Unify all heavens

Chapter 95 Half-human, half-corpse Nine Auntie (Part 2)

On the heavily guarded street, the fat marshal with a majestic look was striding toward the town gate, while the wretched-looking adjutant was slightly behind the marshal, walking with his head held high and his chest held high, pretending to be powerful.

Behind them were eighteen guards with guns and serious faces.

Whenever the marshal and his adjutant passed by the guards on the street, these guards would salute the marshal with serious faces.

Just when the marshal was about to reach the gate of the town, a guard suddenly ran over from behind and stood directly in front of the marshal. Then before the marshal could speak, the guard saluted. Then he said breathlessly: "Commander, the thief who dug up Aunt Jiu's grave has been caught!"

When the commander, who was originally gloomy, heard these words, his face turned cold. He opened his eyes and gritted his teeth and said, "Where are the people?"

When the guard heard this, he immediately said: "In the hotel!"

Hearing this, the commander sneered first, and then suddenly asked with an urgent look on his face: "Have you found the ninth aunt?"

As soon as the guard heard this sentence, he suddenly hesitated: "Looking, looking, I found it, but, but..."

Before he could finish speaking, the impatient commander took a step forward and kicked him, then narrowed his eyes and said, "Adjutant! Take him down and give him thirty whips, and then have someone teach him how to behave properly." say!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately turned around and ran towards the hotel.

When the adjutant subconsciously looked back, he saw that the commander had already run out more than ten meters.

Upon seeing this, the adjutant hurriedly said angrily to the dozen or so guards standing on both sides of the street: "What are you all doing standing still? Didn't you hear that Aunt Jiu and the thief were found? What if the thief injured the commander? What should I do? Why don’t you hurry up and protect the commander?!”


The guards standing on both sides of the street saluted quickly after hearing this, then turned and ran quickly towards the handsome figure.

During the run, several people's hats were tilted.

hotel lobby;

Wangcai sat on the sofa with a somewhat nervous expression, and next to him was Mrs. Jiu who looked exactly like him.

When Wangcai was taken to the hotel, the guards originally asked Wangcai to squat on the ground with his head in his hands. However, when they saw Mrs. Jiu squatting down with her head in her hands, they were all so frightened that they almost lost their souls. For After asking Mrs. Jiu to sit on the sofa, the guards finally had no choice but to let Wangcai sit on the sofa as well.

"Where is that thief? Huh?!"

At this moment, a rough and angry voice was heard from outside the hotel door.

Wangcai, who was already nervous, paled immediately after hearing this voice, and then lowered his head subconsciously.

Just when Wangcai lowered his head, the handsome man with a livid face walked in from the door of the hotel.

When the marshal saw Wangcai sitting on the sofa, he became angry and said through gritted teeth, "Who asked him to sit there?"

As he spoke, he walked up to Wangcai, then narrowed his eyes and ordered: "Raise your head!"

Wangcai swallowed when he heard this, and then raised his head with his body trembling slightly.

When he saw Wangcai's young face, the commander immediately sneered: "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Is it just you, a little thief, who dug up my ninth wife's grave?"

Wangcai bit his lip when he heard this, thinking that he would die anyway, so he might as well go all out and give it a try.

Thinking of this, he suddenly stood up, looked at the majestic-looking commander and said, "Commander, I dare to take the responsibility, yes! I dug up your ninth wife's grave! But..."

Before Wangcai could finish speaking, the commander standing in front of him suddenly opened his eyes and shouted coldly: "You are so brave! You even dare to dig my ninth wife's grave?"

After saying this, he waved his hand suddenly and ordered: "Someone, pull him out and kill him!"

Wangcai's eyes widened when he heard this, and then he hurriedly shouted: "Wait!"


The commander raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "What? Do you have any last words?"

Upon hearing this, Wangcai took a deep breath and said, "Commander, if you kill me, your ninth aunt will not be able to save me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the handsome man standing in front of him changed his expression, reached out and grabbed the clothes on his chest, and then said through gritted teeth: "You kid, tell me clearly, what do you mean by that sentence?"

Wangcai didn't speak, just glanced to the side.

The marshal followed his gaze and immediately found the dead Jiu Yita standing beside him happily.

The moment he saw Mrs. Jiu, the handsome man's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

He had seen someone else beside Wangcai before, but his attention was all on Wangcai at that time, so he didn't pay attention.

At this time, when he saw the dead Jiu Yitai standing in front of him, the commander was suddenly filled with surprise.

Then he put Wangcai aside, hurriedly walked to Jiuyi Tai, and said excitedly: "Qianwen? Are you resurrected???"

Just when he finished saying this, Wang Cai suddenly said: "Commander, actually I don't want to interrupt your reunion with Jiu Yitai, but there is something wrong with Jiu Yitai's state now!"


After hearing Wangcai's words, the commander suddenly narrowed his eyes, then turned his head to look at Wangcai, with a dangerous light in his eyes and said, "What do you mean by this?"

Just when Wangcai was thinking about how to explain this matter clearly, the adjutant came to the gate of the town with eighteen guards.

Looking at the quiet street where you could hear a needle drop, the adjutant and the guards behind him all subconsciously slowed down.

When they walked to the gate of the town, the first thing they saw were the corpses lying in the open space outside the town in a tragic state of death.

Looking at the corpses with their bones and flesh separated and without a trace of blood, the adjutant's face suddenly turned pale, and then he hurriedly shouted: "Everyone is on alert!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand to the guards behind him to go over and check.

The several guards behind them looked at each other, and finally they could only take a deep breath, bravely walked forward slowly, and at the same time pointed their guns straight ahead, ready to fire at any time.

At the same time, the corpse demon, whose corpse aura was getting stronger and stronger, was sniffing and walking into a small alley.

In a bamboo basket not far away from it, a pale-faced middle-aged man was looking at the corpse monster in front of him with disheveled hair, red eyes and blue face through the gap in the bamboo basket.

As the corpse demon got closer and closer to him, the middle-aged man's breathing gradually became heavier, and then he slowly backed away while holding the bamboo basket with wide eyes.

When he stepped back, he accidentally tripped over a stone and fell down behind him.

At this moment, the corpse monster suddenly opened its eyes and looked in his direction.

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