1060. Chapter 1060, Lucy's Determination (I)

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    After eating breakfast, Feng Yu Chen discovered that Natsu was not there. He usually wrestled with Gray, and today he and Gray were actually stunned.

    "Hey, Gray, Natsu?"Feng Yu Chen asked, dressed.

    "It seems to go to a small town. It seems that there is something fire dragon there…"Gray said casually.

    "Oh, is it?"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded and went out. Was it that Natsu and Lucy had a story to meet? Fire dragon?

    Holding the intelligence in his hand, Feng Yu Chen walked out of the Magician Guild in the sky and took the train to Hargeon. However, Feng Yu Chen realized that Hargeon was not the place where Natsu and Lucy first met.


    A very boring journey, after all, no one was with me. When Feng Yu Chen was about to go to sleep, the train arrived in the port town of Hargeon.

    After getting off the bus, Feng Yu Chen felt a war-like atmosphere.

    Some streets have been blocked by the crowd.

    What happened Uncle?

    Feng Yu Chen asked a middle-aged man to stop.

    "Oh, it seems like the Guild of Freedom Guild, Ten Wizard Saints Magician Feng Yu Chen is fighting a few dark Guild's Magician. It's very fierce. It's a great honor to see Ten Wizard Saints Magician in this place. what……"

    The middle-aged man explained suddenly.


    Feng Yu Chen is dumbfounded, your sister's, which goods pretend to be in his mischief?

    Looks like Feng Yu Chen ranks quite high in a 'Magician ranking who wants to be a boyfriend', and the fake person who pretends to be his will not hook up his name with his name? You can repair! !


    "Okay, I am actually going to see, who dares to pretend to me! Are you impatient? ”

    Feng Yu Chen shook the double-handed, and the bones made a sound of '嘎吱嘎吱~~', clearly showing the urge to beat someone.

    After crowding out the crowd, Feng Yu Chen suddenly discovered that a little Bai face using gravity magic is fighting with several dark Guild people. It is indeed gravity magic, and it is still fighting people in Dark Guild, and the battle is quite fierce.

    It is said that Feng Yu Chen will use gravity magic, and often members of the Dark Magician Guild are compared. It is true that there is nothing wrong with the contrast of the situation, but…too weak!

    And Feng Yu Chen is not using gravity magic, but gravitational power!

    "Open it, the door to Aquarius! – Aquarius!!"

    In Feng Yu Chen attention little Bai face Gravity magician split, a delicate drink suddenly attracted Feng Yu Chen, it is a very charming appearance of blonde girls, on the right side of the hair has a single dramatic, wearing a short skirt on the Clothes and short skirts, the good figure is quite striking into the pupil, and wearing a red love-shaped earrings, while the waist is tied with combat whip.

    The sound was called out by the girl, who thrust a gold key into the fish tank next to it, and as Azure's magic glow glittering, a beautiful fish man was summoned out, with flowing water, blue hair, and a crystal earring on each side of the ear, Armed with a water bottle weapon, the upper body and human girls do not have any difference, the lower hand is the same as the hair of the blue fish Tail, the real mermaid!

    But Feng Yu Chen, who knows the situation, knows that this is definitely Celestial Spirit Magic, and according to the appearance of the Celestial Spirit also Celestial Spirit Magician, Feng Yu Chen judges that this Celestial Spirit Magician is Lucy *Heartfilia, absolutely she There is nothing wrong with it. Well, from the size of the chest, it is also a **** (this point?). . .

    Blonde ****, this is a perfect match!

    (You want more → _ →)

    "President Feng, I am here to help you, Aquarius, hurry up to attack those Diablo Magician!"Lucy suddenly said to the mermaid.

    “Ha! You let me attack me and attack! Dead hoe, dare to call me out of that place? Next time you shouldn't want to summon it from the water of the toilet, right? Well? Be careful, I killed you, dead woman! Am I not forbidding you to summon me from the fish tank? ! ! ”

    The mermaid suddenly looked like a rage, grinning at at Lucy…

    "Oh ?"HahaThat oh…It’s urgent, sorry…SorryIt won't be next time…"Lucy suddenly smiled and retreated, and for a moment, forgot some things…

    "also next time?! Ah! Believe it or not, I will kill you now! ”The mermaid Aquarius suddenly raised the water bottle and said.

    "do not……How can Celestial Spirit attack the Master…"

    Lucy suddenly stunned and ran away, but ran to the direction of Little Bai's face, so that Aquarius' attack would be attacked by the Diablo Magician. She also had her own ideas, but she would also be attacked. But, this is nothing, as long as you can join the Magician Guild of the Wings of Freedom…

“……Ha, don't think that you signed the contract, you will be self-proclaimed by the Master, little girl, you will die for me! ”

    Aquarius suddenly raised the water bottle in his hand and attacked those Diablo Magicians. By the way, Lucy also involved…

    In an instant, the rushing waters like the tides suddenly rushed, and the buildings on both sides were even involved, and the Diablo Magicians were naturally attacked…

    The Little Bai face and Lucy were also ran away…

    Some residents and pedestrians have also been dispersed…

    Feng Yu Chen was suspended in the sky and escaped the attack of this wave. At this time, he was puzzled. From the scene, Lucy did not meet Natsu. Did he miss the time, impossible, Natsu Want to arrive at Hargeon before Feng Yu Chen?

    In short, the current situation is that Natsu came to the town of Hargeon, Lucy was tempted by the fake Fen Yu Chen's Little Bai face, and the two men also fought side by side, and it is very likely that they have exchanged a lot of information.

    Judging from the recent battle, although the battle is quite fierce, the strength of Little Bai's face is not so strong, and Lucy is not a woman with a big brain (so, sometimes it always makes mistakes), how can it be so easily believed? That little Bai face.

    Although it is said that Feng Yu Chen is a beautiful man, Lucy will not be so tempted, how to say it is one of the Protagonist, so tempted to be too scum, right?

    But nothing is fine, no one is perfect, and some things may not happen.

    "I will see what kind of tricks you are playing!"

    Feng Yu Chen smirked at the face of Lucy and Little Bai who left at the end, slowly following in the sky…

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