1127. Chapter 1127, Black Cloud Control / Seven Snake Disk / Snake Symbol

    [Thanks for the radish, Imβios, sleepy = _= children's shoes, but also 2 tickets plus more, everyone is working hard, today is the first to send, ask for a monthly ticket to seek a referral ticket]

    Even if Feng Yu Chen knows that the identity of Lancer is Zhao Yun, he can't get better game information and strategy. Although he understands some of its legendary things, it is a legend, there is no real knowledge, so this situation only Can let the situation develop.

    The only thing that can be used is the character of Zhao Yun's Guardian. The long sloping slope protects the young master Liu Chan from killing and killing, and the life and death are not saved, and one is bold, and the sinister one knows.

    It is a person who can die for the Master, but Feng Yu Chen is disdainful to use it. Let him kill Qin Hailu. How is this possible? How to say this is also a crush of people who did not enter Infinite World, and even if the current situation changes, this relationship fades, but the two are also dead parties, friends.

“? Ya

    Athena’s shots at Zhao Yun’s guns and phoenixes are simply unavoidable. It’s like a fire phoenix with a group of birds. It’s not ordinary Strength, but she didn’t give up. Resistance.

    In addition to thunder and lightning, Athena can control the dark clouds!

    In an instant, a cloud of dark clouds descended from the sky and gathered on Athena's rifle. It began a violent storm of dark clouds. Among them, there was lightning swaying, as if it were the wrath of the gods, and the majesty was like a prison!

    Feng Yu Chen was only defeated by the force of this storm, too strong Strength, this little ahoge is really strong.

    At this time, Athena, the long-gun and Zhao Yun's long guns were struck together. The dark storm and the birds rushed together, and there was a strong impact storm. The two Strength battles suddenly exploded and fought. The two Lancers were shaken back to the rear.

    Even seeing Athena's moves, Qin Hailu still unable to guess what Athena's identity was, which fell into the impossible to come up with a perfect battle plan, after all, to deal with some of the European legend of the mythical characters, only to understand their past also their weaknesses to be able to fight effectively, otherwise, to Zhao Yun's strength, though very powerful to ordinary people, is simply not the same as dealing with the mythical existence.

    "Hey! Hey! ”

    Zhao Yun's body is glittering with a trace of electro-optic light, which is the lightning that was poured into the body just after the impact. Athena's lightning, no matter how he attacks, as long as it is connected with Athena's attack, it will be lightning. It’s against him when he invades and fights for a long time.

    But after all, Zhao Yun is a smart man. This time, he probably analyzed some things. The only thing that can be judged is that when Athena is attacking, the lightning is only part of the rifle, which does not have lightning. In other words, as long as it hits her body, but it is not so easy to hit Athena's body. All that can be done is –

    In the next moment, Zhao Yun, who had no rest, launched the attack again. His body was like the Flying Dragon of the action, and he could not accurately capture the figure. In the split second close to Athena, the gun in the air was connected seven times in the air. This seven-point star seems to have gathered into a hovering snake and bite it toward Athena!

    Seven Coiled Snakes Visiting Spear ! !



“? Ya

    Athena easily grabbed Zhao Yun's gun blade in the palm of his hand and said confusedly: "Wow, I thought it was a snake. I didn't think it was a gun, it was a good heart…"


    Feng Yu Chen, Qin Hailu, Zhao Yun Three people on the forehead suddenly had a sweat, this little ahoge is fighting or sleeping, and confused, but in this confused state can catch Zhao Yun, the gun that can't be caught, is really not something that ordinary people can do…

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but think of the symbol of Athena's representative. One of them is the snake. Zhao Yun's weird gunplay 'Seven Coiled Snakes Visiting Spear' seems to have no effect on Athena.

“? Ya

    The confused Zhangba slammed his mouth. The Apollo's long shot split second pierced Zhao Yun's chest, without any hesitation, as if she was calculating, waiting for Zhao Yun to attack, grab his rifle, then This strategy is indeed feasible when you attack in an instant.

    But, really, is that so?

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head, this innocent little ahoge is not a strategy, but is really dozing off, this guy can act normally even if he is dozing off, hehe.


    Lightning general spear pierced Zhao Yun's chest, and lightning entered the body of Zhao Yun, instantly guiding a giant thunder from the sky to completely blast Zhao Yun on the ground.

    There is no hesitation in the shot, Athena little ahoge is definitely fighting in earnest, well, the dozing in battle is just a habit.

    "Number 007 is a success with Number 049, and a special reward spell gets one…"

    In the next moment, Feng Yu Chen did not have time to communicate with Qin Hailu and was transferred to the original conference room. At this time, he was the only one who ended the battle.

“? Ya

    Athena's confused Zhangba took a small mouth and smashed Feng Yu Chen's clothes and said, "Master, eat a tyrannosaurus…"


    "You have to wait…"Feng Yu Chen patted Athena’s little shoulder and said, “It’s over for a while, there may be things announced, wait for the moment.”

“? Ya

    Athena dissatisfied with a small mouth, a small tiger tooth exposed, said: "Master is also fragrant, can you eat?"

    "Eat your sister!"

    Feng Yu Chen glanced at Athena, remembering that when Athena slept in her arms and slept in her chest, did she really think of herself as a delicious thing?

“? Ya

    Athena nodded confusedly and said, "Well, I know…"

    It must be a casual deal! Absolutely not understand!

    Feng Yu Chen can't help but sigh, the next time I have to feed this guy, otherwise, maybe it will really bite him, hehe…

    Altina looks at Feng Yu Chen and Athena in the appearance of intimate exchanges, the eyes Kakuzu can not help but flash a hint of envy, but she understands that she is not qualified to show any feelings of her, able to looks at Feng Yu Chen Step by step growth, she has Very happy, from the moment she owned intelligent, she never thought that there would be infinite players will like her, she only only herself is a system item, but he let her understand, it turns out that she also has the power to love and be loved …

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