Unify all heavens

Chapter 803 The power of the corpse shakes the sky!


When this crisp sound like gold and iron clashing sounded above Li Qing's head, even though Li Qing was a magic weapon, he staggered forward and fell forward. Then his vision went dark, and he fell down like a green onion.

At that moment, he heard a "boom" and hit the ground, creating a deep pit with a range of a hundred feet.

Then I saw a piece of dust and mist rising into the sky from the big pit.

In front of the 300,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, Li Jing couldn't help but his eyes widened when he saw this.

Hundreds of years ago, it was Taishang Laojun who helped with the diamond bracelet, and Heaven captured the Monkey King who disturbed Heaven.

Recalling the past and looking at the familiar scene in front of him, he immediately smiled and exclaimed: "Daozu's action is really extraordinary!"

After saying this, he turned his head, smiled at the suddenly expressionless Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, and said, "Bodhisattva, it seems that there is no need to persuade that guy to leave now!"


Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name with no expression on his face, and then remained silent.

Li Jing couldn't help but get excited after seeing this. He didn't agree with Guanyin Bodhisattva's method at first.

In his opinion, Li Qing disrupted the order of the three realms, and the only way to promote the power of heaven is to punish him with death!

Now Taishang Laojun's diamond bracelet hit Li Qing's head, which was exactly in line with his original purpose!

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and threw the exquisite pagoda in his hand.

In an instant, I saw the Linglong Pagoda rising in the storm. In the blink of an eye, it grew from a one-foot-long golden pagoda to a pagoda dozens of feet high!

Immediately, thousands of golden lights were seen emerging from the pagoda, then slowly spinning and falling towards the big pit that Li Qing had smashed!

Just hearing a "buzz" sound, the tower base pressed on the big pit.

High in the sky, Li Jing quickly recited the "Shou Zi Jue", intending to use the exquisite pagoda to capture Li Qing. In this way, all the credit would be his!

After all, no one else had touched it.


He overestimated his exquisite pagoda and underestimated Li Qing's strength!

Not only him, but also the Supreme Lord who is far away in the Lingxiao Palace!

If we go forward a few hundred years, when Taishang Laojun's diamond bracelet hit Li Qing's head, it could indeed make Li Qing unable to use any cultivation power within a stick of incense!

But just a few decades ago, Li Qing took away Taoist Mosquito's magical power and refined all the Four Swords of Zhu Xian into his body!

The diamond bracelet is indeed powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, it cannot be compared with the Four Swords of Zhu Xian!

After all, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian are the most deadly weapons in heaven, and they are also the weapons of the saints that suppress the luck of Jiejiao!

Therefore, the moment Li Qing smashed a big hole into the ground, he had already regained his consciousness. Then he slowly picked up the diamond bracelet that fell aside and was shining brightly.

"What a great master!"

After Li Qing said this through gritted teeth, he clenched the diamond bracelet with expressionless expression.

When he raised his head, his eyes were covered in scarlet.

At this moment, Li Jing's exquisite pagoda landed on top of the pit, and a powerful suction force came from it!

Li Qing smiled with a sinister meaning, took the initiative to face the suction force, and was sucked into the Linglong Pagoda.

High in the sky, Li Jing, who was trying hard to recite the retraction formula, seemed to feel something. Suddenly, his face was overjoyed, and he quickly recited the recitation formula to take the Linglong Pagoda back.

As he recited the mantra, the exquisite pagoda pressing on the big pit slowly floated up again with a "buzz" sound, and then spun into the sky. After a while, it appeared in Li Jing's eyes, and then became visible to the naked eye. The speed slowly decreases.

Finally, when it was about to return to Li Jing's hand, the Linglong Pagoda also changed back to one foot tall.

Looking at the exquisite pagoda flying toward his palm, Li Jing stroked his beard and laughed heartily, saying in a loud voice: "The devil has been captured by this heavenly king. All the heavenly generals, order your troops to return."

Before he could finish these words, the exquisite pagoda that had just flown in front of him suddenly grew in size, knocking the astonished Li Jing backwards. If it weren't for the quick eyesight and quick hands of Erlang beside him, he would have been directly hit. He was knocked to the point of lying on his back.

Immediately afterwards, when the eyes of all the gods were attracted by the suddenly enlarged Linglong Pagoda, they saw dense cracks suddenly appeared on the dazzling golden tower of the Linglong Pagoda, and then there was a "click" sound.

When the three Bodhisattvas Avalokitesvara, Manjusri and Samantabhadra saw this scene, their expressions suddenly changed and they exclaimed: "Not good!"

As they spoke, the three of them hurriedly transformed into golden light and fled into the distance in an instant!

At this time, a deafening roar suddenly sounded from the exquisite pagoda, which was covered with dense cracks!

The next moment, Li Qing flew out of the shattered exquisite pagoda, directly raised the blood-red stick of the world-destroying netherworld, and swiped at the three Bodhisattvas who had transformed into golden light and fled a hundred feet away with a ferocious smile!

In an instant, the length and width of the Netherworld Stick increased dramatically, and its growth rate was much faster than the escape speed of the three Bodhisattvas!

Therefore, when the blood-red stick body came to the left side of the three golden lights, the thickness of the stick body had returned to the way it originally supported the sky!

The three Bodhisattvas were frightened when they saw this, and they quickly appeared and tried to use their own methods to resist.

However, their reaction was a little slow.

The moment they revealed their true bodies, the blood-red stick, which was hundreds of feet thick and spanned half the sky, crashed down on the three of them!

As a faint "bang" sound was heard, Manjushri Bodhisattva, who was the first to come into contact with the stick, was directly knocked into a pile of flesh by the force that was enough to overturn the river.

Seeing this scene, Samantabhadra's face instantly turned pale, but before he could make any move, the World-Destroying Netherworld Stick had already been swung heavily on his body.

In an instant, he followed Manjusri's footsteps and turned into a pile of meat!

As early as the moment Manjusri fell, the face of the Tathagata Buddha in the Lingxiao Palace changed drastically. He was so shocked that he suddenly left before he had time to report to the Jade Emperor, and turned into a thousand-foot golden body and appeared directly in the sky!

The ten thousand feet of Buddha's light on his body forcibly dispersed the sea of ​​clouds and clouds covering the sky over a large area in an instant, and then he reached down and grabbed the stick that was already hitting Guanyin Bodhisattva!

Seeing the death of Manjusri and Samantabhadra, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva felt a bit cold in her heart. Even though she claimed to be able to see through the mortal world, she couldn't help but become frightened at this time.

But at the critical moment, a huge golden palm appeared on the stick, blocking the stick that was about to hit Guanyin Bodhisattva.

But at the same time, Lord Tathagata sitting cross-legged in the sky also involuntarily let out a muffled groan.

Li Qing then raised his head and looked at Tathagata with a pair of scarlet eyes.

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