1052. Chapter 1052 Laxus VS (middle)

    [Thanks to the love of love, Xia Kuite Heatherink, sleepy = _=, small H house, normal people can not do such things, have vegetable radish, dance with the maple, science Misaka Misaka children's shoes reward There are still 2 monthly tickets plus more, everyone is working hard, today is the first to send, ask for a monthly ticket to seek a referral ticket]

    Miraxe looks at Laxus, and suddenly worried: "President, don't you look good?" The strength of that guy (Feng Yu Chen) is unfathomable. In case Laxus really irritated him, the consequences are unimaginable. According to what Erza knows, he has a lot of lost magic. Among them, gravity magic goes beyond the command of Grimoire Heart. Bluenote Stinger.

    Also Ice Devil Slayer Magic This ancient magic like dragon magic; the unknown Saint Mark magic, with healing power and other Strength; multiple entity avatar magic…"

    Makarov listened to Mirajane's words and suddenly worried about it. How could he not worry? Although he is his own idiot grandson, he is also his own grandson. Although the means is tougher, he is maintaining the status of Fairy Tail Guild.

    "You idiot, give me a good time to see the battle of S-class Magician!"


    "Oh ?"

    With Makarov's voice fell, suddenly all the guild members ran out, for the S-Class magician battle, they naturally also want to really see under, after all, although Fairy Tail several of the most S magician (Gildarts, Mystogan , Laxus, Erza, Mirajane) Although you can see, but they have never fought with each other, this S-Class magician battle, really very people look forward to Ah, although Makarov is also S-class, but has ten Wizard Saints Ti Tle, he had long been considered invincible by the crowd.

    Mirajane walked out with the tray, and the President was still worried. If so many people were watching, Feng Yu Chen would not die if he was in this period of time, although he had a good impression of Feng Yu Chen's, but After all, Laxus is a member of Fairy Tail, and this Guild's unity is not to say.


    Feng Yu Chen took Kuroyukihime. After they walked out of Fairy Tail Guild, they were blocked by two other people from Raytheon. Evergreen, who had a petrified eye, and Picusro, who had a 'sculpture' (manipulating the soul) with a manipulator.

    The shape of ice – the glasses of ice.

    In an instant, Feng Yu Chen made five ice glasses and put them on the face of Kuroyukihime. They said, "Don't take off your glasses, their glasses can be petrified and manipulated…"

    "It seems that you have investigated us. We have not returned to Guild during this time. You actually understand the details so much. It seems that you have ulterior motives, so you can't let go of you, let alone Laxus. Command, we will also finish…"

    Evergreen slowly took off her glasses and looked at Feng Yu Chen. She thought that Feng Yu Chen had ignored him. Without glasses, his glasses would be petrified.


    Just in this split second, Evergreen suddenly found himself bound by huge vines, and the upper part of Feng Yu Chen's appeared in the center of the vine, he was stabbing himself with a Frost sword!

    How is it possible, is it the magic of manipulating plants plus the instantaneous movement?

    Evergreen struggled to analyze Feng Yu Chen's magical ability.


    But in the eyes of Picasso, Evergreen was struggling in the same place, obviously without any attack…

    Gradually, Evergreen fainted on the ground, and the spiritual force was hit hard by Feng Yu Chen's illusion and fell to the ground.

    "You guy, what have you done!"

    When Pigus Roton manipulated the five dolls floating around him, he attacked Feng Yu Chen.

    Shinra Tensei (Almighty Push)!

    Slightly extending the hand, the five figures of Bigusro were instantly rejected by Feng Yu Chen on the wall 100 meters away, unable to struggle…

    "Fourth of the road – gray rope!"

    A ray of light mans from the hands of Feng Yu Chen's, bound Picasso's hands and feet.

    After simply and neatly solving the other two people of Raytheon, Feng Yu Chen lifted the hypnotism of Freed, took Kuroyukihime, they left, stayed at Fairy Tail for so long, and he didn't want to cause some misunderstanding, after all, Mirajane And Erza is also in this Guild…

    "Where to go! Can you dare to fight? ”

    Laxus came to Feng Yu Chen's like a stunned Thunder Dragon.


    Feng Yu Chen was a little impatient, and coldly snorted said: "You have to fight me and fight, even if it is life and death, I have no objection!"

    and morePlease wait

    Mirajane heard the words 'life and death', and suddenly there was some cold sweat on his forehead. He quickly ran to Feng Yu Chen's and said with a smile: "President Feng, let's just let the life and death fight, Laxus just wants to 'bend" you. However, although the means are excessive, but this is his personality after all…"

    After hearing the voice of Mirajane, Feng Yu Chen eased his anger and nodded and said, "Okay, then, is it like this, a farewell?" It’s good to be. ”

    "Hey, what is your tone, it seems that you have already decided to eat me, so far, huh, huh, just a little bit, life and death!"Mirajane was so persuaded that Laxus agreed to the battle of life and death, and his pride did not allow his strength to be insulted.


    A lot of people on the field were shocked, and life and death, this is a bad thing, but it is an endless battle. In other words, the duel between Feng Yu Chen and Laxus must be terminated by one person.

    “No! Fairy Tail and Wings of Freedom are very friendly Guild, just fine! Laxus, if you go wild again, then get out of Fairy Tail! ”Makarov came out at this moment, and said with anger, this section of the bones really forced Feng Yu Chen to have no way to retreat, then…

    "Old man, do you think that I can't beat him? I am not me that year…"Laxus bit his lower teeth, looks at Feng Yu Chen. "Well, if that's the case, then change the rules. If you lose, dissolve Wings of Freedom. If I lose, I automatically quit Fairy Tail. How do I get rid of Fairy Tail? ?"


    At this point, Makarov was even more dissatisfied. What did Laxus take Guild as, and actually gave up the Fairy Tail Guild members for such a thing? In his eyes, is Guild a free bet?

    Look at Laxus's fury look, Feng Yu Chen sneered and said: "Okay, I agree with your bet!" Makarov President, no objection? ”

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