1045. Chapter 1045 Loli and the agreement with the cheek kiss

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    Because of the reason of a female cat, Feng Yu Chen’s idea of ​​holding Loli to sleep at night was instantly lost. The only gain was the black pill given by the old village chief. Well, for the time being, I’m thinking of 'shaking my head', maybe…

    Fairy Tail World didn't think that there was such a thing. Of course, Feng Yu Chen was strong and naturally couldn't use this kind of thing. For now, it is a kind of flirt.

    However, Wendy was so stunned that Carla knew what happened to the two people in the belly of the sea beast. This time, Feng Yu Chen was recognized as lolicon. Wendy was forced to carry out an education by Carla. Probably, Feng Yu Chen must have guessed it, it should be to avoid certain Loli…

    Even now, even if I don't admit that I am lolicon, Feng Yu Chen can only smile, and has been recognized by Carla as a loliton. He blames him for being unprepared for this cat.

    Now, Feng Yu Chen's idea is when he also wants to fly a cat, preferably public, and then try his best to teach it how to push down Carla. Of course, this kind of thing can't be said…


    The next day, after healing the villagers of the Kojima tribe, Feng Yu Chen and Wendy and Carla went on the road again. After a few days of trekking, they finally reached the Kingdom of Fiore, the magical country of the permanent Neutral. This time is also the time for separation.

    "Give you two more time, but you don't give me anything special to do this lolicon, hear no?"Carla sighed and walked away. Although Feng Yu Chen was lolicon, she didn't hate this man. From any Kakuzu degree, he is a good person. If it is not lolicon, it is best. In fact, she I am also worried that Feng Yu Chen will take away Wendy. After all, they are girlfriends. What if Wendy has a boyfriend who forgets her?

    Feng Yu Chen crouched down looks at Wendy and smiled and said, "Don't look like you're not going to see each other, you know, it's a whole day, and you see, we're separated now, but we're going to meet next time, Back to the cat house after the return of peace, you can also come to wings of Freedom to find me Oh, my guild address in Magnolia Town … "

    "Brother Yu Chen…Hmmm…Oh…"

    Wendy suddenly made a dissatisfied snoring, and felt the warmth of Elder Brother, but it disappeared again. Like Jellal, she left and left…

    "Hey, Wendy, be strong, you are the Sky Magician, have time, practice magic together, agree…Okay…"Feng Yu Chen suddenly put his forehead and Wendy's forehead together, and then stretched out the thumb of his right hand …

    "Well, if you lie to me, I hate you forever!"

    Wendy suddenly reached out with a slender little hand and hooked up with Feng Yu Chen.

    "Okay, go back…"

    Feng Yu Chen stood up and said, ready to leave.

    Please wait

    Wendy suddenly grabbed Feng Yu Chen's hand, picked up his little feet and kissed gently on Feng Yu Chen's face…


    In an instant, Feng Yu Chen felt the wetness on his face, his heart beat faster, and he paused. Wendy was the first to kiss him. Although it was on his face, it was really very dreamy. He liked it. ……

    "Brother Yu Chen, I am leaving, I have to follow the agreement…"

    Wendy jumped away happily, and the little hand swayed and turned and ran…

    The little Loli running in front of her and the shadows around her face each other, and it looks very beautiful.

    This little Nizi…

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but touch his face and smiled. Just after kissing, he whispered something tempting in his ear. What is it, Feng Yu Chen has put it in his heart, worth it. What he is looking forward to is that Little Loli’s strategy has been a successful step…


    After returning to Magnolia, what Feng Yu Chen was worried about did not happen, but Kuroyukihime was about to break out, and even Kuroyukihime had already developed a plan for the offensive council…

    The only thing that surprised Feng Yu Chen was that Erza was looking for him everywhere in the past few days.

    "That, thank you…"

    Feng Yu Chen scratched his head at the look at Erza.

    "I am not worried about you, just looking for you to jointly implement a Quest, ten years Quest."Erza couldn't see any expression on his face. It was still the kind of serious look. Of course, she couldn't see that she had a special meaning for Feng Yu Chen. Probably, Feng Yu Chen might be the same companion as Natsu and Gray. After all, deep in her heart is still Jellal, can not replace…

    "Okay, no problem, Quest for ten years, I think it will be very difficult. Then I will call one of my Guild people. It will be a small team of three…"Feng Yu Chen said, he naturally understand Erza's idea, that night has passed, is special, although he has been erza recognition, but some memories may never be forgotten, after all, Erza is a heavy meaning of the person, if she likes herself casually, It may not be the Goblin queen Erza, it's a very difficult queen to tackle.

    "Okay."Erza is actually embarrassed to say that he is worried about him, so he used the ten-year Quest to cover up the former soul song of Hell, and Feng Yu Chen desperately saved her. Now she naturally does not want this man who has just become a good friend to die. She is very Fortunately, everyone who met Fairy Tail Guild met Feng Yu Chen, who is her guy and is the most important existence.

    Feng Yu Chen turned to the bar and then went to the bar. The face suddenly showed a gentleman's smile. Look at Mirajane said: "Hey, is this weekend free, Mirajane Miss, can you have dinner together as a returning celebration?"

    "I am sorry, I have to work on the weekend, but I have invited you for this glass of wine…"Mirajane suddenly poured a glass of wine and handed it to Feng Yu Chen.

    "It’s a pity, but I’m still very grateful to you for taking care of my Guild members these days…”

    Feng Yu Chen changed his smiling face and said calmly, Mirajane must be discouraging Kuroyukihime from these days.

    Mirajane still smiled and shook his head and said: "Since in Guild, I have to be in charge of it, and I am satisfied with what you are now, so…Don't seduce me with a gentleman's smile next time…"


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