1017. Chapter 1017, the current Academy City (on)

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    After Takao was pulled out by Feng Yu Chen, he said, "French, do you really have to get the little Loli's belly?" Look at the age should be around 12 years old? ”


    Feng Yu Chen suddenly took a look at Takao and said, "Is it so bad? In short, it is an accident, accidental know? Saying I haven't helped you wash the engine for a long time, let the husband help you check where the fault is not…"

    "Mm."Takao suddenly nodded shyly.

    Walking and walking, suddenly Feng Yu Chen thought that Yuuki didn't come out. It was indeed that when he came out, Kanzaki was there, but Yuuki did not appear.

    Feng Yu Chen immediately checked the system record and displayed a new message.

    “Hey, your avatar Konno Aiko reaches the Magician Bloodline promotion limit and is promoted in the avatar space. The promotion time is seven days. After the promotion is completed, return to the subject…”

    The date of this message is on the 28th night of the Magic World. Feng Yu Chen does not have Special attention. The Magician Bloodline of Yuuki (Blue) should be promoted from 10% to 20%. The evolution of avatar's Bloodline is obvious and subject. Different, actually also the time limit, this point Feng Yu Chen is in mind.


    After sitting on the battleship of Takao, Feng Yu Chen Special experienced the feeling of dual-core dual-drive. This style of driving has not been experienced since the dark blue world, but now it is able to experience it.

    "The action is not too big, or there is no way to drive the battleship…"

    Takao feels that Feng Yu Chen's is soothing and his face is covered with blush. The dual-core dual-drive engine does this kind of thing, not only the feeling on the body, but also the feeling of the soul space. I realize this thing, Takao knows that once it really progresses. Going on, even the strength of driving a warship will not make it out…

    "It doesn't matter, we're done after driving…"

    Feng Yu Chen put Takao's body on the cockpit table, and with her hand picking her sensitive body, she kissed her little mouth…

    Everyone else is playing with a car shock, and Feng Yu Chen is playing a ship shock!

    Gradually, the Takao heavy cruiser vibrated above the sea, and the violent ups and downs symbolized the feelings of Takao at this time. The calm sea was shaken by Takao's heavy cruiser…

    Holding Feng Yu Chen's strong body, Takao squinted his eyes and enjoyed the impact of this strong typhoon. The little hand continually stroked on the back of Feng Yu Chen's, wanting to borrow what Strong…

    "Hey…No, no…Fujun…People have to melt it…"

    Takao suddenly seeks forgiveness. The general state is still good. The state of the dual-core engine and the engine can't be sustained. The impact is too strong, as if the whole body is going to melt.


    The Takao heavy cruiser gradually entered the Asian region temporarily reigned by the Chinese government. The head of the Southern Military Region immediately greeted Feng Yu Chen.

    "I came back this time, there is one thing to do, let the above inform the Japan area, teleportation of the entire city of Tokyo to the surrounding urban and rural areas, three days must be teleportation completed, or the whole city of Tokyo will be followed by I am responsible for independent management, and I don’t want to be close to the crowd."

    Feng Yu Chen said to the person in charge.

    "Tokyo Area domain? It’s not easy, although the Japanese government recently agreed that we will take over the whole of Japan, but they are only nominally obedient. It will take some time to really rule under our name…"The head of the military suddenly said that it was difficult to do.

    "Yes, tell them that they only have three days, they must teleport out. Now it is the state of the last days. Is it not easy to have a small island in Japan? In fact, there is a Dimensional World space that overlaps with the part of the world. It is the Japan Tokyo Area. If it overlaps, everything in the original Tokyo area will disappear, and all disappear. ”Feng Yu Chen said with a cold smile.

    "Overlap of the dimensional space?"The head of the military suddenly frowned. "Why not set up in China, is this not convenient for China to control?"

    "Impossible, Unlimited Anime system is a daily system, mostly related to Japan, and if Dimensional World overlaps with this world, the surrounding area will become a frequent battlefield. Understand it, well, then I am going to Japan Tokyo and witness the world coincidence three days later…"

    After that, Feng Yu Chen and Takao hoisted the battleship and exercised the past toward the island of Japan.

    Some officials in the Southern Military Region suddenly felt dissatisfied with Feng Yu Chen's arrogance. It was as simple as giving them orders. There was no room for negotiation, and they left as if they were just his subordinates…

    "Commander, this guy is too arrogant, obviously not to put us in the eyes…"

    That is,Now there are some new Infinators in China. Do you have to rely on him? ”

    "Too much too much…"

    "When the order is finished, he thinks who he is…"

    "The last time I killed all the other candidates, it was really tyrannical, and there was also the commander’s nephew…"


    The head of the southern military region suddenly turned around, coldly snorted a voice, said: "Shut up, mischief, he said there is no fault, now is the end, the strong for the respect, fist big is the real law, do not paranoid, and the domestic emergence of those infinator strength It's a lot weaker than him, at least now he's a symbol of China, not that he needs us, but that we need it, let it go, and I'm going to call the center and order the Japan government to teleportation the whole Tokyo.

    Officials suddenly closed their mouths, they are just jealous of Feng Yu Chen's strong, the heart is naturally jealous, who also want to be human, who want to have unparalleled power, who also want to be high, recall six months ago, Feng Yu Chen to their shoes are not worthy, Now they have no qualifications to look up to Feng Yu Chen's, and in the eyes of Feng Yu Chen's, they seem to exist like air.


    The man around Takao looks at, suddenly sighed and said: "Frather, you seem to gradually get rid of the world, the world that can truly integrate is our so-called two Dimensional World, do you really have nothing to do with this?"

    "It doesn't matter, I was a homeboy, and it was my dream to fit into two dimensional world, and presumably, gradually, the world would no longer be a simple present," cross Ange:rondo of Angel and Dragon "," A certain M Agical Index has been connected with the world, I feel the future, it is possible that the world will connect all the two dimensional, this is just the equivalent of a transit point, the future of mankind will embark on a new path … "

    Feng Yu Chen smiled and held Takao. He felt that "Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon" and "A Certain Magical Index" should be deliberately made by Unlimited System, not satisfied with the conditions, all of which are infinite. God has set the ending!

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