1073. Chapter 1073 sneaked into Heartfilia

    [Thanks to Xu Weichao, Xia Kate Heatherink, fell in love with the second yuan, has vegetable radish, 娶明 is difficult, normal people can't do this kind of thing, the science of Misaka Misaka children's shoes, the monthly ticket plus more conditions, Decisively add more, today's six more ambiguous, the first to send, ask for a monthly ticket to seek a referral ticket]

    Sky's Magician Guild, Wings of Freedom's Guild card was not taken off, still with Fairy Tail Guild, although the guys in the House of Representatives ordered Feng Yu Chen to take the Guild, but he wouldn't care about them. Then, when it comes time, it is just a decoration.

    With the death of Makarov, the entire Fairy Tail's Guild seems to have lost its heart. Even if Feng Yu Chen succeeded the fourth generation, it still could not replace Makarov's existence.

    Look at a depressed Guild member, Feng Yu Chen slightly extended double-handed, repulsive volley –

    Shinra Tensei (Almighty Push)!


    Split second, all of them were repelled to the wall and fell heavily on the ground.

    "What do you guys want to do! Looking for a fight? ”Natsu suddenly had a flame in his mouth and glared at Feng Yu Chen.

    "Natsu, you calm down, he is the fourth generation!"Gray is respectful, but the tone is obvious.


    The other members are also dissatisfied with the look at Feng Yu Chen.

    Feng Yu Chen indifferently shrugged his shoulders, took off his shirt, and then condensed a Frost blade in his hand, swiping beside the Wings of Freedom Guild coat of arms on his chest, blood flowing down his chest…

    So people were shocked at the sight of Feng Yu Chen, he even used the knife to draw the Fairy Tail coat of arms on his chest, bloody coat of arms!

    "President, you…"Mirajane suddenly stopped his mouth and couldn’t bear to look straight…

    After finishing the Fairy Tail pattern, Feng Yu Chen throws away the ice skates, and the right hand holds the turns into a fist. The head is heavy on the Fairy Tail coat of arms. He said loudly: "This is proof that from now on I am Fairy Tail Guild. I am optimistic, I am carrying the same honor as you!

    If not necessary, do you think I will take this Guild? If you don't look at Makarov, do you think I will be free in the ass to accept this mission? Why did Makarov give this Guild to me, do you know?

    Faith Yes, guarding this Guild's so-called belief, who among you? As a Guild President, there is a choice that must be made, so that is for Guild to dedicate everything, even life.

    If Makarov is still alive, looks at you like this, he will be disappointed, Fairy Tail is not as good as it is now!

    I tell you, Makarov is not dead, he lives in our hearts, his faith and will by all of us to inherit together, fairy Tail, this is the home of all Guild members, life is the Guild of the People, Death is the ghost of Guild, we will always be one of the existence, a person can not bear the sadness , if you share it with everyone, then this sadness is nothing!

    Strong and alive, bravely alive, Makarov is at the sights at us, don't let him down, one day, all of us standing in front of Makarov's tombstone, can confidently tell him that Fairy Tail is the best in the world. Guild, his will is passed on! ”


    I was a member of the audience at Feng Yu Chen. Yes, Makarov is not dead. He lives in everyone's heart, inherits his will, and makes Fairy Tail the best Guild in the world!

    "Really, who is frustrated, I just came to pick up Quest, Happy, let's go!"Natsu stood up, tore off a Quest list, and went out with conviction, Father, look at, Fairy Tail is sure to be the best Guild!

    "I am also coming to Quest…"Gray squinted and said.


    Then, the entire Guild seemed to return to the way it was before, and they gradually cheered up, yeah, Makarov lived in their hearts, at the looks at them, not dead!

    Mirajane took a handkerchief and walked to Feng Yu Chen to help him wipe the blood from his chest. He said with apologetic: "I'm sorry, they didn't mean it like this…"

    "Nothing, I said this to my people. Since I accepted such a Quest, I will work hard, not to mention that Makarov was taken care of a year ago…"Feng Yu Chen, picking up his clothes and putting it on, this time, if you don't do anything, you can't change the current situation.

    “Brother Yu Chen, Elder Sister Lucy is gone…”Yuuki ran downstairs at the moment and handed a letter to Feng Yu Chen.


    "This idiot!"

    Feng Yu Chen ran out with an envelope. Now Lucy is definitely going back. After all, this incident has something to do with her. Unlike the original, she is really going to be her Ojou-sama, accepting her father. The fate of her arrangement.

    How can this be! !

    Mirajane looks at the busy Feng Yu Chen, suddenly smiled, this fourth generation seems to have a lot of things to do, looking forward to his growth…


    Feng Yu Chen came to Lucy's residence, Heartfilia Villa Estate.

    He didn't enter the manor very politely, and Lucy's father would certainly not accept him. It is a sure thing to refuse.

    By the end of the night, Feng Yu Chen scanned the house where Lucy was located with Byakugan and hid it directly.

    After coming to Lucy's room, he found Lucy lying on the table and looking at a photo of the Wings of Freedom Guild family portrait.

    Obviously it is not forgotten.

    Feng Yu Chen sat on the bed and said, "If you can't forget, why not go back?"


    Lucy listened to the familiar voice, and suddenly turned his head and looked at the behind, shocked and said: "President…you……"

    "how do I? I am here to pick you up. This time it is not your fault. When Makarov was attacked, you were a member of Wings of Freedom, and he was killed by a member of Grimoire Heart Dark Guild. It has nothing to do with you. Really, it hurts me to run this far…"Feng Yu Chen said off the clothes (this is the habit of undressing ←_←).

    Lucy bit his lip and apologized: "But the Wings of Freedom has been dissolved for me, our Guild…"

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head, grabbed Lucy's little hand, pointed to the wings of Freedom heraldry on her hand, and said, "See, this heraldry is still there, I, minor furtune, Little Inori, Yuuki, Xiao He, Mikot o all have the same heraldry, we are still wings of freedom, free wings will open whenever they are, Lucy, tell me, do you want to be a canary without wings, or do you want to be a swan with wings? ”

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