1105. Chapter 1105 **** Portrait

    [Today's sixth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    Feng Yu Chen thinks that Erza *Knightwalker will definitely return if he is impatient.


    Some women are definitely single-celled creatures under certain conditions.

    "You haven't chased enough of it, and you have been chasing it for a day. Haven't you given up yet?"Feng Yu Chen speechless at the Erza *Knightwalker riding the Flying Dragon (the world of Edolas called Reggie Neon's flying combat beast), this cargo chased him day and night, no matter where he went, he was chased, really… …

    Erza licked his hair and said: "His prince, your escape skills seem to have dropped a lot. Before your record was not for me to chase seven days and seven nights, now how do you give up?"


    Well, Feng Yu Chen agrees with the person who is symmetrical in this world. He was chased by a violent woman for seven days and seven nights. Hey, the emperor’s endurance is also very powerful…

    "Hurry and go back. You have a Captain of Magic War Division for so long, no one is in charge, and the King is tolerant of you…"

    Feng Yu Chen sighed, so hanging, is the king knowing no, Erza *Knightwalker?

    "No matter, for the sake of catching you back, the king has given me the privilege, and the king, if he had known that you were so chivalrous, would surely be more pleased to come back with me, that we should be engaged, your Highness, though the king had always let me think about it, but now I have finally thought it over, Now you are absolutely capable of my help. ”There was a hint of excitement on Erza's face. Maybe the second emperor of the emperor was for her to become stronger, um, um, yes…


    Engage, book your sister's marriage!

    Feng Yu Chen has some feelings. It seems that Erza in this world is also somewhat tough. For example, in the current situation, Erza of Earth Land world pulled Feng Yu Chen directly to open the room. This is also to force him back to get engaged, hehe, In other words, can his fate in this world not be with Erza? It seems that there will be Erza when.

    "One day, you will not run under the Royal Highness. It seems that you have figured it out. I am still preparing to chase you for a month. Ok, don't make trouble, come here (bowl)!"Erza patted the back of Reggie Neon.

    One month

    Well, Feng Yu Chen completely gave up and continued to run away. He was afraid of this Erza, chasing him, and set a deadline and goal for a month. Hey, recognize it, meet this guy, It is definitely a disaster.

    "Okay, go back and go back…"

    Feng Yu Chen leaped to Reggie Neon's back and lay down, perhaps able to use the identity of the emperor, to do something, to save the Guild of those people, through this identity must be able to know clearly, just do not know what the world's ' Feng Yu Chen ' is usually like , don't show up, and if the real Emperor ' Feng Yu Chen ' appears, he is amused, with the Erza of Earth Land World as the reference standard, this Edolas world Erza will definitely hunt him down a few streets.

    "This is right, I will help you well. In the future, you are the king of this world. Let's work hard. In short, I am satisfied with your current growth. As long as you have such strength, your lasciviousness will be tolerated. If you like Lucy of Fairy Tail, I will help you to be a maid directly…"Erza said vowed.


    Well, Feng Yu Chen seems to know something that is not right. It seems that he and the Edolas world Lucy are also in the world, chaos, or don’t guess, wait until the real guy sees it, really. , trouble.


    After returning to the palace, Feng Yu Chen was first called by the king Faust, and Erza reported the battle between Feng Yu Chen and her. Faust really believed Erza's words and thought that Feng Yu Chen was really open. Suddenly, Wang Xinyue, proposed to immediately prepare them for engagement.

    It was just this time that the magic of the Earth Land world was collected, and Faust felt very happy.

    Gradually, the entire kingdom knew about the engagement between [Fairy Hunting] Erza *Knightwalker and the emperor Yu Chen *Anazza.

    After returning to his palace, Feng Yu Chen was most shocked by the fact that there were a lot of Kakuzu colors like maids, cat girls and bunny girls. Listening to Erza *Knightwalker said that this is his 'masterpiece'. All the beautiful palace ladies were put on uniforms, and the palace ladies of the entire emperor's palace were all uniformed ladies.

    Well, at this time, Feng Yu Chen also understood how tasteful the world was, and there were a large number of **** portraits on the wall, and the author's name was–yu Chen * Anaza, and it was clear that he seemed to do such things often in the world, The whole palace on both sides of this kind of portrait, Feng Yu Chen feel blush, really great, good taste ah, in the future must be the world's own good exchange of **** beauty AH (it seems that someone's festival has broken a place) …

    However, soon, Feng Yu Chen really had to go out in person.

    "His Royal Highness, you always wanted to paint me before, and the result did not let you paint. Yesterday you conquered me with strength. Now I will reward you for painting my naked body, but I have to give it to me. I see it alone, can you understand? And you have to promise me, if you get engaged in the future, you can't paint a woman other than me. At that time, if you paint someone, I find out to kill her…"

    Erza *Knightwalker's face showed a faint blush, biting his lip, seemingly made a big decision, but the last sentence was a bit infiltrating, and there was a clear tendency to hatchet.


    Painting, well, Feng Yu Chen hasn't studied this art yet, let alone the **** painting, and Erza who painted the world. It is estimated that he can't stand it without starting painting. At this point, he really has to admire the world itself, obviously it is a type of chaos! ****Home!

    "Still forget it. I don't like this kind of thing lately. Erza, if you look at at the sightlessness, just take it away…"Feng Yu Chen said innocently, in fact, he hopes that these precious **** can stay, such a painting is brought to the world of the world, and it is absolutely tasteful!

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