1110. Chapter 1110 Recurrent Peeling

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    Faust was shocked to look at the huge monster in front of him, like the powerful appearance of Demon God, behind with three swords, the dark energy makes people look very frightened, if it is standing outside, Faust will definitely be scared Breathing, but in the body of the Dragon Knight with enhanced armor, he is not afraid of magic.

    "In front of the multi-Rome* Dragon Knight, your magic is more powerful and useless for it!"Faust confidently laughed and said that the Dragon Knight was suddenly attacked by Susanoo in front of him, and a huge beam of light sprang from the mouth of the steel Dragon Knight.


    Feng Yu Chen screamed and manipulated Susanoo to pull out the behind's red sword and collided with Dragon Knight's beam of breath. At this moment, something strange happened, and the huge beam was smashed by the blushing sword. The interference, the beam suddenly hit a corner towards Feng Yu Chen's next to the fight!

    White Sword is Yang release, Black Sword is yin release, as for the Red Sword, is sword of bewitching, can confuse the consciousness of life, infinite amplification of a certain desire-hope, but also can distort the existence of non-life, said to be distorted, in fact, is not Jane Simple single, it should be a mirage, in a nutshell, the space in which Feng Yu Chen exists becomes, and the space in which he is located becomes a mirage, so the beam is naturally distorted.

    This is an illusion of 'here is not here, but not elsewhere', but the real result is that the beam Energy is distorted and attacked in other directions.

    ‘How?’ Can't attack him? ”

    Faust couldn't help but frown, manipulating the Dragon Knight suddenly released a magical light bomb! Since one can't get it, then how much do you see him? !

    "Hey, it's necessary to make the Demon Lord's horror, Faust, but I have to come, really, this powerful collision is really great, you let me burn up, the Dark Soul officially debut, take my tyranny. !!"

    Feng Yu Chen licked his lower lip and did not have any fear. Instead, he was excited. In an instant, on Susanoo, he set up the Gentle Fist rack–

    "Gentle Fist Method – Revolving Heaven-style Primal Chaos Ying and Yang Storm!! Give me Crush everything! Susanoo! ”

    In an instant, Susanoo took back the red sword and poured the black sword and the white sword into the left and right hands. Split second, which was rotated at a high speed in a gyro-like style –


    A strong black and white storm slammed with a high-speed Speed, and the blink of an eye dropped all the light-crush Crush and slammed it toward the Dragon Knight.

    "Black day mode!!"

    Faust looks at Feng Yu Chen Such a horrible storm can not help but raise the magic of Dragon Knight. The magic of the entire Edolas world is in the body of the fast Dragon Knight, and the forelimbs in the darkness of the body are turned into a dark magic. A giant sword and a giant shield, the whole breath is also pulled up a layer.


    Dark days Dragon Knight's giant sword instant and black and white spiral storm hit together, two strands strongly strength hit together, a layer of Earth from two strands of strength contact point broke out, reached the pole, there was a strong destruction explosion, the entire duel field was destroyed half, Dragon Knight Body Although there are some scars, but it is not serious.

    Feng Yu Chen's Susanoo Because the energy consumed is a lot of energy, the armor that surrounds it has disappeared. All that remains is a huge black skeleton, but the breath does not diminish.

    "Haha, see it, this is the Knight of the Dragon Knight. As long as you destroy you, I can execute the plan again, and fall down in front of the absolute Strength! @!”Faust seemed to see victory and laughed aloud.


    Feng Yu Chen face gradually cold as the abyss, the black white sword together, turned into yin and Yang Release Sword, but he did not stop there, will be another red sword, also pulled out, and yin and Yang sword together, this is the first time he will be the Oracle "Luodian The three swords of the star of 3rd combined, in the other words, the true energy of this artifact has been able to play.

    "Let me tell you how humble your confidence is in front of me. The light of the grain of rice can compete with the moon, the light of destruction will come, and the prayer will be guaranteed under the roar of Demon Lord. Live life!!"

    In a moment, the light of the whole world seems to be engulfed in general, a huge box will dragon Knight wrapped up, Feng Yu Chen hands of the sword instantly in the Magic box top of the sky above the projection of three huge sparkling planets, three colors, black, white, red, The only light that the whole world can see is these three planets


    The atmosphere shook and the three superstars gathered in the box that wrapped the Dragon Knight! !

    ‘How?’ Can't move? ”

    Faust was shocked to find that no matter how he manipulated, he could not escape the shackles of the magic box. As the three superstars fell, the magic box became smaller and smaller. Gradually, the Dragon Knight became a fist-only one. The size, three superstars crashed down, but the amazing thing is that nothing but the Dragon Knight has been attacked. In short, these three superstars are just ghosts! !

    The three superstars were merged into the magic box and turned into three patterns of the sun and the moon. In these moments, the Dragon Knight was dispersed into the existence of Void.

    At the same time, Faust's soul and body were also scattered in the invisible existence, and the huge Dragon Knight no longer existed.

    Not only that, the existence of Faust and Dragon Knight disappeared in everyone's memory, and the entire Edolas people forgot the existence of Dragon Knight and the Faust king! !

    Feng Yu Chen sighed, and the power of the three-star star was very powerful. It was able to erase the existence of people or things, not only to break it down, but also to eliminate him in the memory of everyone, the world does not Anything that is associated with it will exist.

    This is:

    Reincarnation! !

    Thoroughly erasing a existence, from the root of the erasing, once the reincarnation box is branded with a three-day star, then the surgery will really take effect.

    This is a superhuman destruction. One is afraid of death, but what is more fearful is the disappearance of the soul. Above these two fears, the greatest fear is forgotten by the world. No one knows your existence, and you Everything related has disappeared, it is really sad, this is the most terrible death.

    However, Feng Yu Chen can still know the performer, but this knows only for a while, the skill is strong, even he will be affected. In short, he will gradually forget the battle with Faust! ! ! ! !

    "Sorry King Edolas, this is the wrath of Demon Lord, God can deprive you of your life, but the devil is able to deprive you of everything!!"

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