1137. Chapter 1137 Holy Grail Battles Maximum Cheat

    [Today's sixth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    The attack of the beast Lancer is like a storm, and the attack is sharp to the extreme. If it is Athena, it is definitely not a problem. After all, the ahoge that presses Zhao Yun is not generally powerful.

    However, Feng Yu Chen is still supported, and as if he is happy in it, Feng Yu Chen's shooting method is getting more and more sophisticated through such a battle between life and death, and some memories are in mind about Zhao Yun. The shooting method is gradually becoming comprehensible, and his rhythm begins to keep up with the beast Lancer.


    In a violent impact, Feng Yu Chen and the beast Lancer retired from each other. The two men were consumed a little by the rushing fighting endurance. They have been fighting so much, and the consumption of magic is quite large.

    "Have you been a guy with this means?" How do I feel that your gunplay is growing fast, is it looking at me? ”The beast Lancer took Feng Yu Chen's rushing gunplay as a small look at him and refused to come up with real strength.

    As a hero, naturally understand the pride of heroes, some heroes in the face of weak people are willing to compress their strength to the same strength as their opponents to fight, which is often said in Europe-Knight spiritual, Knight Eight virtues are humility (humility), honesty (honesly), Mercy ( Compassion), Bravery (Valor), Justice (Justice), Sacrifice (sacrifice), Honor (Honor), Soul (spirituality).

    Among them, mercy is the existence of this spiritual, merciful and weak, fighting in a fair and just manner, not strong bullying.

    But this kind of meaning is an insult to the beast Lancer. After all, he hopes that Feng Yu Chen can come up with real strength to fight…


    At this time, a light and crisp sound came out, and a student with short orange hair stood at the roof of the roof.

    Apparently the battle between Feng Yu Chen and the beast Lancer was seen by this student.

    The most crucial one in the Holy Grail War is to maintain a minimum of mystery. Simply put, this battle cannot be known to ordinary people.

    "Ordinary people! Cut

    The beast Lancer waved the rifle in his hand, giving priority to this male student with short orange hair.

    "Call ~~~~~~"

    Feng Yu Chen breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head. If this clumsy orange-red boy did not appear, the beast Lancer would have used the Strength of the Treasure Tool? In that case, it was really troublesome. He was not releasing water, but the real gunplay was not proficient, but through this battle, his gunplay clearly showed obvious growth.

    After walking down the corridor, Feng Yu Chen saw the orange-haired man on the ground.

    "There was a victim…"

    The girl in the black twintails ran over, and the confused Athena squinted step by step.

    "Should it be a student of this school? Give up, see the battle between us, and have not allowed him to survive! ”Feng Yu Chen said with a frown, if the beast Lancer does not shoot, he must have shot it. The rules are rules and cannot be broken.

“……Do you? Why, you will…"

    Twintails girls can't help but widen their eyes.

    At this time, the boys on the ground fell to the ground and still felt a bit unwilling to make a bite, and did not hesitate to touch the twintails girl with a double-handed touch of full health liquid.

“……Forging the damaged internal organs and substituting them, I hope to completely repair the heart during this time…"

    Twintails girl biting her teeth and taking out a ruby ​​pendant, squatting in front of the fallen boy and starting to use some kind of repair magic…


    Feng Yu Chen suddenly frowned.

    Archer shook his head and blocked Feng Yu Chen, saying: "Although my master is very stubborn, but as her servant, I will still respect her decision, there is this time, you might as well go after that Lancer, may be able to know his hiding place, So it's not a very good time to find his master and even find his fetters and double blades? ”


    Feng Yu Chen snorted and turned around and said: "Only this time, the next is not an example. I will see that this kind of thing does not happen on the top of the double-edged blade, but…My patience is also limited, don't let me kill you! ! ”

    For a time, the entire corridor was filled with cold and murderous machines. After twelve worlds, Feng Yu Chen's strength was sealed again. The killing intent contained in the body is also endless like the sea. Just murderous aura can cause ordinary people to collapse during the period. !


    Feeling this murder, Archer and twintails girls can not help but shake the body, this guy is definitely not kidding.

    Archer couldn't help but sigh. His Master really had to find trouble for himself. He clearly set a double-edged sword, but it was a destruction contract for an ordinary person. It was really self-willed. Fortunately, Feng Yu Chen was kind. However, the thick murderous aura that has just been used can no longer be called ordinary. To some extent, even Shinigami is probably this level?

    After the release of murderous aura, Feng Yu Chen gradually convergent breath, the body instantly in the space invisible, chasing the Beast Lancer Mercedes past, his stealth skills are very powerful, absolutely can silently chase this beast Lancer, at the same time Byakugan To be able to see all the circle of 1-kilometer, can clearly capture the magic flow of the Beast Lancer, so that naturally can find his hiding place.

    With the gradual chase, in the end, Feng Yu Chen found a major secret, Lancer Master in Holy Church, by all accounts, after the completion of the shackles of the two-edged assignment, you master should be looking for their own fetters double-edged, In front of this lancer is not infinator servant, then is the world's master of the servant, so that, at this time holy Church only one guy in, that–religious father absolutely there is a problem!!

    Nearer distance, Feng Yu Chen didn't follow up, just saw that religious father seemed to communicate with the beast Lancer. In this case, everything might be true. The religious father who is the supervisor is actually a master. So, isn't he the biggest Cheat of this Holy Grail War?

    No, if he is a Master, will the sacred hall let him be the supervisor?


    Well, there are only two possibilities,

    [1] This religious father cooperates with the master of the beast Lancer;

    [2] This religious father used a special ability to capture the master's spell of the beast Lancer!

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