1039. Chapter 1039 Dimensional Devouring Array

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    Feng Yu Chen clasped double-handed and glared at Ulter, threatening him with Wendy!

    Ultear looks at Feng Yu Chen, suddenly sneer, really is a mature enough strong, can you endure everything for a little Loli just met?

    "A person who is too gentle can't be a strong person. Your gentleness will be used by people. Even if I don't do it, others will do it. The world has some unscrupulous people for some purpose. You must embrace the will to sacrifice everything, so you are not worthy of being called the strong, it is ridiculous, you pedantic Magician!"

    Listening to Ulter's words, Feng Yu Chen did not anger, but calmed down and said: "Yes, maybe this is a fatal weakness, but because of love, there will be a powerful heart that can not be destroyed and protect the companion and love. Human courage, this world may have a lot of darkness, but there must always be someone to play…

    Ultear, you must be clear, although you can use Wendy to threaten me, but if she dies, you will die as well, understand? ”


    "Do you think I came without preparation? Oh, now, listen to me, stand in the magic circle under your feet! ”Ultear pointed to a magical glow of purple light behind Feng Yu Chen behind, but she was fully prepared before she came. After all, Feng Yu Chen was weaker, and it was the level of S-class Magician, even the Ten Wizard Saints's Strength.

    Feng Yu Chen took Kyuubi (Nine-Tails) into the tomoe of the sky, and Tomoy of the Sun sank into his body, then he slowly walked into the magic circle indicated by Ulter, in this split second, suddenly From the magic array, a purple-black tentacle sticks out and binds his body…

    At the same time, he was shocked to discover that once the magic flows through the body, it will be quickly absorbed by the tentacle!

    "It's a stupid man!"Ultear hand suddenly squatted over Wendy's neck and said, "Do you think I might let her go? The name of Ultle was heard by her, so…"

    "Ahhhh……Hmmm…Wendy's small hands suddenly grabbed Ultle's arm and struggled, and he was going to breathe…

    "Wendy! @!”

    Carla woke up at this moment and suddenly flew over to save Wendy…

    "Hey, the cat will give me aside, there is no room for you!"

    A Crystal ball suddenly flew out Carla!

    XiaLotionLotionWendy couldn't help but shed tears. The good friend was knocked down on the ground and passed out. She was naturally worried…


    Ultear looks at this scene is very happy, looks at Feng Yu Chen their pain, as if she is unusually excited…


    Feng Yu Chen suddenly struggled to stand up, the magic of the whole body erupted strongly, and the whole surrounding land collapsed. The powerful Strength caused the whole earth to collapse, and the magic array was thus destructive…

    "You, you have made too many taboos, one, hurting (my) Little Loli in front of me, second, letting so adorable little loli cry, third, your laughter is too disgusting!!! ”

    A ray of light radiates from Feng Yu Chen's body, and the whole earth is instantly dyed with a layer of Azure, and the whole world seems to be frozen…

    Feng Yu Chen, like the angel of light, slowly moved to Uldear…

    This is……What is Strong and space is imprisoned? What you will do …

    Ultear suddenly shocked at the world in front of me, all the sound of the wind, floating leaves, insects, birds…Everything seems to stop all, she feels that her body can't move at all, magic can't be emitted at all…


    Feng Yu Chen holds Wendy in his arms while split second flies out Ultle…

    "It's okay, Wendy, there is me, even if it's a demon, I have to Crush its body, I will protect you, no longer will hurt you…"

    Feng Yu Chen tried to make a gentle smile, wiped the tears on Wendy's face, and let Little Loli shed tears. It was his mistake…

    "Mm."Thank you!

    Wendy suddenly felt a warmth, as if it was really protected.

    "Well, don't thank you…"

    Feng Yu Chen slowly broke and looked at Ultle. In an instant, the look became cold and cold, and there was a huge sickle in his hand. The blade was glittering with cold light…


    Ultear feels the fear, Feng Yu Chen's eyes are not like watching a life, as if in his eyes, he is already a dead thing, terrible, terrible man!

    "Do you want this cat?"

    Just then, a man wearing a cloak appeared on the giant tree on one side, and Carla was in his hand.

    "Carla !!"Wendy suddenly exclaimed.

    "Don't move, or I can make something terrible…President Feng, can you unblock your surgery? ”The cloak suddenly said indifferently.

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes suddenly frowned, and the atmosphere was so good that he did not find the second person. Is it because he paid too much attention to Ultle and ignored him?

    There is a distance limitation in the ice knot field, and the cloak person is not within the control of Feng Yu Chen's!

    "Ice knot field* is lifted!"

    Feng Yu Chen instantly recovered the ice knot field.

    This split second, Ultle suddenly stood beside the cloak.

    "Okay, now you can be reunited, but…Ha ha

    The cloak suddenly threw Carla into the face of Feng Yu Chen and Wendy, while double-handed pressed on the ground, flashing a magical spell, suddenly gathered in the air into a huge magical array, and at the same time to Feng Yu Chen they Compressed, glittering with a strange light…


    Wendy struggled to hold Carla, but the light of this magical array was swallowed up with Feng Yu Chen and her also Carla, and the whole space began to distort…

    With the gradual increase of Energy, the space suddenly shook, and instantly, Feng Yu Chen, Wendy, and Carla disappeared into the space…

    "What is this magic?"Ultear didn't know. I suddenly swallowed Feng Yu Chen, Wendy, and Carla. It should be a kind of magic in space. And obviously, the Thought Projection of Jellal has just arrived. I am afraid I am preparing this magical array. After all, this The preparation time for powerful magic needs is not small…

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