1165. Chapter 1165 is made of Caster's double position

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    Look at finally can show the girl's emotional blue Saber, Feng Yu Chen can not help but want to let her stay in this world, with him in the world to experience the life that the Cavaliers have not experienced.

    However, it seems that Blue Saber understands Feng Yu Chen's purpose and said in advance: "Just just getting magic, you don't think too much, well, now we are going to the battlefield, I hope they have nothing to do…"


    Amount, Feng Yu Chen's closed mouth, although the two have a relationship, but Blue Saber is a Cavalier after all, she also has her own insistence, although because of this time of contact, she did have some changes, However, Feng Yu Chen wouldn't think she would simply listen to his opinions and then be his little woman, in that case she would not be the Cavalier.

    "Mm."I respect your opinion, no matter what decision you make, I will definitely complete the contract between us, the previous contract, I have no regrets, and you are relieved, I did not use this between us. An intimate relationship to threaten you, you are also a king, you also have your own will…"

    Feng Yu Chen smiled as he pressed Blue Saber's shoulder and walked outside the door.


    Blue Saber thought Feng Yu Chen would dissuade or whatever, but he did not, he blindly pay for her, respect her, for the vows of the contract of no regrets, this is a true knight, her knight Ah, unfortunately untimely, if in the same era, presumably she will and Feng Yu Chen Together, she could be King Arthur on top of her bright side, and she was secretly his woman, who joined forces to preserve England's prosperity and abundance.

    He doesn't have self-criteria like Lancelot, and he doesn't lose himself like Gawain. He is a person who respects her and has his own will.

    Blue Saber decided that during this time, she would deliver the young girl she had never released to him. All she could do was this man who set a life and death contract for him, the man she recognized.

    Under the dawn of dawn, Feng Yu Chen and Blue Saber walked side by side and rushed to another battlefield. In addition to the curse and the contract, they also had a faint and clear feeling, the kind of you. Knowing the emotions I know, I can feel the true heart and thoughts of each other in the opposite direction.

    When it came to the battlefield, the underground sage cup of Ryuudou TEMP (Electromagnetic Pulses) le collected the energy.

    The Red Archer is almost in a state of dying. The silver Saber is not in a good state, and their opponents are four Servant, and there is a tall man. It seems that it is not a hero, but a human state.

    Outside of Feng Yu Chen's alliance, there were four four-part Servant, which had to be said to be an accident, and it still appeared at this time, when Feng Yu Chen and the two Berserker lost both sides.

    A enchantress dressed as a Japanese Sengoku court costume with peach twintails, the unusual beauty, exudes a strong charm, holding a strange mirror in his hand;

    A man with light orange-red hair, seen in green, and holding a crossbow.

    A female magician wearing a cloak wearing a purple magic robe.

    The last one is a man dressed in a Japanese swordsman holding a knife.

    Tohsaka Rin is now being tied to the center of the altar, as if to make a container for the sage cup.


    "It’s finally here, you guys, one person is dealing with a Servant, and the Master is also unusually strong, be careful, hey, you have to settle it!"

    Red Archer felt relieved when he felt Feng Yu Chen and Blue Saber. If they didn't come, they really couldn't resist it.

    "It’s late, the magic circuit will be swallowed up…"

    The cloak female magician said.

    "Really?" Let you understand what is real magic, the rules of space are controlled by me ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's body was instantly transferred to Tohsaka Rin's side, and she took her back to the place and handed it to Tohsaka Sakura.

    "Space magic, how could there be such a magic?"

    For a time, this female magician from the letter full of cloak suddenly shocked at the sight of Feng Yu Chen.

    "When fishing Neon is profitable, I still understand the capabilities and intelligence of the enemy I am dealing with. All the tricks will become the power of the micro-end in the face of absolute power…"

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and held the Golden Sword of Certain Victory in his hand. He came to the Servant of light orange hair and gave priority to the weak guy!


    Space magic made the Servant holding the crossbow instantly fall on the ground.


    But at this moment, the mirror of the enchantress in the peach-colored twintails swayed, and the cross-cut man with the light orange hair that fell on the ground was once again resurrected, and put on a cloak, and the figure dissipated in the space.


    A smashing arrow shot at Feng Yu Chen's behind and plunged into his body. At the moment when the arrow hits the body, Feng Yu Chen's body gradually bursts, and a trace of venom flows from his body…


    Thanks to the existence of Saint Mark and the scabbard of the goblin, otherwise, Fei Yu Chen will burst open, and the role of the arrow will guide the toxins in Feng Yu Chen's body, before "斩*Akame ga Kill!
In the world of the world, Feng Yu Chen was forced to eat a lot of poisonous grass by Altina, where the body gradually possessed a toxic body, but now the accumulated toxins are all guided out!

    "Forgot to say, we are in a coincident double barrier. Two Servants of Caster are placed in this position to make a position suitable for their combat. In this position, the other party is killed. The dead Servant has the resurrection of Strength."Red Archer reminds Feng Yu Chen.

    "You don't say much earlier, It hurts!"

    Feng Yu Chen pulled out the body of the crossbow arrow, this treasure Tool is not strong, so the damage to him is not very big, not to mention the existence of Saint Mark and Goblin scabbard, for a time is not life-threatening, but this crossbow seems to be able to guide the hidden dangers in the people's bodies, in Other words, the more crossbow arrows, the heavier the injury, accumulated down the words, the power even more than a-level treasure Tool is not impossible!

    "That is the bow of prayer (Yew-Bow), which has the strength of the instantaneous increase and the outflow of the pollution accumulated in the target belly. If the object is poisonous, his poison will burst out like gunpowder…"

    Tohsaka Sakura said in a comatose Tohsaka Rin that she had already guessed the real name of Archer who was killed and resurrected by Feng Yu Chen…

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