Unify all heavens

Chapter 805 Defeat Tathagata! (Down)

These two versions of Fa Tian Xiang Di are very different!

When Li Qing used this complete magical power, his appearance remained unchanged, and his body cultivation level skyrocketed in all aspects!

When the incomplete magical powers of Sun Wukong and Yang Jian are used, they all turn into green-faced fangs. Although they are tall, their own strength cannot be increased!

But Sun Wukong and Yang Jian had never heard of this matter.

So, at this moment, Sun Wukong, who was also 10,000 feet tall, waved the mountain-like Ruyi Golden Cudgel with confidence, and smashed it hard at Li Qing, who had changed his appearance below!

Perhaps because of the sudden surge in cultivation to the quasi-saint realm, the messy thoughts in Li Qing's mind have disappeared, and only the thought of killing lingers in his mind!


When the mountain-like golden hoop broke through the void, stirred up the wind and clouds, and smashed down like the top of Mount Tai, Li Qing quickly raised his head and swung his claws away at the same time!

Immediately, a clear and loud sound of "Bang——" was heard in the sky, and then the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, which was said to weigh 13,500 kilograms and could be injured if it was rubbed and killed if touched, was struck by Li Qing. Clap it off with one claw!

The head of the stick inlaid with a golden hoop suddenly whirled and disappeared under the horrified gazes of many gods and gods as well as Sun Wukong!

Sun Wukong, who had become ten thousand feet tall, froze on the spot for an instant, and the whole monkey was stunned.

At this moment, Li Qing's claws slapped Sun Wukong's body hard, and the dark and sharp nails at the tip of his claws immediately cut through Sun Wukong's body and flew past!

Although Tathagata had the intention to stop him, Li Qing's speed was too fast.

As soon as he stretched out his palm, Sun Wukong was already cut into five sections by Li Qing's nails!

The flesh and blood were thrown away, falling to pieces and falling to the ground!

Sun Wukong's head that couldn't help but roll was filled with disbelief and horror!

But now, his mind has gone blank.

Lord Tathagata Buddha, who had always remained calm when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, could not help but widen his eyes at this moment, looking at Sun Wukong who was torn apart in astonishment, and did not come back to his senses for a long time!

At this moment when Tathagata was lost in thought, Li Qing suddenly approached him, much faster than the speed of the sun shining on the earth. Almost at the moment when his body moved, he had already appeared in front of the golden form of Lord Tathagata, and then One claw grabbed Tathagata's head. At this moment, the Tathagata Buddha woke up from a dream, and his face full of compassion suddenly became angry. He waved his palm at Li Qing in anger!

It's just that his speed was a few moments slower than Li Qing's. As soon as he raised his hand, Li Qing's other claw was already on his shoulder, and then he tore his entire arm with force. down. At the same time, a fang smelted from the Four Swords of Zhuxian viciously bit the neck of Lord Tathagata!

Before Tathagata could cry out in pain at the loss of his arm, Li Qing's four fangs had already penetrated his golden body and bit deeply into his neck!

The look of anger on Tathagata Buddha's face instantly dissipated, and was replaced by a look of horror!

"You dare to be evil."

Just when these four words came out of his mouth, Li Qing suddenly took a sip of the Buddha's essence and blood that was like liquid gold with an intoxicated look on his face!

Below, the heavenly soldiers and generals led by the Tota King Li Jing are already stunned!

Not only them, but also Li Jing, Nezha, and Erlangshen all opened their eyes wide at this time, looking at the Tathagata Buddha who had no power to resist in Li Qing's hands with horrified faces!

In the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor, who had been sitting safely on the dragon chair, also stood up with a bang at this moment, looked at the Supreme Lord with a livid face, gritted his teeth and said: "Lao Lord! The Great Sage Qitian has fallen, and the Tathagata has fallen. Lord Buddha is about to pass away! The great calamity of heaven and earth has come! If the saint doesn’t take action, I’m afraid the next person to die at the hands of that evil beast will be me!"

Taishang Laojun also had a livid look on his face at this time, and the incomprehensible indifference of the past had long been thrown away!

Therefore, when the Jade Emperor finished speaking, he bowed to the sky and said in a deep voice with an ugly face: "Please ask the saint to conquer the devil!"

The moment the words fell, the thunderous sound of the Great Dao resounded in the ears of all living beings in the three realms of heaven and earth:

Hongmeng breaks through the Xuanhuang scene and governs the five elements in the human world.

Xuanyuan rose to daylight, and the way to cast magic in Hanguan was always bright.

Riding an ox far away from Qiancun, the fairy sound of the piccolo can be heard across the long distance.

He created the earth and created the heaven as the leader, and refined the universe in the furnace.

The Dharma in the non-dual sect is more mysterious, mercury and lead meet and become immortals.

Before leaving the mother's belly, the head turns white first, and then the Qi of Shenxiao is fully developed.

Indoor alchemy mixed with Wuji, there is medicine in the furnace to win the innateness.

Born as a guest in the Eight Scenery Palace, he does not remember the tens of thousands of years in the human world.

I worship the Master outside the dark and yellow world, and let me do whatever I want in the time of chaos.

The five elements are in my control, and the great road can guide the crowd.

I built a golden pagoda for peace and quiet, and I went out to Kansai for leisurely travel.

The two hands encompass the outer world, and the five mountains and sumeru are contained in the belly.

He is born after he is born and grows old, so he got his name from Li Chengzheng.

I once worshiped Hongjun and cultivated morality, only then did I know that one Qi can transform the Three Pure Ones.

Along with the sound of the avenue, endless golden lotuses emerged from the ground and floated into the sky!

Li Qing, who had already started biting Tathagata Buddha in the lower realm, suddenly stopped at this moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Tathagata Buddha, who had lost one arm and one leg, hurriedly dispersed his body and fled to the west in panic with lightning speed.

The fluctuations when he escaped suddenly startled Li Qing, who was in a daze. After discovering that "food" had escaped, Li Qing became furious and raised his hand even though he was thousands of miles away!

The Tathagata Buddha, who had turned into a rainbow light and fled thousands of miles away, was slammed to the ground by Li Qing's claw, smashing into more than a dozen mountain peaks one after another!

After taking the picture of Lord Tathagata, Li Qing's scarlet eyes looked at the 300,000 heavenly soldiers and generals below who were like ants!

When Li Jing in front of the military formation saw Li Qing looking at them, the idea in his mind of capturing Li Qing and punishing him to prove the power of heaven was instantly abandoned.

In panic, he only had time to exclaim: "No!" before he saw Li Qing's terrifyingly huge figure flying towards them!

At his words, the 300,000 heavenly soldiers and generals who were originally arranged in a military formation suddenly fled in all directions crying for their fathers and mothers. Nezha and Erlangshen had long since lost the courage to confront Li Qing, so they used all their magic power to use their divine paths. Escape separately in two directions to the southeast!

As for Zhen Yuanzi, as early as when Li Qing started biting Lord Tathagata, he left with a look of horror on his face. As soon as he returned to Wuzhuang Temple, he sacrificed the book from the ground. The entire Wuzhuang Temple was enveloped.

At this moment, after Li Qing saw 300,000 heavenly soldiers and generals fleeing in all directions, he shook his head and let out a roar!

In an instant, the sound shook the heavens and the sound waves shook the earth! The 70,000 to 80,000 heavenly soldiers behind him were directly shattered by his roar, leaving only a bloody mist! Although the heavenly soldiers who were fleeing in front did not die, they were suddenly injured and fell to the ground like rain!

And at this moment, a piece of purple air came covering the sky and the sun

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