1013. Chapter 1013: The soul of the town

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    Kanzaki Kaori looks at around the movement, in a low voice said: "Recently is eventful, Vampire can reproduce things have been spread throughout the magic world everywhere, as long as there is ' Vampire slayer ' Himegawa Aisa ' one Blood can become a vampire in some kind of ritual, which is really an evil thing for the cross.

    However, because of the kind of fantasy of Vampire, even some people in the cross sects are interested in this blood. Although there are only rumors, but there is no wind and no waves, some people still come here with the purpose of luck. ”

    Feng Yu Chen realized everything in an instant, and the infinite players really did everything. They completely promoted the System Quest in some form. If the plots of these infinite players are successful, then the world may become Vampire. The world is really a terrible future…

    "Now tricky, did not think it is golden perfunctory ah, although the ' golden perfunctory ' mantra has existed, but because the mantra is too long, alone even if 200 years sleepless singing can not be finished, the mantra itself does not exist any shortened elements, but also impossible to split style Sing it down from generation to generation, because like a word game, the mantra will be gradually distorted, all, life-limited human beings, the fundamental impossible use of that magic … "

    Stiyl groaned painfully on the ground. "It seems that Aureolus, this guy should be someone else to help you sing together…"

    Aureolus proudly laughed, said: "There is no mistake, can see this point or to praise you, I am in control of the entire three ze school garden, manipulating 2000 students at the same time singing the mantra, singing speed at least 2000 times times, even if it takes 400 years of rituals, as long as such a practice, Can be completed in just 70 days, at the same time, I through the mantra between the impact of the increase in the effect, so that the speed has increased 120 times times, only half a day of events to complete the ' golden perfunctory ', strong, you have not won it … "

    "Ah, it is very powerful, but let you know the so-called anger of God!!"

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes flashed Azure's light, and the power of Saint Mark was like a ray of light. Everything around his body was pushed away. Kanzaki and others were bounced out. The whole night sky seemed to be. Map the cellar under the light of Feng Yu Chen's.

    The last killing, he had thought so scum would be quiet, but there is a point he is wrong, even if the ants also have the power to struggle, infinite players how to do can not control his answer, they have to complete the quest, no matter what kind of players, are have their own goals, perhaps there is a psychological abnormal , but what about that?

    They are not Feng Yu Chen, who likes Infinite World as a piece of life. They just use it as a killing/enjoyment/desire/expect/discharge…Place, in other words, their real world is reality, not two yuan, Feng Yu Chen walked through 10 worlds, the reason is still a young mentality, is because he took every world as a real life, it can be said that he broke away from the present, become a member of two yuan, Perhaps he has forgotten that he is a member of the Earth, only to understand that he is an infinite two dimensional World of human beings.

    It is because of this psychological gap that those players will not be tempted by people in this world, only if they are the existence of an Item, used to level the existence, they may have long thought of a strong X certain female Protagonist The reason why I didn't do it was because the strength was not enough.

    Unlike Feng Yu Chen, his whole person has merged into the world of the second dimension.

    Therefore, he was angry and regarded Himegawa Aisa as the existence of leveling items. He could not tolerate it. In his heart, they are all real, not the items and tools used for leveling!

    In the beginning, Feng Yu Chen may also be the same as these players, but now it is different, he is already a resident of the second yuan, he likes everything now, so he does not allow it to be destruction, maybe this may be some of the second But the second element is his supreme doctrine, and he likes the world of the second element most!

    “Hey, anger reaches the tipping point, Saint Mark strongly activates the upgrade –

    Saint Mark body:

    Growth stage: 50%

    Add Attribute:Strength +140, Physical Strength +250, Speed ​​+50, Energy +400.

    Bloodline special skill :

    Quickly cure LV5;

    Ice knot field LV5: The range of 50 meters in diameter, the ability of all the physical movements in the world to stop, beyond the limits of the user's strength is not affected by this field.

    Dressing LV5 with the same body;

    Accel Turn LV5 (quad acceleration, double no interval acceleration);

    Co-ordinated body armed (star dust weapon / lightning weapon) LV4;

    TEMP (Electromagnetic Pulses) est Turn LV4 (quadruple avatar);

    Plasma dressing LV2;

    Plasma weapon LV2;

    Illusion Turn LV2: The incredible special skill "impossible is visually captured, and impossible is perceived by the opponent", actually belongs to the ability to cross each parallel dimension, the current time limit is 2S.

    Teleportation LV1: A completely different domain capability than Accel Turn, which can be transmitted to an area in no time, with a range of one kilometer. ”

    Feng Yu Chen, like the angel of light, unfolds the wings of angels made up of six Kakuzu's blazing white crystals. The whole person looks like a real archangel and overlooks the whole world.

    “Is this the activation level of all Saint Mark?”Kanzaki Kaori suddenly shocked and said that Strength, who completely activated her with Saint Mark, was not in a grade, and she was so strong that she could not even win the desire to fight.

    "Is it a real angel, let me give it a try!"

    Aureolus suddenly put a long gold pin on his neck and said, "Let the false angels in front of you fall from the sky!"


    Nothing happens.

    "The humble mortal is in his heart, he can't afford to strengthen the defeat of the angel. You are just a mortal. How can you defeat the angel?" You say yes, Golden Dalai is able to influence what you think in your heart to reality and change what you think in your heart. You are not sure if you can break me, so your skills will not work. Well, the majesty of the gods, let me punished the gods! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's appeared in the hands of a blazing cross, and the cross was glittering with a heart-wrenching fire.

    Aureolus suddenly burst into a string of cold sweat on his forehead, the world's first saint, the legendary God Child, his heart is indeed raising an irresistible idea, as long as this idea exists, he impossible defeat Feng Yu Chen, Golden Da Yan can't play a role.

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