1034. Chapter 1034 Dance of the Goblin Wings

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    Feng Yu Chen and Erza played a rare groomsman and bridesmaid. Two people slowly came out, and the teenagers and girls they saved were also present at the dance.

    Barutok today as if the moment young twenty or thirty years old in general, the face of the beard all shaved off, at the same time the hair above also hit wax, clothing is also a luxurious gold silk dress, the whole person's eyes also have Reiki, constantly their son came back, and old friend's daughter also came back together, Two of two little guesses's children suddenly coincide together, which for him as a father, is simply a great joy in life ah …

    Today is a celebration of the characteristics, and the famous people above the town have all arrived here.


    The lord, Barutok, stood on the observation deck on the second floor of the villa hall and lighted the scorpion. He pushed Feng Yu Chen and Erza out and said, "Today, I want Special Thanks to the two benefactors, my son. Also the daughter-in-law was saved from the hell. How many times failed in three years, I am about to give up, but…

    Now that we have been redeemed, we really have to thank the two respected magician, or there will be no reunion or joy today, and I have decided to gathered up all my money for a charity to save those who are in despair, as long as each of us contributes a strength, I believe that the tragedy of the world will be reduced, and this charity I named it the wing of the goblins, taken from the names of the two Guild of Fairy Tail and wings of Freedom … "



    It’s a good thing for everyone to applaud. It’s a good thing to do this. It’s going to have a big impact with the money of the entire government.

    Feng Yu Chen and Erza suddenly became amazed. They didn't think that the lord would make such a decision. The wing of the fairy, the name is not bad…

    "Okay, let us start the grand dance now, the mood of the carnival…"Barutowk suddenly raised the glass in his hand and said.


    The residents of the town suddenly started today's wedding ball.

    Barutok came to Feng Yu Chen and Erza and smiled and said: "Does the two respected Magician not dance? I believe that you must match very well when you jump together…"

    Feng Yu Chen's look at Erza, these two days, he is to understand why Natsu and Gray are afraid of this guy, her gentle (violent), well, a little blessed, or Mirajane is a little better.

    Erza looked at Feng Yu Chen and suddenly took him down the steps and came to the center of the dance. He said, "Come and dance, don't think too much, I just want to thank you for your help before me… …"

    "I didn't think much (not wanting to think more)…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, then the right hand half-ring embraced Erza's soft waist, pulling her closer to her, while her left hand and her fingers were tied together…


    The first time I danced with the men, Erza also showed a faint faintness, and there was also a bit of interest in the ballroom, a feminine fair.

    "So, beautiful Erza Miss, then we jump from the 'slow waltz', this dance step can be mastered very well, it is very easy to learn, has beautiful and soft qualities, can also complete better communication, basic steps The law is a step-by-step jump. Three beats and three steps per beat, but there are also a specific dance step with two or four steps. Let's start…"

    Feng Yu Chen explained and guided Erza to jump. He learned the court-style ceremonies in the world of Lelouch. He knows a lot about the dance steps…


    Erza gradually danced the waltz under the guidance of Feng Yu Chen's. At the beginning, she actually stepped on Feng Yu Chen's foot and gradually mastered the rhythm. She soon liked this dance step…

    Feng Yu Chen and Erza suddenly danced the fantastic waltz in the middle of the ball. Two red and black hairs danced in the space, and the white dress reflected everyone's eyes…

    Dance is a kind of strength that can awaken people's inner heart and communication. Like music, it has the effectiveness of transmitting soul.

    The bodies of Feng Yu Chen and Erza are gradually close together because of the dance steps. The soft place of Erza is constantly touching on the chest of Feng Yu Chen's. The two bodies can almost feel their body temperature and are exhaled in the nostrils. The atmosphere is gradually intertwined…

    Erza suddenly felt a dreamlike scene, the kind of softness that was unrestrained and soft, and touched the softness of her heart…

    Gradually, she couldn't help but recall that Feng Yu Chen protected her in that underground space, as if she was as gentle and brave as Jellal, as if she had returned to the past, when she looked at Feng Yu Chen's back and the flow. The blood is still strong and smiling…Suddenly think this is Jellal…

    Feng Yu Chen gradually smelled the fragrant smell of Erza body, and with Erza's eyes blurred, he couldn't help but tighten her soft body…

    The two people couldn’t help but gradually get closer, obviously having a tendency to kiss…

    "Jellal…"Erza, with his blushing Crystal lips, suddenly closed his eyes and gave his throat a name…


    After hearing the name, Feng Yu Chen immediately pushed Erza and frowned. "I am not your Jellal, well, the party is over…"

    After that, Feng Yu Chen smashed Erza's body and walked away. He didn't want to be a substitute for Jellal. He was not Jellal. He was Feng Yu Chen. It turned out to be…Erza fancied him into Jellal, no wonder that he would be close to himself so close, so that Feng Yu Chen even misunderstood something…

    However, this is also affirmative. Some memories are destined to be unforgettable. For Erza, childhood experiences can never be forgotten. If she really forgets, then she is not the fairy queen.

    Erza suddenly woke up, almost made a big mistake, unexpectedly and Feng Yu Chen almost kissed, if really so, may really have no way to meet the normal, Ah, two relations presumably will be very embarrassed, for Feng Yu Chen's tough push and not polite walk away, She has to thank him, after all, if it is really like that, may really not be good together, but she naturally felt that she wanted to kiss with a boy to shout another person's name, really is very rude ah …

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