1156. Chapter 1156 Sword and Frost's Destiny

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    Arturia's brilliant dream ended up with an end. After seeing the victory of a king of knights belonging to Arturia, what Feng Yu Chen saw again was –

    Arturia is doing very well, no, it is doing too well. She effectively destroys the enemy and will minimize the people who will be sacrificed in the war. No matter what the form is, there will be sacrifice if there is war, so she thinks It is necessary to sacrifice beforehand to rectify armaments and to slash the enemy without wasting.

    Actively protect the people, but her knights do not understand, they do not care about a few villages in the war as a result of the destruction or injury, but after all, Arturia is the king, they have to obey, the Knights think that the king should not be too kind, abandon a part of life is a necessary choice, Finally they came to the conclusion that-the king, do not understand the feelings of human beings.

    The first knight left King Arthur. At the same time, the Cavaliers who had dissatisfaction with Wang, because the Cavaliers left, strengthened their resentment. They forced many foreign enemies and domestic problems as her responsibility and forced her. ……

    But Arturia will not change her mind even if she is alienated, feared, or betrayed…Because, she understands that at the moment she set aside Sword in the Stone, it was already doomed. From the time she was determined to pull up the sword, she gave up her feelings…

    Constantly working hard, being hated, being betrayed, even if the love of the people is better than the state, it is not known, it has always been regarded as a ruthless king, without compensation, and is not understood, on the sword hill that is red-stained, She is constantly being isolated and betrayed, she is welcoming death…

    In the end, Arturia was betrayed by the country and the people. On the dying day, she sent out her emotions – "To defend the country is the responsibility of being a king, but I can't help myself, at least I have to re-elect a suitable king…"

    Even at the last moment of her life, she is still paying for the country and the people!

    "wrong……wrong……This is all wrong! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's heart is like being punctured. This kind of dream, he doesn't want to see it again, no, probably the real pain for this?

    As she struggled with consciousness, Feng Yu Chen gradually woke up. At this time, he found himself hiding in a quilt, while Blue Saber (Arturia) stood outside the window and looked outside.

    "Is your body okay?"Feng Yu Chen reacted and asked Blue Saber.

    "Well, your blood has saved me again. Should you call you now – Master?"

    Blue Saber turned and nodded.

    "No, continue to call me Ice Lancer, Arturia…"Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but call out the name in the dream.

    "Do you know?"

    Blue Saber couldn't help but ask, although the memory of Master and Servant has the same possibility, but I learned about her past so quickly, which is really too adaptable.

    "Well, Blue Saber, you have paid enough. Wang chose the country and the people, but the country and the people have betrayed you. For this reason, you have lost the wonderful time you should enjoy as a girl, and have given everything, already enough. It!"

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but hold Blue Saber in his arms and see such a dream. How much do he want to protect this girl with a strong inner heart but weak?

    Abandoning everything, the return is actually despair and loneliness, this result is too bad!


    Blue Saber squatted down, she felt a little uncomfortable feeling, was hugged by a man in her arms, why have had such an experience, although this embrace is very warm, but she is not enjoying this gentle time, she wants to get Holy Grail, re-doing the king's choice and choosing a real king.

    Feng Yu Chen was pushed away by Blue Saber.

    "You can eat, two, if you get up, just go down to eat…"

    The voice of Tohsaka Rin came from outside.

    "Well, ice Lancer, eat it, and then it will be a battle. I will become a sword of shackles and open up a victory. I don't have the weakness you think, those comforts…I am very grateful, but I need Holy Grail. ”Blue Saberbody put on the armor and walked to the door.

    Feng Yu Chen nodded, so split second, he was impossible to convince her, but he would do everything to make this sad girl truly feel happy and happy –

    "Arturia, let's make the appointment -"

    Said, Feng Yu Chen condensed the ice blade to cut a bloody mouth on the thumb of his right hand –

    "Here, I, gambling on all the glory and destiny will surely make you get the perfect destination, whether it is Holy Grail or everything, I swear, take it for you, God blocks the gods, the magic smashes the devil, violates The swearer of fate, the soul is ravaged by hell, dead without life!"


    Blue Saber is at the sight of Feng Yu Chen. If this is the vow of the gods, then the cost of this oath is too great. Just watching her past, will pay for her all this, it’s a kind Master…

    "Worth it?"Blue Saber can't help but ask.

    "It's worth it, come to the contract…"

    Feng Yu Chen threw the ice blade to the blue Saber.

    "Well, don't regret it, Master!"

    Blue Saber took the ice blade and slashed it on his right thumb. He was paired with Feng Yu Chen's thumb.

    "Here, I, gamble on all the honors and destinies, become the sword of the people in front of me, driven by them, my sword and the shackles, my destiny and deeds, against the fate of the vows, the soul of hell Disaster, death and no life!"

    At this moment, a huge Azure magic array wrapped Feng Yu Chen and Blue Saber, and some vows can really take effect, especially in this magical world, some have adopted the contract of soul, life and the like. Will follow the contractor's spiritual and will produce effect, this is a non-violation vow, it will really take effect.

    In other words, Feng Yu Chen and Blue Saber are together at this time, and either of them will bear the real curse against the contract and the oath.

    "You really want to find a burden for yourself…"Blue Saberlooks at the flashing contract magic array, could not help but shake his head, this kind of contract magic array can only be activated from the bottom of the heart to recognize, in other words Feng Yu Chen is really willing to give everything for her.

    "You just think I'm crazy … looks at you so lonely girl, don't want to let you too lonely …"

    Feng Yu Chen has no regrets. He also understands the importance of this contract. As long as he is in this world, he will be bound by the contract, but no regrets and no regrets!

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