1068. Chapter 1068 is a meteorite drop! !

    [Thanks for the radish after the vegetable radish, the prosperous, Luffy mulberry, the normal person can't do this kind of thing, fall in love with the second yuan, the oriental shadow sword, the Fan 2~ the young children's shoes, and the difference of 3 monthly tickets plus more, everyone Efforts, today's first to send, ask for a monthly ticket to seek a referral ticket]

    In Misaka Mikoto, the split second of the Thor's Ironwall Shield was set up, and Phantom's magical cluster gun was also released. In an instant, the high-energy magic cluster gun was like the same stream of light, and instantly shuttled to the sky before the Magician Guild…

    "Ahhhh…"Misaka Mikoto snorted, and the energy of the whole body was injected into the Thor's Ironwall Shield to strengthen the defense…


    In the next moment, the Raytheon Ironwall Shield and the magical cluster gun instantly collided together –

    The whole world is shining with glare, and the Fairy Tail members in Guild can't help but extend their arms to block the glare.


    The huge iron wall shield in front of Misaka Mikoto gradually began to crack a long crack. She is not the main defender after all. In this case, naturally, it is impossible to defend perfectly. It can only be said to support as much as possible. After all, the only thing that can take out the defense here is her…

    "Dimensional space curvature displacement!!"

    The next moment, Tachibana Kanade suddenly reached out to the white hand, and then the whole space began to fluctuate and fluctuated. The magic bunch gun split second changed direction and refracted to Phantom Lord Guild!

    We did it


    Phantom Lord did not think that such a thing would happen to Guild's Kakuzu suddenly became light Crush! Although they did not hit the center of Phantom Guild, they also caused huge losses.

    Bad Ass

    Phantom President Jose suddenly became angry and waved and said, "Give me the bombing, I don't believe they can defend again!"


    At this time, Natsu and Gray have sneaked into the location of the Phantom Lord magical cluster gun Jupiter magic source, but it is the person who met the magic energy source, the fire and earth of the four elements of Phantom Lord.

    "I know you will come here, huh, huh…"The four-element 'fire' bunny pill said that he can use various colors of flame to fight, and can also control the flames of other fire magical, the body does not have a samurai sword, it seems to be used for melee combat. .


    At the same time, Gray behind's ground drilled out a man, wearing a yellow suit and unilateral glasses, he was the ' earth ' of the four elements, can lurk on the ground, and was able to read unintentionally touch the memory of his opponent, but also can arbitrarily control the sand, stone and other Earth atrribute substances to attack the opponent In this split, he learned of Gray's memory, and suddenly a woman in Gray's heart was restored …


    Gray suddenly lost his cool and chased the past…

    "Well, Fire Dragon, now we have two of them. I can manipulate the flames. You can eat the flames. It seems that we are restraining each other and being restrained by each other…If you want to destroy the magic source is impossible, you will look at the free Guild broken, look at your own companion one by one, haha! ”

    "Asshole, eat me a punch – the iron fist of the dragon!!"

    Natsu suddenly attacked the past…


    Finally, Feng Yu Chen arrived in the Magician Guild of the sky, and looks at the anger of the heart because of the use of Energy to drop the Misaka Mikoto and Tachibana Kanade!

    "Brother Yu Chen, you are finally here, just Mikoto sister and little sister blocked Phantom's magical cluster gun…"Yuuki was relieved, and as long as Feng Yu Chen arrived, everything would be fine.

    "Well, get ready to go to war, Yuuki, you Lucy attack together, Phantom's President handed it over to me, this world, you have to start shaking!"

    Feng Yu Chen The whole person instantly exudes a strong brilliance, and the powerful Energy, like the same ray of light column, penetrates the world! !

    "He came, is it space magic?"Mirajane breathed a sigh of relief, then the others at the look at Guild said, "Everyone fights, under the leadership of President Feng, start fighting…"

    "Oh ?" ~”

    Everyone perceives that the powerful Energy, suddenly surprised faces, and the heart was immediately encouraged, one by one with great courage, rushed out and started fighting!


    “Hey, Number 100 players use taboo magic to capture the important world character 'Fairy Tail 'Guild third-generation President Makarov, get 'massive' magic, get super trial magic 'devil's law', promoted to Grimoire Heart eighth genus ,Special announcement……"



    For a time, Feng Yu Chen in the rage couldn't help but flustered. Who, actually counted the body of Makarov?

    What happened to Makarov's ability? So what happened to Makarov now?

    However, these are not the most important. In front of you, the most important thing is to defeat the Phantom Lord!


    When Phantom President Jose was proud, he suddenly felt the vibration of the whole world, the air was shaking, and the power of this powerful pressure was only…The Ten Wizard Saints's Strength can be achieved!

    Was the guy in Makarov awakened?

    No, no, this is not the breath of Makarov!



    Feng Yu Chen suspended in the sky, indifferently at the Phantom Lord Guild in front of her eyes, slowly raised her right hand, and then swung it down hard! !

    Split second, the whole world is dark, and a huge meteorite falls from the sky and hits the Phantom Lord! !


    Jose didn't feel so calm for a while, Guild walked out and looked up and shocked at the huge meteorite in the sky. Is this Strength really what Magician can do?

    "Everyone, teleportation goes out!!! Speed ​​! ! ”

    Gajeel suddenly shouted, this horrible Strength was so shocking, even if he faced such an attack, he could only tremble!

    But even if they run away, can they run out of this huge meteorite attack range?


    Feng Yu Chen uses gravitational control to pull down a meteorite in the sky, although the ability to consume is quite large, but this is only the consumption of power, rather than the consumption of their own magic and energy, this means as a prelude to war, he felt very good, give the enemy incredibly strong shock, Only then can they tremble with fear, can let them know their own strength!

    Mirajane and a group of Fairy Tail members have opened their mouths at this shocking scene, too spectacular, and actually pulled the meteorite in the sky, what an amazing Strength?


    After seeing this rock, Jose immediately understood that it was the celestial magic of Siegrain, one of the Ten Council Saints of the Magic Council.

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