1135. Chapter 1135 Two La

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    "Take out the bow of the dragonfly. This should be a courtesy. Come on, I will wait for you to take out the weapon…"

    Feng Yu Chen waved his rifle sharply, standing on the sidelines, and the body burst into a chill.

    Archer didn't care about the two swords that Fei Yu Chen flew out, double-handed a grip, and once again gathered in front of the strange black and white short knife.

    "Is this kind of weapon again? Is this your Treasure Tool? Even if it is a baby, the number is more than one.

    The so-called servant refers to the death of the hero, the spiritual sublimation and the spirit, the same people, in other words, is close to the Devil, the Angel category, although we are strong familiars, but our strongest weapon is the ' Hero's certificate ', that is, known as ' Treasure Tool ' Magic item, ' Treasure Tool ' is a weapon or armor that servant used to be a hero, as a ' last resort ' thing, and for servant, ' Treasure Tool ' is a unique arm, and that's because treasure Tool itself is the ultimate weapon that cannot be replaced.

    And your double-knife of this strange appearance can be repeated. It seems that it should not be a real 'baby', but an alternative constructed by a magic loop. Is it the existence of fake products?

    Fighting with such weapons, do you want to hide your real 'Treasure Tool' bow? However, it is not bad to be able to fight me with such an alternative weapon. But, if you don’t take out the cards, I will liberate the 'real name'. You should understand what I mean? ”

    Feng Yu Chen squats, double-handed Holding the Frost gun, it seems to be preparing for some kind of surgery.


    Archer's mouth Kakuzu gently raised and waved his double knife and said, "Is your gun really your Treasure Tool? It should also be an alternative. Although Frost's Strength is really frozen, my body is chilling, but this seems to be just the physical physique of your body? Instead of Treasure Tool, in other words, as long as you want, you can have a Frost bow, a Frost sword, a Frost axe…"

    "Oh, you will understand soon. If this is the case, I will launch a real attack. I hope that you will not die under my murder…"

    Feng Yu Chen's all over the place, the Frost was cold, and the entire roof seemed to have a layer of Frost. Then, Feng Yu Chen sang in a majestic manner –


    A-strong-man-will-destroy, this-is-the-law-for-the-world…Is-the-inevitable-fate-God-set-the



    (Terminator…God of ice…Let me breathe in the air…Give me a colder cry than death

    The singer is the rule of the world…Inevitable housing for God

    If the water flows down…Take all the lives

    If time is also frozen…Show the world where everything is still))"

    As Feng Yu Chen's sang, the entire roof was gradually frozen, a trace of snow fell from the sky, the world fell into silence, the surrounding environment was gradually changed, and the surrounding scene gradually changed. ……

    And this change is gradually becoming stronger with Feng Yu Chen's singing.

    At the same time, the twintails girl and Archer were shocked at the same time –

    "WaitYou won't come really? Is this the Reality Marble world? Magic with its own vision, can change the space around it into your own space! ”

    The twintails girl suddenly reached out and stopped it. This is not a joke. The Frost Lancer in front of me is not the Treasure Tool, but the more powerful existence of Reality Marble. The ultimate Treasure Tool called Servant is also called His position.

    Reality Marble world can have the magic of their own heart like the landscape, this thing once launched, will make the surrounding space change into a completely different landscape, the heart like the landscape of the present, in the other words Reality Marble World is in the realm of the same situation to replace themselves with the world, At this time, their own and the size of the world will be replaced, the world is completely locked into a small container, this small world is the world egg, but also become the name of the theory.

    And Feng Yu Chen's Frost, which changes the environment, is probably understood by twintails girls as a sign of using Reality Marble.

    However, this split second, Feng Yu Chen did not listen to the twintails girl, but teleported to the side of the water tower –

    Above the water tower, a guy with a bloody rifle, more than ten meters away from Feng Yu Chen, the guy looked down at at Feng Yu Chen, the body was covered with a dark blue armor that was not noticeable at night, and the mouth Kakuzu hoisted slightly. It’s not an elegant laugh, but a ridiculous laugh. The body is like a beast in the wind…His sight is cold…

    "Hey, how do you stop, continue? I want to search for your identity from the Treasure Tool in your Reality Marble world. It is also Lancer. I am very interested in you, hey, hurry up and that. Archer's battle, let me fight it!"The blue armor is like a beast-like fierce man with Feng Yu Chen as a friend, but his words can only make people think that he is actually eager to fight, this is just a familiarity of the beast before the killing. Feeling it.

    "Since you are here, I don't have to show the Treasure Tool. Although it is fighting with Archer, after all, we are double-edged. Even if the Treasure Tool and the real name are known, it doesn't matter, although it can't be completely believed, but He can still believe it than other Servant, and you, huh, I really believe it…"Feng Yu Chen instantly took all the Frost's interest into the body, and the atmosphere calmly said.

    "Really?" Then, Lancer, come and compare with me, but I really want to fight with the heroes of the same rank. See if I am the strongest Lancer. We are also gunmen. This is doomed to be our opponent. That's it! ”

    The scarlet gun in the blue beast's beast man's hand instantly clenched and slammed against Feng Yu Chen…

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