1031. Chapter 1031 Dark Manipulation and the Song of Weeping Blood

    [Thanks to Charlotchet Heatherink, vegetable radish, little smug, and meditation?The moon, the empty tree, the Noah energy, the dance with the maple, the normal person can't do the reward of this kind of children's shoes, congratulations to the summer singer Heatherinek children's shoes become the master of the book, still 17 tickets plus more, everyone Efforts, today's first to send, ask for a monthly ticket to seek a referral ticket]

    After a lot of obstacles, Feng Yu Chen and Erza finally saw the real enemy.

    A teenager holding a hoe and a ghost girl.

    It was the ghost girl who made the song, and the cry for help that she had just heard in the hall was also her.

    The chain bound by the ghost girl's body is a magical item that can spread some kind of will. It is very simple. The teenager is probably enslaving the girl to sing to attract passing pedestrians…

    "Welcome to hell, can enter here, you really are a good body, and finally waited for a good body…"

    The teenager grinned and smiled, and the hoe in his hand suddenly released a purple-black light. In a moment, a mummified climbed out of the ground and attacked Feng Yu Chen and Erza…

    "Reloading *The wheel of the skywheel -!"

    Immediately, Erza completed Requip Magic, and the body's armor was replaced with a silver steel armor. At the same time, four pairs of sword wings made of silver steel were condensed in behind, such as an angel of swords. At the same time, a large number of steel swords appeared in behind. There are more than two hundred in number…

    With the command of Erza, it suddenly caused the steel swords like the sword sea to rush to the mummies, while the body rushed to the teenager with a quick Speed, and the double-handed sword crossed the past.


    Split second, suddenly steel sword sea all the mummy is hit into Crush, and Erza also came to the front of the juvenile, the sharp blade in the hand will see it slipping over…


    In an instant, the girl’s hoe suddenly blocked Erza’s double sword, and at the same time, a large amount of black and purple gas spread out in the mouth and wrapped Erza up…


    Feng Yu Chen suddenly wants to move forward to save Erza, but…


    Erza came from the smoke and suddenly stabbed the sword into the body of Feng Yu Chen's!


    Suddenly, Feng Yu Chen's body became a stake, and the Body Replacement Technique escaped Erza's attack.

    "The Skywheel* Five-Star Sword!"

    Erza instantly used a double-handed steel sword to draw a huge five-Kakuzu star in the air, and instantly shocked Feng Yu Chen…

    Damn it…

    Feng Yu Chen instantly disappeared into the space, avoiding Erza's attack. No matter how you look at it, Erza is in control of some kind of magic.

    "Haha, let me appreciate the killing between your companions. Don't worry, I won't kill you. After all, you are the body of my mind…"The teenager laughed and admired the duel between Erza and Feng Yu Chen.

    "Ice knot field!!"

    In an instant, the light of Azure spread from the foot of Feng Yu Chen's, and immediately bound the body of Erza and the teenager.

    The teenager suddenly struggled stiffly, and the whole body seemed to be frozen and unable to act.

    "Humble existence, give me to die!"

    Feng Yu Chen's suddenly showed a dark sickle in his hand, and instantly turned to the teenager…

    I don't want it

    The ghost girl shouted and said.

    Feng Yu Chen stopped the sniper trend and looked at the ghost girl above the head.

    HeBlanketInvaded, he is…Innocent……"

    The girl suddenly said intermittently, as if every word would make the soul weak…

    "Really?" So,

    Feng Yu Chen Another jin suddenly condensed the blazing cross, suddenly slammed to the hoe…

    "Ahhhh……Don't……Bad Asswhat is this……I want to curse you…Cursing you…"

    The holy fire of the cross suddenly shrouded the hoe and burned it up…

    This split second, suddenly a huge bone spear rushed to Erza…

    Feng Yu Chen can't help but widen his eyes, hateful, this space can't use space spells!

    Split second ,Feng Yu Chen The body disappeared in front of the juvenile, and Erza was pushed open, but the bone spear penetrated Feng Yu Chen's body…



    Feng Yu Chen spit out a blood and reached out to pull out the bone spear instantly, but the wound could not be cured quickly. With the strong resilience of the Saint Mark body, it was only possible to make a slow recovery. The bone spear must have some kind of tear. The curse of Attribute, that is, Feng Yu Chen's Saint Mark body can withstand, if you change to other people, it must be…

    "How many attacks can you block, haha…"

    The hoe gradually disappeared in the laughter, but with a huge bone spear impacted on Erza…

    Don't……Man up.

    As the gimmick disappeared, the will of Erza was restored, and Feng Yu Chen was stopped. She did not expect Feng Yu Chen to save her…

    Feng Yu Chen mouth Kakuzu smile, suddenly in front of Erza's body, the sickle in the hand danced quickly, suddenly flew out a bone spear, but in the end there are two inserted in the body…

    The blood suddenly sprinkled on Erza's face, and the warm blood suddenly made her eyes wide. When she resumed her action, she suddenly shuddered and hugged Feng Yu Chen's fallen body with double-handed.

    "do not die!"Erza's eye Kakuzu suddenly glittering tears.

    "How can I die, what is your expression, help me unplug the body's bone spear, don't underestimate my body's Power…"Feng Yu Chen looks at Erza and smiles and smiles.

    "You are pity me!"Erza suddenly said, she…This gift cannot be accepted.

    "Everyone has their own code. I will never let a beautiful girl scent in my face. You should be idiot."Feng Yu Chen said with a smile.

    "Forbearance, I will help you bandage first!"

    Erza suddenly shook the bone spear of Feng Yu Chen body, afraid to pull hard, but if it could not be pulled out…

    "Mm."Feng Yu Chen nodded his teeth.


    The instant bone spear was pulled out from Feng Yu Chen's body, bringing up two strings of blood…

    Erza tore Feng Yu Chen's top into a piece of cloth to help him bandage, but the three blood holes in his body are more painful. If she can be stronger, she doesn't have to. It can be said that completely It was she who dragged Feng Yu Chen. If she didn't exist, Feng Yu Chen would have completed Quest alone…

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