1036. Chapter 1036 Magic Council

    [Thanks to Charlotten Heatherink, the perfect bear, the vegetable radish, the normal person can't do this kind of thing, the Lich King LichKing, the scientific Misaka Misaka, the wonderful rain heaven heart shoes, and the difference of 2 monthly passes. Plus, everyone is working hard, today is the first to send, ask for a monthly ticket to seek a referral ticket]

    After the soul song of Hell Town was completed, Feng Yu Chen and Erza returned to Guild.

    However, the next day, the two people parted ways, Erza started to implement the S-class Quest, Feng Yu Chen went to the Magic Council to report, the demon event, the event about the Dark Magician Zeref, more important to inform the comments meeting.

    Well, Feng Yu Chen didn't have much affection for the Magic Council. After all, he hated those guys who were high but only fart.

    But such an organization for the world is the equivalent of a middle bridge, without this council, presumably the whole wizarding world will be completely messed up, the meaning of its existence, just to maintain the surface of calm, real darkness, they simply do not strength to resist, only those magician Guild Fight on their own, they just belong to a kind of presence of the ' commander ' …

    After slowly entering the council, Feng Yu Chen came to a hall and finally came to the conference hall of the council. President Crawford *Seam, second seat Org, third seat Michello, Lulu , Lei Zhi, the sixth seat Yajima, Hogg, Yuli, Siegrain, Ulthere, these ten people met Feng Yu Chen together.

    “President Feng, can you describe some of the devil seals in this [Hell Town Soul Song] incident? After all, before the turmoil, it is necessary to prevent the dark magic Guild from performing some evil rituals. ”Comment on President Crawford *Seam.

    "Well, the general event, I have sorted out a document, presumably the Council has received it, then I will say some points, presumably you should be clear about the zeref of the book, this demon is one of the demons created by Zeref, because I personally learned Ice Devil slayer Magic , so I know something about this demon, but it's not a lot, but it's a sealed demon. As a result, the loss of the years only sifted one eye left, but the strength of this eye has been beyond the ordinary imagination, there is no ten Wizard Saints strength It's basically hard to beat … "Feng Yu Chen talks slowly.

    “So, is President Feng thinking that he has Tenstration of Ten Wizard Saints?”Asked Siegrain.

    Feng Yu Chen teleportation looked at the twin brothers who claimed to be Jellal on the surface. They were actually Jellal Thought Projection. The Jellal that Erza called that night was him. It was also the place where Erza struggled to the point. He, and Feng Yu Chen was replaced by Erza as a substitute for Jellal, which also made him feel bad about the people in front of him…

    There is a complicated red tattoo on the right face, the body is strong and slender, the appearance is calm, looks beautiful, the eyes are hanging on the eyes (smile), the pupil is golden, the youth with short blue hair, wearing a purple sleeveless high in the coat Collar coat…

    This is Jellal and a member of the Ten Wizard Saints Magician.


    Feng Yu Chen's eyes suddenly became the state of Byakugan and looked at Jellal. Under Byakugan, all illusions can be seen, Thought Projection, this magic, huh…

    “President Feng, please don’t use your eye technique magic in the council…”Ultear clearly felt that Feng Yu Chen's eyes were different, as if they had an insight into everything. If so, then Siegrain's identity was exposed…

    Ha ha

    Feng Yu Chen pointed to his eyes and said: "My eyes do not have the charm of the strength, nor the manipulation of the strength, but can see the truth and falsehood, in my insight, a kilometer of the area will be clearly visible, and can penetrate through the real and illusory, It was because of it that I traveled safely through the demon's chaotic Space illusion magic … "

    "Do you want to say that there is a hypocritical existence in the council? President Feng, the judges here, but we have personally certified…"Comment on President Crawford *Seam.

    "If you really think so, I will not remind you anymore, but, uh…When something goes wrong, don't blame me for not reminding you…"Feng Yu Chen's eyes instantly returned to the normal black pupil. He didn't point out that Siegrain is Jellal's Thought Projection. After all, this has something to do with him, and in any case, the council is more convinced that Siegrain is not him, so it is superfluous. He will not do things…

    "Well, about the demon, we will investigate the desert site, and President Feng will retire temporarily…"Crawford said.


    Feng Yu Chen's body instantly turned into a virtual shadow and slowly walked out of the council.

    Split second ,Feng Yu Chen's impression in the eyes of all the members of the council, has become an unruly endorsement, not officially out of the council, but directly penetrated the walls of the council, apparently telling everyone in the council No one in the world can stop him, nor can the council be.

    "Space magic has reached a very sophisticated stage. If it is not well controlled, this Wings of Freedom will be a Fairy Tail, and then it must be strictly monitored!"The second member, Org coldly snorted, said that he was dissatisfied with Fairy Tail. Now that the two Guild of Freedom and Fairy Tail came together, he was also dissatisfied with the Wings of Freedom. For Feng Yu Chen is also very dissatisfied with this President.

    "Well, well, young people, it’s hard to be proud, let me talk about him…"Yajima squatted on the back and swayed away, slowly coming out of the commentary.

    Siegrain and Ultear Two people looked at a glance, suddenly felt a sense of gravity, Feng Yu Chen for them is definitely a threat, just he must have seen through something, if he continues to live may have a great impact on their plans, But trying to get rid of him is not a simple matter, its strength is unfathomable, it is not at all they can deal with casually, it seems that only to try to reduce the influence of wings of Freedom Guild …



    Feng Yu Chen walked out of the hall of the commentary and suddenly found that Yajima slowly came over to him. In the commentary, he was probably the most inconspicuous old man. It gave the impression that he would fall down and be about to step into the coffin. It seems to be able to serve in the commentary, and the strength is naturally not to be questioned.

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