1042. Chapter 1042 Lightning Dressing *Loli Wings

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    For Feng Yu Chen's soothing, Wendy thinks so much, just think this should be the ceremony to teach Saint Mark magic, just…

    However, Wendy felt that Feng Yu Chen's hand was swimming around her body like a snake, and even she didn't let go of that place. For a time, she couldn't help but pinch her legs, but she felt it. The breath of the stock circulates in the body, and the inexplicable sway in the body…


    Wendy's fascination is to make Feng Yu Chen even more excitement, and the tongue can't help but open Wendy's teeth and reach in…

    This split second, Wendy suddenly clung to Feng Yu Chen's body, as if there was any liquid in the body to be ejected…

    "Hey…Oh…Elder Brother ……"

    In an instant, Wendy feels like seeing Feng Yu Chen's soul world. No, it should be that the soul world of two people seems to be connected together…

    It’s working!

    Feng Yu Chen's work is similar to the baptism of the "Freezing" world. However, the Freezing world is made by the female Pandora to the male ruler for the Ereinbar Set, and now the male is the same tone of Wendy Chen.

    Split, a Saint Mark strength condensed into a crystal in Feng Yu Chen's and then down his throat into Wendy's body, which split, Wendy's back, instantly appeared on a six Sarcastically Feng Yu Chen once again molded three Saint Mark into Wendy's body, magician's physique is more adaptable to Saint Mark, and Wendy is able to adapt to more s than the one or two adaptation rates in the strike world Aint Mark.

    After the end of the transplantation of Saint Mark, Feng Yu Chen suddenly released Wendy. If he goes on like this, he will really go away, and Wendy will misunderstand. This is a mistake, and Loli will slowly develop it…

    “I feel your Saint Mark, just split second with soul contact. I have already passed on some of the capabilities of Saint Mark. Now I am trying to dress up with the same body and can create clothes. This kind of clothes made by Saint Mark has it. Defensive…"Feng Yu Chen body glittering Azure's light, suddenly a piece of clothing appeared in the body, the right hand showed a dark sickle.

    Wendy nodded and whispered according to the memory in the soul: "Lightning dress (same dress)!"

    Suddenly, Wendy's body floated blue, and a piece of clothing suddenly appeared on the body, a blue dress with black knee-length stockings and Crystal shoes.


    Feng Yu Chen nodded again and again, not bad, very cute dress.

    "Try lightning weapons, everyone's lightning weapons are different…"Feng Yu Chen said.

    "Lightning weapon!"

    Wendy's double-handed instantly unfolded, and suddenly a pair of wings condensed out of the body, and the pure white wings were like an angel.

    Pledged of

    This lightning weapon, Feng Yu Chen, was the first time I saw it. Since it is called a weapon, it should be aggressive, but this is a fully auxiliary flight item…

    "Feathers can be attacked!"

    Wendy suddenly said, the wing of the vibration behind, split second, a feather into a stream of light launched, suddenly inserted into the beast of the sea beast, accompanied by a blazing explosion!

    "Great, auxiliary attack dual-use, well, let's go out!"

    Feng Yu Chen satisfied with a nod, the body began to emit a strong light, and suddenly a pair of Saint Mark wings were unfolding behind the back, the sickle in the hand gradually became huge, and slammed against the top of the head with force…


    A dark crescent instantly invaded the inner wall of the sea beast and slammed its body! !

    "let's go!!"

    Feng Yu Chen took Wendy's little hand and flew out in an instant. Although it was in the sea, it was finally out of the body of the behemoth…

    Wendy clearly felt the gap between her and Feng Yu Chen. Her attack did not cause any harm to the beast of the sea beast. However, Feng Yu Chen split the second and it was harder than the steel* ***……


    Like the super-magnified version of the sea snake, the huge sea beast is naturally angry at the Feng Yu Chen and Wendy, and immediately chased it, but in the water is its world!

    "Illusion Turn! Five accelerations! ! Gravity is weakened! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen used three abilities in a row, and instantly the whole person rushed out of the sea like a Meteor…

    Wendy has not blinked yet and finds that he has reached the sky from the sea…

    "Fly, look for Carla, she should still be looking for us…"

    Feng Yu Chen flew up with Wendy's hand.


    Wendy swayed with the wings of behind, and the look at the endless sky, the feeling was really great, and it was able to be integrated with the Elder Brother, and also experienced such a life and death situation, it was awesome. ……


    Suddenly a white shadow swept from afar and plunged into Wendy's arms.


    Wendy suddenly took Carla's happy tears and finally reunited again…

    "Wendy, are you going to magic?"Carla was surprised to see the white wings of the look at Wendy behind.

    "Well, it was taught by Elder Brother, the lost magic – Saint Mark magic."Wendy's face showed a blush, and the scene of Saint Mark's magic was taught. She was still in the target, but she wouldn't say it to other people. It was the secret of her and Feng Yu Chen.

    "Saint Mark magic, that really has to thank President Feng…"Carla looks at Wendy's shy look, suddenly staring at Feng Yu Chen, this guy will not be playing Wendy's idea when he is not there, yes, the former Ultear woman said he was lolicon, although it is not clear The word Loli, but it should refer to the girl Wendy, and he also called Wendy Little Loli before…

    Staring ——

    In the face of Carla's man-marking magic, Feng Yu Chen suddenly said, "We are still looking for a place to rest, and then find it back…"

    "Wendy, let's go, I found a small island that can live temporarily…"Carla suddenly glanced at Feng Yu Chen, then took Wendy and left…

    "Hey, Carla, and Elder Brother…"Wendy suddenly looked at Feng Yu Chen.

    "Don't care about him, he will fly over himself…"Carla suddenly whispered.

    Wendy doesn't understand why Carla hates Feng Yu Chen, but she should care about her, but Elder Brother is really not a bad guy…

    Feng Yu Chen sighed and suddenly chased it up…

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