your own darkness, you are not a true king.

    The duel between us is still valid, to defeat me, the unknown king, let me see your quantity, see if you deserve the Lion King, want to take the woman I want, and take your own strength. It is. ”

    King of Gold coldly snorted said that the behind's space fluctuated drastically, and the dark Treasure Tool was in the air, as if the fins of the sharks that came out of the water were aligned with Feng Yu Chen and Arturia.

    "Don't say that I seem to be your woman, King of Gold, people like you don't deserve to have me!"Arturia frowned.

    "Well, you don't want to be too proud. The world also has something that can't be mastered. Arrogance itself is a kind of original sin. Wang is not alone. Arturia's king's industry is something that can't be understood. It’s just a savage savage. I don’t use the Dark Strength, so I can knock you down!”

    Feng Yu Chen said, lifted The Golden Sword of Certain Victory –

    At the same time, Feng Yu Chen's behind space began to fluctuate, and the Gold Treasure Tool corresponding to the black was in the space of his behind.

    ‘How?’ Wang Zhicai? ”King of Gold can't help but frown at the sight of Feng Yu Chen behind the Treasure Tool. Is this a copy? No, it's a projection. How can he split the second projection so much?

    "Unlimited Blade works, although the projected treasure Tool Energy than the original treasure Tool to drop a level, but it is possible to use it, and in my reality Marble world, projection Out of the treasure Tool, can even be comparable to the original treasure Tool, this is I learned from the dark, although the current study is a bit short, but still able to deal with your ' Treasure of the King ', King of Gold–gilgamesh, hero. ”

    Feng Yu Chen said plainly.

    "Projection magic, but compared to the real thing, your fake is still a bit!"

    Gilgamesh stretched out and behind the behind's dark Treasure Tool attacked Feng Yu Chen.

    “Even if you do, you can take advantage of some of the power of the real Treasure Tool and it will be enough to offset your attack.”

    Feng Yu Chen's Treasure Tool, which manipulates behind, has collided with Gilgamesh's Treasure Tool.


    A piece of Treasure Tool that crashed into the air and hit each other. Although Feng Yu Chen's Treasure Tool was broken, Gilgamesh's Treasure Tool lost its forward strength because of the collision, falling one by one on the ground.


    Gilgamesh suddenly frowned, and Feng Yu Chen's abacus was very loud. Although it was a fake, it also played a real power. His Treasure Tool consumed Energy because of the impact.

    "Well, the prelude to the foreplay is over, let you see my real Strength – straightforward * mirror stop water!!"

    Feng Yu Chen said that his eyes closed slowly and his body fluctuated strangely in the space. As the water surface was washed away, the breeze twitched, and Feng Yu Chen's body trembled as if the wind was over the water. The space fluctuates wildly.

    "What kind of Strength you will show again, you will lose mystery in the face of true power. My Treasure Tool of Treasures of the Treasures can be automatically recycled. It is a good Treasure Tool. When can you support it?"Gilgamesh didn't have any waves, and continued to manipulate a dark Treasure Tool to attack Feng Yu Chen.

    "I will let you see the darkness of the Dark ArcherUnlimited Blade Works before the display of the water. In front of the eyes, I am only the moon in the mirror, the flowers in the water, can not be touched."

    Feng Yu Chen did not panic without any trepidation, letting the Treasure Tool pass by, but he was not attacked by any Treasure Tool!!!

    “How is it possible, so many Treasure Tool?”

    Gilgamesh couldn't help but frown at the sight of Feng Yu Chen. He escaped one of his Treasure Tool attacks. Like the Treasure Tool attack in the dark rain, he didn't even get a little bit of it. Even a high-level battle can't do it. ?

    "Amazed? Your heart is fluctuating, are you not calm? Your proud Treasure Tool has no effect, come up with a real card…"

    Feng Yu Chen slowly strolls on the ground, as if walking in a leisurely place, as the novel often says, 'the flowers are in the bushes, the leaves don't touch the body', and like the lotus's out of the mud, not clear, Not demon 'general, but also like 'waves and oceans, drifting and swaying boats' in general.

    "It seems to have to say that you really understand the instinct of the battle. This kind of battle is the most advanced. Even the most innate people of Innate Skill, the realm of life is also possible!"Gilgamesh can't help but guess that Feng Yu Chen has mastered the ultimate battle.

    "My experience is far more profound than you. I have already traveled more than a dozen Infinite Worlds, and the combat experience is already there!"

    Feng Yu Chen opened his eyes, like a sword, and slammed the sword at Gilgamesh.

    "Yes, whether you are false or true, I will defeat you!"Gilgamesh has a black slashing sword in his hand, and sprints toward Feng Yu Chen. Only in this way is he worthy of being his opponent. The stronger the opponent, the more excited he is after conquest.


    Mars-like shots, darkness and Azure's fight, Feng Yu Chen and Gilgamesh have all come out with all the strengths of the battle, the two people's slaughter gradually evolved more and more intense, the land under the feet collapsed because of the collision of two people .

    Feng Yu Chen didn't use any infinite skills. He was fighting with his own strength. Even without infinite ability, he experienced more than a dozen worlds, and he also had a reason to have to be strong!

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