1119. Chapter 1119 divine shield Ezes

聽聽聽聽[Today's third, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

聽聽聽聽After entering the world of Magic Index (World), Feng Yu Chen first visited Misaka Misuzu with Misaka Mikoto, but the meeting between Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Misuzu was a bit embarrassing because Misaka Mikoto was on the side, two Personal performance is somewhat cautious.

聽聽聽聽"Mom, would you like to live in this world?"Misaka Mikoto can't help but say that after the world is connected to the world of Magic Index (World), Misaka Mikoto feels that it is better to get her mother to the world.

聽聽聽聽"Well, well, I have to go to school in this world. Will it be 'interfering with your life' in the past?"Misaka Misuzu can't help but say, indeed, if the two places are separated, she doesn't have to think about it any more. After all, there is no need to meet Feng Yu Chen.


聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen can't say 'come over,' and so on. After all, if it is misunderstood, it will be troublesome. The previous two people have had such a thing, and if they really live together, between him and Misaka Misuzu. If there is any intimate move seen by Misaka Mikoto, it will definitely…


聽聽聽聽"You guy, don't you say anything?"Misaka Mikoto suddenly touched Peng Yu Chen's chest with his elbow, indicating that he would also persuade.

聽聽聽聽"That oh…You talk, I have something to go to Europe…"

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen suddenly went out with a smile and stayed behind. He was afraid that he would reveal the stuffing, or solve the catalyst first.

聽聽聽聽After arriving at Tokyo Airport, Feng Yu Chen took a plane to London, England. This time, he met with Archbishop Laura Stuart of Anglican Church and asked some of her catalysts from her mouth.


聽聽聽聽Anglican Church, St. George's Cathedral.

聽聽聽聽Slowly pushed the threshold open and walked into the teaching, a girl with long blond hair was praying.

聽聽聽聽鈥淗ey, what kind of wind, blowing Your Excellency God Child over? You have turned away an important member of my church (meaning Kanzaki Kaori)…"

聽聽聽聽Feeling the vibration of the threshold, the girl with long blond hair stood up and looked at Feng Yu Chen's figure.

聽聽聽聽"Cut, don't pretend, you brought my home Kanzaki not tempted to come back, she is working now? CutFeng Yu Chen couldn't help but smash the skin with clear white eyes, clear blue eyes and shiny golden hair. The necessary evil church archbishop Laura Stuart, really, when I came back, I found his Kanzaki. Being tempted to perform Quest in the world of Magic Index (World), saying what to protect Index's, really…

聽聽聽聽"Oh, Your Excellency God Child destroyed the science side, but the battle on the magic side is still not over. Index was involved in the Roman Catholic Church incident some time ago. Call Kanzaki back to help, oh yeah, really. It鈥檚 a terrible person, do you want me to tell Kanzaki that you are indecent?鈥滾aura*Stuart stood up and gestured to signal Feng Yu Chen to sit down and talk.

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen was sitting on the bench and said: "You are a gift!" The wicked first complained, hehe…Forget it, let my family Kanzaki go back soon, if she is injured, I will not let you go…"

聽聽聽聽"Well, well, with the deterrence of Your Excellency God Child, the Roman Catholic Church did not dare to act too arrogantly. The huge dark Colossal Dragon really shocked everyone a few days ago…Want to drink coffee, like bitter or sweet…"Laura*Stuart waved her hand to the table on the side to make coffee.

聽聽聽聽"You are really laid back, making coffee in the church…Come to the cup, the coffee is sweet, but it will be fascinating…"Feng Yu Chen shook his head and said, it was a leisurely guy.

聽聽聽聽After Laura*Stuart had made a cup of coffee, she picked up a cup and placed it in front of Feng Yu Chen's. She sat next to him and asked and tasted it.

聽聽聽聽"Your Excellency God Child, what do you want to get to this door?"

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen did not hide anything and said: "Next, I want to enter a dimensional world, the rule of the world is to be able to summon a hero in myths, legends and so on, of course, not in the form of entities, but in the style of yingling, But summon them to need a catalyst associated with them, so I want to come to you and ask, is there such a thing? 鈥?/p>


聽聽聽聽Laura*Stuart pondered and said: "It seems to be similar to some of the spirits, and if the selected items are wrong, the spirit will fail.

聽聽聽聽As far as I know, the spirit of the spirit, that is, its great achievements have remained as legends after death, and the heroes who have become faith objects have become. In general, Yingling is called by the world as a Strength that protects humanity.

聽聽聽聽However, some existences are the existence of fantasy species. Even if the cross is taught, other legends cannot be verified, but as long as the existence of a belief exists, they can be summoned, although the expoation is a hero who gathers faith after death. It becomes a being, but even if it does not exist, heroes such as myths and legends are born by gathering faith. In addition, some contracts were concluded with the world before his death as a price to become a spirit after death.

聽聽聽聽In this way, you should use the incomparably powerful Strength. Under normal circumstances, human beings cannot summon these existences. So,

聽聽聽聽Your Excellency God Child, do you want to summon a formal spirit, or a fantasy? 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽After listening to the analysis of Laura*Stuart, Feng Yu Chen understands that there is nothing wrong with his choice. This woman is definitely rich in experience. Although it is sometimes unclear about good and evil, it can be said to be very useful. Communicator.

聽聽聽聽"Fantasy, ordinary existence, I basically can't see it, intercept it from myths and legends, right, the Attribute between the spirit and the summoner, that is, the Servant and the Master are similar. My character is probably a camp that has both a good camp and a bad camp. In most cases, order is good, evil is just a hidden order. Probably, it should be – chaos * good camp?"Feng Yu Chen thought and said, telling Laura* Stuart what she could think of, let her help.

聽聽聽聽"Well, I probably understand…"

聽聽聽聽Laura*Stuart gradually came to some conclusions and said: "This is the case, you get two things, the same is to project the artifact into your body – the divine shield Ezes, this thing is currently In the temple of Greece, I don鈥檛 know which temple is there, and there are two kinds of artifacts. Which one needs your own judgment, but I can tell you the shape of it.

聽聽聽聽The Greek legend was made by Hephaestus with the fur of Amalthea (a mythical ewe, once given to Zeus goat milk), and its four Kakuzu falls with fear, battle, fierceness, tracking, etc. More on the head of Medusa (Medusa), so that anyone seeing this shield will become fossils. 鈥?/p>

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