1123. Chapter 1123 My Spirit is impossible so cute!

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    Lancer, Feng Yu Chen's Servant's rank is the gunman, that is, the gun knight, but the look of the girl is not like Athena's look → _ →

    However, the heroic heroic spirit is constantly impacting Feng Yu Chen's soul.

    That is, the lightning-like tip of the gun, its sharpness seems to be the tip of the gun that is shot for puncture the heart. If he tries to avoid it, it is meaningless.

    The gun held by the girl in her hand is like a lightning-like glory. It is not captured by the human eye. If she wants to run through this body, then she must not be able to avoid it.

    At the same time, the young girl's shiny armor issued a heavier sonorous sound than the steel, usually with gorgeous no armor, at this time wrapped in the girl's body, the armor in the dark environment and breath appears so gorgeous brilliance, this gorgeous seems not to have the armor, But its maiden knight, who wears it, has the beautiful qualities that make that armor sound like a silver bell.

    "Follow your call, and this One's sword is with you, and your destiny is in keeping with This One–here, the contract is complete!"

    The silver bell of the girl generally scratches the darkness in this space.

    "What is the gun in your hand? Not a sword? ”Feng Yu Chen Tucao, well, probably want to use this opening to break through this too serious occasion?

    "The gun in the hand, the sword in the heart, the gun is the pawn of the killing, the sword is the soldier of glory, the gun in the hand is the battlefield for the Master, and the sword in the heart is the guardian glory of the Master."The girl's silver bell is generally a serious voice, unusually sweet, and people can't hear any serious meaning. Without any algae's light words, there is no hindrance through the chest.

    But what makes Feng Yu Chen more eye-catching is that every time this guy says a word, the ahoge on his head sways. Is this serious or acting cute?

    "Speak, do you know who you are?"Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but ask.

    "As the Master of This One, don't you know my roots?"The silver-haired girl's ahoge trembled, and the pupil's emerald gem flashed a glimpse of it – SOGA, the original caller was an idiot…


    Absolutely despised, no mistake, Feng Yu Chen can be sure that the ahoge silver-haired girl is absolutely despising herself.

    "Are you not intelligent and war goddess Athena?"

    In the end, Feng Yu Chen still asked.

“? Yawo yong yuan zai ni de shen bian

    Ahoge silver-haired girl made a confused voice, but it sounded like a sweet song. She slammed the rifle on the floor and stretched out the slender hand. According to her face, "This One doesn't know oh…"


    I am down~~~~

    Feng Yu Chen sighed and patted his forehead and said, "Don't you know?"

“? ~Ya……(^o^)/……"

    Ahoge silver-haired girl with a soft waist, once again made a sigh of relief, said, "This One agrees with you…"


    Well, Feng Yu Chen can already be sure, this guy is definitely acting cute, and every time he speaks, he makes the voice of the singer. Especially, this guy is a teenage girl, wrong, should Did you wake up? Is it definitely a confused state?

    There are too many slots, and Feng Yu Chen doesn't know how to vomit. Now he can be sure that this girl in front of her is definitely acting cute. Well, um, her rank is not Lancer, but Meng…

    "Well, do you have any impression of your past?"Feng Yu Chen calmed down and asked.

“? YaOne by one +…o_O……:-O…"

    After sending out a representative buzz, the girl made a variety of expressions such as blinking eyes and so on to act cute. After that, she finally came to the conclusion, "I still can’t think of it, sure enough, because Master is yours. The sense of being is too low-key, people can't think of any memory…No, is it too much to hurt Master's weak mind? ”

    "My sense of existence is low-key, and has something to do with your memory. Also, can you not slap the acting cute and add the spit when you are talking? Are you the spirit of acting cute?"Feng Yu Chen feels that this special feature is definitely not Athena. It must be Laura*Stuart. The goods are pitted, and your sister’s, originally thought to be able to summon a powerful spirit, did not want to summon a The cute guy, saying, is this the rhythm of the mascot?

“? YaLa

    The girl continued to slam the silver bell, and the ahoge on her head swayed around, then nodded and scorned at the sight of Feng Yu Chen and said, "You are an idiot…"


    "Special, you are idiot…"Feng Yu Chen lowered his arms and sighed. He decided to give up treatment. He was not saved. He summoned a drag bottle…

“? YaHolmium

    The girl held her arms, and she stayed on her head twice, closing her eyes and confidently saying, "Master, rest assured, although you are an idiot, but there is a contract, slimming will protect you… …also, summoning the spirits requires a certain magic reserve. The reason why This One has no memory is because your ability to supply cannot keep up…According to This One, 汝's magic reserve is not bad, but because the existence of This One is too great, this magic is also a drop in the bucket, so you can rest assured that you can summon This One, even if it is idiot Also excellent idiot…"

    "I solemnly declare that I am not idiot! Is the idiot speciality also excellent? I am not a good idiot, do you want too much slot? →_→”Feng Yu Chen vomited heavily and turned and began to walk out the door.

“? YaNA

    The girl looks at Feng Yu Chen's body, suddenly pulled out the long gun inserted on the ground and walked out with Feng Yu Chen behind.

    The moment that comes out of the room –

    "Hey, Number 007 completes the call of the Spiritual Contract, giving the curse…"

    The system prompts that Feng Yu Chen understands that he has summoned the success. Now, it is also impossible to change the Servant. There is no time to find the catalyst of the Yingling contract items. Really, the summoned Lancer has no memory, only Can be seen from the form that she is Lancer.

    At this time, in front of Feng Yu Chen, more than 30 Infinators have come out. In other words, the failure rate is more than half of Gundam. The players who have not completed Quest have probably failed. Among them, Zi Yueling and Miao Yiyi failed among people familiar with Feng Yu Chen. Bing Die, Bai Hun, No. 8 (Number 100), Qin Hailu, Suzumiya Haruna and others were successful.

    Zi Yueling and Miao Yiyi both failed. In other words, the spirit contract items they were looking for did not work. It seems that it is not a cultural relic and can be used as a summoner.

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