1025. Chapter 1025 Sword and Sword Qi's Sniper

    [Thanks to Charlotchet Heatherink, Yu Ming, and the science of Misaka Misaka, M. Otaku I, normal people can not do such a reward for children's shoes, monthly tickets plus more conditions, decisive plus, today Six more, the first to send, ask for a monthly ticket to seek a referral ticket]

    After Erza resisted Kuroyukihime's Frost Sword Dragon, she suddenly became serious. At this time, she felt that she did not need any hand to stay. The delicate girl in front of her did not have the weakness she imagined.

    "The light of the soul of the sword, the holy soul of the soul, the holy heart of the lightsaber, I am the sword holy!"

    "Reloading – the crown of the sky!"

    At the same time, as if it was a good agreement, Black Snow and Erza both completed the dress-up at the same time –

    Kuroyukihime's body suddenly replaced a white light armor with a white cloak woven by white feathers on his shoulders, while the right arm turned into a shining hand, a Sword hilt is a physical sculpt. Appeared in her right hand.

    Erza also replaced the armor made of white steel with four steel wings behind it, double-handed with two swords, suspended in the air as if it were a sacred angel of a sword, and the number is more than two The sword sea made up of the number of swords appeared behind her.

    "Awakening – Phantom Sword Dance!!"

    "The Skywheel – the sword of the Five Mans!!"

    Split second, the body of kuroyukihime as if the bloom of countless bright light, right-handed lightsaber in situ suddenly swift and violent continuous slash up, a road bright light billow, suddenly formed a Sword qi of the Sea, Sword QI network toward the former attack To……

    Erza behind's sword sea suddenly under her command, violently impacted…


    Suddenly, the sea of ​​Sword Qi and the sea of ​​swords collided together. A strong energy broke out instantly, blowing up the land, almost involving people watching around…

    Just as everyone thought the end of the hand, Kuroyukihime and Erza suddenly launched the final attack.

    Kuroyukihime's righteous sword in the right hand suddenly slammed into the ground. As the whole earth cracked, a strong white and purple red Sword Qi suddenly hit the past like a red moon.

    Erza obviously also has a back, with a double sword instantly high-speed drawing a huge star-shaped orbit, a shining starlight suddenly rushed forward! !


    The collision of the crescent and the star makes the whole space one of them. The intense magic energy makes everyone feel it…


    "Another Erza has appeared…"

    Natsu and Gray suddenly had a black line on their heads. If the two items broke their words after the amnesty, the forehead, the hard future…An Erza is enough, and there is another one, which is simply to fight their fragile heart…However, hey, when they are challenged, they don’t have to fight, and one person challenges an Erza.


    Kuroyukihime sighed and seemed to have a trick. Suddenly her left hand was on the lightsaber, a strong wave of volatility, and the whole space even fluctuated.

    Feng Yu Chen looks at this momentum, suddenly stopped saying: "Enough, minor furtune, so far, it is not a life and death opponent, there is no need to fight for you to die, and your mastery is not enough, then continue, will be the body There is a burden…"

    Kuroyukihime nodded, looks at Erza said: "Then I lost, my physical strength but really can't keep up, my requip Magic although mainly based on my will (Accel World Black K ING's combat experience is unparalleled, and this experience and the will to fight allow her to play a powerful strength beyond the limits of bloodline, simply to say that although Kuroyukihime's bloodline level is only LV1, But she is able to step up to LV2 or LV3 or stronger) to play a role, but the corresponding will is strong, Physical strength is a limit, my Physical strength not as good as you, if the use of must kill technology can not bring you down, it is I lost … ”

    Erza also understands the weakness of Kuroyukihime's Physical Strength. During the battle, her actions gradually become less, and most of them stay in place. It must be the limitation of Physical Strength, but

    "We are flat…"

    Stretching out his hand, Erza said in a straightforward manner: "I don't want to take advantage of you, I don't want to take advantage of your battle experience. You can see that the combat strength is quite powerful, but the physical strength can't keep up. There is no real knowledge, but it must not be weak. I recognize your Strength…"

    Kuroyukihime immediately unloaded the body's Requip Magic and turned it into a black college uniform. The little white hand stretched out with Erza and smiled and said, "So it is flat…"

    "Oh ?"

    At this time, the people watching the game cheered up and witnessed a good battle. The residents of Fairy Tail and Magnolia Town also began to face the new Guild of Wings of Freedom.

    "Then, then, I played, oh, haha, I really saw the battle of Erza and it ignited. Wings of Freedom's No. 2 Gray, come fight!!! ~"Natsu double-handed said in a flame.

    "Mikoto, come on, the President can't play directly…"Kuroyukihime said to Misaka Mikoto.

    "Cut, don't send me a commander. I don't admit that you are a Strategist, but I don't like the name of the President. I don't like the second Gray Title. He is No. 1 Yu Chen."

    Misaka Mikoto suddenly came to Natsu.

    "It turned out to be a girl, but haha, I won't keep it!"Natsu's Fire Fist suddenly collided and said.

    Misaka Mikoto swayed her brown hair, and a trace of Azure's electric light suddenly got lit up, and the whole body shone with a glimmer of lightning…

    "Laxus, you are the second Laxus, hey, I am looking for Laxus to fight, you are coming better…"

    Natsu suddenly said at the sight of Misaka Mikoto.


    Misaka Mikoto suddenly appeared on the forehead with the word "#", and the electric light was vigorously glitted out of the body. Some dissatisfied said: "I am not Laxus, I am Misaka Mikoto of Wings of Freedom, remember me, there is The necessary lesson is your off-line guy!"

    "The second Laxus is awkward, hehe…"

    Natsu looks at the imposing Misaka Mikoto. Not only is she not afraid, but she laughs happily, and her hands on the fire suddenly impacted Misaka Mikoto…

    Misaka Mikoto sighed and took out a coin, and suddenly changed the color, became serious and refreshed, threw a coin, gathered lightning in his hand, and split the second in the hands of the coin, and immediately launched it with a strong electric light. ……


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