1083. Chapter 1083 Kagura

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    Kagura carried Feng Yu Chen to a hotel and temporarily placed him in the hotel.

    However, Kagura has asked the doctor to check for Feng Yu Chen. There is no injury, but it is a state of coma. Trying many methods will not help…

    Three days later, just when Kagura had 'abandoned treatment', Feng Yu Chen suddenly woke up magically, but…

    "This…this…"where is it? ”Feng Yu Chen squinted his head and felt still a little dizzy. There seemed to be something in the head that couldn't be remembered, but the body's ability, Saint Mark, is clear. He only knows who he is. Some important memories seem to be unable to remember…

    "Are you awake? The coat of arms on your chest should be a member of Fairy Tail…"Kagura handed Feng Yu Chen a glass of water.

    "Fairy Tail, what is it, does this world have a creature like a fairy?" Sorry, some things have been forgotten…"Feng Yu Chen said.

    "I don't remember anything?"Kagura Some surprises at Feng Yu Chen, should this situation be amnesia?

    "Well, I seem to have suffered some kind of spiritual damage before. Before the spiritual recovery, I think some memories should be sealed. Although I don't remember my past and also remember, but understand my ability, in order to protect the memory layer, before the serious injury, I Sealed some of my own things…"Feng Yu Chen said.

    "Is it sealed? It seems that the spirit power you used to burn because of the battle is quite serious. There is no way to do this. If it is magic, it can recover quickly, but the spiritual force only slowly grows naturally…"Kagura said.

    "Well, now I can't get back to the Fairy Tail you said, you have to get back the memory before you can go back, otherwise it will be messy…"Feng Yu Chen sighed and said.

    "Yes, but I don't have time to accompany you, I am still looking for important people, and my Guild is all female Guild, and I can't accept you like this…"Kagura didn't care about this. She only wanted to find her own Elder Brother. I heard that the R system had something to do with the Dark Mission [Hunting Children] event, and maybe I could find my Elder Brother.

    "This way, then I will accompany you to find your Elder Brother. Anyway, I am free to do nothing, but…That cockroach, clothing, food, shelter, and transportation will bother you, but you can rest assured that I am very powerful, and have a lot of powerful abilities. For example, I have the ability to see everything in one kilometer with my eyes, maybe I can help you. ……"Feng Yu Chen said with a smile.


    Kagura suddenly helplessly pouting, really, is this what she is, but if he really has such eye technique magic, maybe he can help? After all, it is rumored that Tower of Heaven was destroyed, people on the island It’s gone, it’s not easy to find someone.

    "Well, eat first, then go out with me for a while. To save you, I have wasted a lot of time. You will help me find it together…"Kagura said coldly.

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Kagura's face, it has always been like a 'bitter and deep hatred', no smiley face, a beautiful girl, not laughing, really too wasteful, decided, must let her Laugh, I must be a very charming smile.


    After eating the meal, Feng Yu Chen put on a cloak and followed Kagura to the sea to Karum.

    A ship, Feng Yu Chen uses gravity to drive the boat to sail quickly on the surface of the sea, while using Byakugan to search for everything around it…

    Kagura is amazed at the sight of Feng Yu Chen, able to use the ability of gravity, and not just gravity, driving air repulsion to generate thrust to make the boat sail, this is not just the ability of gravity, and he really can use the eyes See everything in one kilometer…

    After Feng Yu Chen's search, Kagura discovered a large number of Dark Mission staff, but most of them were in a state of death. The bodies floated on the ocean, and some even had been eaten by the sea fish for half of the body…

    Gradually searching, Feng Yu Chen and Kagura discovered that Fairy Tail members were also searching, but Feng Yu Chen did not recognize them, but chose to avoid, and temporarily lost his memory, he did not know how to face them. After all, I can't recall the names and faces of any of them. When…But it is even more uncomfortable?

    On the seventh day, Feng Yu Chen finally found out that a male body was found in the ruins of a seabed. After seeing the male body, Kagura burst into tears. The kind of sorrow made Feng Yu Chen Do you feel that you have done something wrong? He didn't know, he didn't know how to comfort her…

    Kagura cried for three days and three nights at the sea, and Feng Yu Chen stayed with her for three days and three nights without a word. Finally, when she was stunned by hunger, Feng Yu Chen took her with her. On a small island, the Simon Elder Brother in Kagura's mouth was first buried, then hunt for cooking and took care of Kagura.



    Kagura sat up as if he was sluggish, looking at the world in front of him…

    "Wake up, drink some broth, you Elder Brother, I will help you to bury it on this small island. People can't be resurrected. The deceased should be buried in the earth. You Elder Brother suffered so much pain during his lifetime. He rested, maybe it was a relief for him…"

    Feng Yu Chen handed it to Kagura with broth.


    Kagura took a shot of the bowl of Frost in the hands of Feng Yu Chen. The broth sprinkled all over the floor. She tried to climb up from the haystack, but didn't eat for three days. How could she have strength?


    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and carried Kagura back. He said, "I will take you to see your Elder Brother. But if you are so depressed, will he really be happy?" Your Elder Brother will definitely worry about you, I don't know how to comfort you, but I can stay with you, I won't let you die, and the help of life will be reported by the spring, I still know this… ”

    Kagura didn't say anything, silently squatting in Feng Yu Chen's body, maybe no one would take care of her, she would cry. The reason for her existence was to look for Elder Brother, but now Elder Brother is dead, her wish collapses, no How to survive the goal of living? If there is a living goal, then probably – just revenge, revenge for Elder Brother!

    Gradually, Feng Yu Chen came to Simon's grave with Kagura…

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