Unify all heavens

Chapter 809 Return to Fengyun!

After the great elder of Corpse Mansion said these words, his face darkened. He turned back to look at the other ninety-nine elders who had also stood up, and said in a cold voice: "What are you waiting for? Why don't you start the formation quickly?" Method? Just throw away the exhausted body. When the master returns and becomes a quasi-sage, a single thought can resurrect us and have the youngest body!"

After hearing his words, the elders all stood around the round platform with expressionless faces, surrounded the entire edge of the round platform, and then blew themselves up at the same time!

At that moment, I only heard a series of "boom" sounds!

And in the banging sound, all their flesh and blood was splashed on the outer layer of the blood-colored giant pillar of light.

At the same time, the great elder of Corpse Mansion closed his eyes and opened his mouth to read out the obscure secret technique.

In these secret techniques that were like scriptures, Li Qing, who was high in the sky, saw the purple coffins hanging on the necks of the purple coffin inheritors below, all sliding open.

Then pieces of broken bones that looked like white jade floated out from the coffin. These broken bones included finger bones and bones from other parts of the body.

After these bones flew out of the coffin, they formed a huge skeleton among the blood pillars.

Li Qing looked gloomy, secretly blaming himself for forgetting that there were zombie bones in those purple coffins!

In the past in Jiuquan Town, a finger bone of a zombie appeared from the purple coffin he once had, and directly destroyed the projection of the Gate of the Underworld, saving him.

It's just that too much time passed, and he actually ignored this.

At this time, I was in the blood pillar. After seeing these broken bones, I just thought that the body of the false saint of Zombie God was destroyed by the Tongtian Cult Leader, and the eyeball attached to the Six Souls was also shattered by the ruthless emperor! But his broken bones still exist in the purple coffin!

When you reach the realm of Zombie God, you will naturally have the magical power of being reborn with blood and resurrected with broken bones!

After all, if you reach the level of Daluo Golden Immortal, you will be immortal and immortal for all tribulations. However, as the peak of Daluo Golden Immortal, how can the Zombie God, who is called the ‘false saint’, be destroyed so easily?

Leader Tongtian is indeed strong, but the last time he came here was just a projection, so he had no way of knowing all this. Although the ruthless emperor is strong, he has not become a worldly immortal!

In Li Qing's view, no matter how many realms there are in the world, and how many methods of cultivation there are, the great road leads to the same goal, and the ultimate goal of all cultivators is to become a saint!

However, in other worlds, due to the different ways of heaven, their abilities and titles after becoming saints are also different!

In the prehistoric world, if a quasi-sage wants to become a saint, he needs Hongmeng Purple Qi!

In the Zhetian world, if the emperor wants to become a mortal immortal, he needs to walk on the road to becoming an immortal!

And all of this, isn't it a kind of restraint imposed by heaven on powerful cultivators?

Whether it is the so-called Road to Immortality, or Hongmeng Purple Qi, or everything else, although the names are different, the effect is the same.

Therefore, although they are strong, they are not from the Prisoner Immortal Realm. How could they know that Zombie God still has broken bones left behind after countless time and space?

While Li Qing was thinking about this, the Great Elder of the Corpse Mansion outside the round platform looked at the huge skeleton with more than ten bones missing.

There are eighty-one purple coffins in total, but there are always some purple coffin inheritors who encounter various disasters, resulting in the purple coffin, the bones of the zombie god, and himself, all turned into ashes.

There are currently seventy-two coffins on the round platform. Li Qing destroyed one in Journey to the West, plus the one he and Zhu Gong were forced to keep in the Corpse Mansion. Today, the only remaining purple coffin is Seventy-three bodies

Therefore, after the great elder of Corpse Mansion saw that the skeleton was incomplete, he threw the last purple coffin he had hidden in his arms into the bloody light pillar.

And this purple coffin was the one that Li Qing was forced to stay in the Corpse Mansion.

Therefore, Li Qing, who had been floating in the sky without any movement, saw that the purple coffin belonging to him was also thrown in by the great elder, and a stern smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth. The moment the bones emerged, he sneered and said, "Thank you for returning my purple coffin!"

The moment he said the words, his figure suddenly disappeared and appeared next to his original purple coffin. Then he raised his hand and grabbed it, and his vast cultivation power instantly poured into the coffin, transporting the mother-in-law teleportation array that he had carved on the purple coffin. activation!

At that moment, there was only a "buzz" sound, and the purple coffin suddenly started shaking, and then thousands of golden lights spurted out from the purple coffin, sweeping in all directions!

When the great elder outside the round platform saw this, his expression suddenly changed and he exclaimed: "Not good!"

Before he could even finish his words, the golden light in the huge bloody pillar also disappeared without a trace.

And Li Qing disappeared immediately!

Under the sky that has been dark for decades, the torrential floods that have almost submerged the entire world are rolling into huge waves in the never-ending wind!

Although the waves were magnificent, they submerged countless mountain peaks.

But there is a mountain that it has never set foot on.

As soon as I came to the thousand-meter-high steps on this mountain, there were extremely powerful beings standing all year round. They withstood the attack of the flood just by relying on their momentum.

Secondly, there is a force established on this mountain that has already ruled the entire world——

The world will meet!

At this moment, under the martial arts square of Tianxiahui, there are 1,800 zombies from the Corpse Ancestor Realm, fighting!

They don't use magical powers or magic, they only rely on fangs and claws!

Yanwu Square has expanded again and again in the past few decades.

Now, the area covered has reached several miles!

If it were the original Tianxiahui, there would be no room for such accommodation.

But there are many immortals in today's Tianxiahui. With the magical power of moving mountains and filling the sea, today's Tianxiahui has become a mountain with a height of more than 100,000 feet!

The building on the top of the mountain houses more than 400,000 zombies!

At this time, on the stage of Yanwu Square, a young man in black shirt was lying on a huge golden chair, expressionlessly watching the killing of the corpse ancestors below.

There are no sun, moon or stars in this world now. No matter how much time has passed, the sky is still shrouded in gloomy black clouds.

Therefore, the young man lay down for seven days!

During this period, the number of zombie ancestors in Yanwu Square gradually decreased, and the surviving zombies all broke through the zombie ancestors (xuanxian) and evolved into zombie kings (celestial immortals)!

Seeing that the remaining zombie kings were about to fight again, the young man sat up and shouted.

"That's it!"

When the words fell, the remaining ninety-seven zombie kings all stopped fighting, turned around to face the young man, knelt down on one knee, and fell silent.

The young man nodded with satisfaction and then stood up.

Just when he opened his mouth to speak, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky that had been dark for decades!

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