1103. Chapter 1103 Feng Yu Chen VSErza

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    Are you shaking S?

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the Edolas version of Erza. I can't help but ask this question. He shot her and he was still excited. Did he make a mistake, is he teasing him?

    However, the most important thing today is to get out of here, find Mystogan, and restore the magic. If you only have Energy in your body, you should save it. Although it will be full the next day, it will be saved in one day.

    Erza *knightwalker See Feng Yu Chen's strength suddenly a little excited up, powerful married person can let her become his wife, but the second Emperor's things are also well known, from childhood naughty actually can forgive, but after adulthood, But began to like to play everywhere, and happy in the feminine, for the state of what is completely unaware of the concern.

    It was a waste of waste. His Majesty King let Erza make a marriage contract with him and wanted Erza to assist and manage him. After all, the emperor lost the sound, the future Edolas kingdom must be inherited.

    Erza doesn't like the two emperors, but for the future of the kingdom, she still wants to tune him into a king, but now he sees the strength shown by Feng Yu Chen, and suddenly feels gratified, is this guy open? What?

    "Let's go, Erza, I have something to do, don't stop me, don't blame me, you're welcome…"Feng Yu Chen said.

    "Nothing, my Royal Highness, even though I am not welcome, let me see your consciousness, you can grow up, you really have to realize."Erza didn't look polite at all, took the steel gun out, obviously it was coming!

    I am aware of your sister!

    Feng Yu Chen has a black line on his forehead. It’s a jerk. How did he provoke the world’s Erza in the Edolas world, so he’s so entangled in him? You can repair!

    But it seems inevitable that it is a real fight.

    Feng Yu Chen took the Xuan Yuan Sword in his hand. The sword has been dusted by him. I don’t know how long it is. It is a weapon that has just entered the world. It’s simple. It’s just a piece of steel that can cut off the steel. The sword is only the name of Xuan Yuan Sword by Feng Yu Chen, not the real Xuan Yuan Sword.

    "Gold's sword, really the Emperor of the Emperor realized that he used such a sword as a sword, but some things are flashy. Next time I will help the Emperor choose a good sword…"Erza looks at Feng Yu Chen’s Xuanyuan.


    Feng Yu Chen has no place to vomit. It’s just one thing. Is it necessary to say so?

    "Don't talk nonsense…"

    For a time, he did not hesitate to smack Xuan Yuan Sword in his hand –


    Erza's reaction is quite fast. How to say it is Captain of the second Magic War Division directly under the kingdom. Her strength is not as strong as the name of [Fairy Hunting], not just the power of the magic weapon Item in her hand. Its own strength is also super strong.

    However, Feng Yu Chen's Strength is so big that it is enough to break the mountain. Split second will fly Erza out, and the body will follow, and the knee suddenly hits hard, hitting Erza's body on the wall. .

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen felt that maybe Erza might not be able to do it anymore. After all, there is no magic to strengthen the body in this world. Compared with Erza of Earth Land, her body power is definitely different.


    Feng Yu Chen is wrong! Wrong!

    As long as it is called Erza, there is no special fierce land, even Kakuzu color that fire dragon Natsu is afraid, is that ordinary existence?

    "Haha!"It’s really great. His Royal Highness is not just a stubborn person. He must be concentrating on the cultivation of strength. He deliberately shows his unsatisfactory appearance. In fact, he does not want to be too eye-catching. After all, His Majesty the King is an ambitious presence. Come to His Royal Highness, only the force is extraordinary, and the wisdom is quite good…"Erza feels right with Feng Yu Chen, and she really feels good about her Royal Highness.

    What is your special reason for me?

    Feng Yu Chen doesn't want to say anything to this guy. After all, she has determined that she is the Imperial Family identity of Edolas. Plus the identity of the world is the kind of marriage contract with Erza. It is even worse to get rid of this. Trouble.

    "Since you still don't want to let it go, don't blame me for being heavy!"Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but snorted and his body slammed like a Hayate.

    Sword Art Online The world's Sword Technique.

    "Well, the Prince of the Crown does not have to keep his hands, you can exert your full strength and be able to knock down my words, I am even more happy!"Erza couldn't help but feel a strong desire to fight. Sure enough, a strong man can conquer him. The second emperor is really great!

    Really, you are shaking M!

    Feng Yu Chen slammed the Golden Sword in his hand!

    "Don't underestimate me!"

    Erza, who has experienced countless battles, is also quite an experienced man, and though he can't see Feng Yu Chen's Speed, he can predict his attack from the action and breath of his hand, and split will cross the long gun in front of his body, and the next moment, Feng Yu Chen's The sword did hit up, this time, she knew Feng Yu Chen's strength very bt, so down the trend, head back, beautiful crimson hair flashing between, feet instantly lifted will Feng Yu Chen stepped out of the fly out!

    The Battle of the world, although speed is a very important aspect, but no matter what extent the speed has practiced, it is aimed at attacking the enemy, as long as there is enough experience and vision, you can judge the opponent's attack trajectory, so that in the unconscious time to build a defense, you can get the opportunity, There is no absolute strength, only perseverance, endurance, intelligent, courage and so on all have, to be able to overcome the opponent, and constantly become stronger, the Vietnam War more brave!

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but be beaten back by Erza. This guy is really coming, playing very heavy, sister, the world's Erza is also strong, now he found out that the previous idea is really ridiculous, called Erza's guy Is it an ordinary Kakuzu color? Even the Erza of the Edolas world is the same fierce.

    "Come on, Your Royal Highness, conquer me, I hope you have this power!"

    Erza clenched his rifle in one hand and waved at Feng Yu Chen in one hand, signaling him to attack again.

    "Yes, then I will not be polite, do you realize it?"

    Feng Yu Chen calmed down the breath of his chest, his eyes gradually solidified, and he began to earnestly, and the battle was just beginning…

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