1108. Chapter 1108 Tenteikūra (Heavenly Charged Sky Net): The King of the Devil

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    The engagement ceremony officially began, and Feng Yu Chen and Knightwalker stood on the Royal Castle and accepted everyone's attention.

    Then the minister came up with a tray with two rings and an engagement ring.

    Feng Yu Chen took the wedding ring and put it on the ring finger of Erza *Knightwalker's left hand. Erza *Knightwalker also put a ring for Feng Yu Chen. Two people under the witness of everyone, counted the marriage contract.


    Then there is a long and voluminous engagement vow, first of all, what is going on for the future of the kingdom, and then two people are not leaving, long, and in all, Feng Yu Chen is only a few minutes before finishing. ……

    However, after reading these words, Feng Yu Chen felt the whole person is not good, sister, according to the Earth Land World's Erza character characteristics, if really read such a vow, if he ran casually, will certainly hunt him down for the rest of his life, sweat, hope to edolas the world's own early Appear good, there has been a Erza *scarlet, if another Erza *knightwalker, he will absolutely collapse, two women at the same time, he also a bright future?

    "Oh ?"

    At the moment when Feng Yu Chen and Erza completed the vows, the entire Edolas nationals cheered at the same time, celebrating the completion of their engagement.



    A huge burst of sound, a ray of light rushed to the sky, suddenly swallowed up the huge Lacrima (Magic Crystal) over Edolas.

    "Anima! Who returned Lacrima (Magic Crystal) to Real World? ”

    Faust suddenly got angry.

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen understands that Mystogan has returned Fairy Tail Guild to the world of Alemment, and then prepares a wider range of Inter-dimensional Spell Anima to swallow all the magic of the world into the world of Earth Land.

    In order to gain time, Feng Yu Chen had to –

    "It's me, His Majesty King Edolas, thank you for your care of these days. It's a pity that I am Yu Chen from Earth World. You used Inter-dimensional Spell to turn my Guild into Lacrima (Magic Crystal). Guild President won't let you do that…"

    Feng Yu Chen's body suspended into the sky, the whole body exudes a blazing light, and behind it is the blazing wings.


    "This is the magic of the Earth Land world!"

    Faust shocked the look at the sky, Feng Yu Chen, this is definitely not the magic of Edolas, the magic of its own change, and the wing of angels, this is not the strength of his own waste son, he has been strange Feng Yu Why did Chen become so powerful that even Erza could match it? It seems that it was cheated.

    "The bridge of the black and white network twenty-two…The sixty-sixth crown…TrackFar thunder…SpikesGo back to the ground…Night volts…Cloud sea…dark blue queue…It will be too round and straight into the sky! ——Bakudou No.77 *Tenteikūra (Heavenly Charged Sky Net) ! ! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen sang, lifted the hand, split second, and the entire Edolas world appeared in a vertical and horizontal light –

    "Humble Edolas, I am the king of the devil world, appearing in the scorpio, giving you annihilation, and guilty of my Fairy Tail, though far away, tremble under the imprison of majesty, the soul growls!! ”

    Everyone in the entire Edolas world heard Feng Yu Chen's voice, his voice was loud throughout the world, and everyone listened to it!

    "Wang ****, give me a catch!!"Faust suddenly became angry, and his plan was broken instantly. How could this calm him down? Be sure to take this guy, or his plan can't be implemented.

    "Unforgivable!! Unforgivable! Deceive my feelings! ! ”

    Erza *Knightwalker instantly held the rifle in her hand, and jumped up and down the jump through the building of Royal Castle. Her Reggie Neon also flew over and carried her on her back! !


    Look at Erza *Knightwalker's momentum, Feng Yu Chen can't help but feel a headache, Erza is definitely not able to provoke this creature, but there is no way, some things he has to do, and if she has been chasing him, he also Will not execute the plan in the palace.

    I hate you

    Erza looked at Feng Yu Chen, chest full of anger, in the beginning, by His Majesty the King made a marriage, heard that her engagement is two emperor, the heart of the incomparable choke, after all, that kind of naughty son, she can not see, a cowardly man how to be able to admire her, but His Majesty's orders after all respect, So she began to discipline the second emperor to embark on the path of the strong-

    Struggling until now, until now, this outstanding Feng Yu Chen appeared, she thought her discipline was working, and the second emperor could change her so powerful and wise, she felt very satisfied, between these days and Feng Yu Chen The exchange is her happiest day, she is dreaming of a bright future all the time, but –

    Now that this dream has finally broken, the Second Emperor’s Highness has not changed at all. Feng Yu Chen is the person of the Earth Land world, deceiving her feelings, fooling her future, unforgivable, unforgivable guy, must let him understand The consequences of cheating her! ~!

    "Sorry, Erza *Knightwalker, you have become a part of my plan, but I can't beat the strength of me, it's time to let you know the difference in strength between us…"

    Feng Yu Chen's body disappeared in space for a while.

    "The magic of the moment, I am used to it! – the gun of the speed of sound!"

    Erza *Knightwalker can't help but grin, Feng Yu Chen's ability to use this kind of instant, these days of battle have been clearly understood, and her body has disappeared into the space!

    "Ridiculous!" Five accelerations! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head. The acceleration he used before was only the speed of the flesh, but now the five-speed acceleration of the Saint Mark body used, five consecutive accelerations, this is definitely not the Erza *Knightwalker can withstand.

    "Ahhhh…" Ah

    Erza *Knightwalker has not been able to react and has been hit hard by Feng Yu Chen. In this split second, her body has five attacks, and it is a different position, beyond the speed of the speed of Speed, this is not She can keep up with the limits.

    But how can you…How can she fall here, and now she doesn't want to lose in the hands of Feng Yu Chen's. Does he think that a sorry can make her dissipate her anger? She is a vow to the people who have been eager to value. She just got engaged with Feng Yu Chen's vows, but she even offered the soul's beliefs, unforgivable!

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