Unify all heavens

Chapter 792 The brothers from Baihuling escaped from the trap, and Wuzhuang Guanwu stole ginseng! (s

This rope may seem slender, but it is extremely durable. It is formed by condensation of a ray of corpse energy in Li Qing's body. Not to mention Sun Wukong, even if Yang Erlang came, there was nothing he could do about this rope of corpse energy.

After all, with Li Qing's current level of strength, even a rope made of condensed corpse energy can be regarded as a treasure!

Just like now, after Li Qing finished speaking, Sun Wukong's eyes almost burst into flames. Even though he was filled with resentment, he could only grit his teeth and stare at Li Qing.

Sun Wukong did not notice that at this moment, Zhu Bajie, who was shaking the rope desperately, was staring at him with an expression of gnashing teeth.

In Zhu Bajie's opinion, he suffered this disaster for no reason and it was all because of the plagued monkey.

"Damn Butima Wen!"

After cursing fiercely in his heart, Zhu Bajie thought bitterly: 'If I can escape this time, I will definitely find an opportunity to make this plagued monkey suffer some pain! ’.

Just as he was thinking about this, he suddenly heard an old voice coming from outside the cave.

"Junior brother."

"Junior brother."

The voice was very ethereal, as if it was coming from the horizon, and it also seemed to be ringing directly in my ears.

For some reason, Zhu Bajie always felt that this voice was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

Therefore, he couldn't help but look thoughtful under this voice.

Li Qing, who was sitting on the human skin seat, frowned slightly after hearing this voice, and then appeared outside the cave in a flash.

At this time, Sun Wukong suddenly smiled playfully at Zhu Bajie and said, "Good son-in-law, your mother is here to save you!"

Zhu Bajie was stunned when he heard this, and then he suddenly remembered the manifestation of the Four Saints not long ago. He immediately changed his expression and cursed at Sun Wukong: "Well, you plagued monkey, I have suffered a lot for you. You have suffered so much, and you don’t even mention thanking me, but you still ridicule me at this moment! You really are not a son of man!"

When Sun Wukong heard what Zhu Bajie said, he felt quite unhappy. He quickly apologized to Zhu Bajie and said with a smile: "Good junior brother, it is indeed Lao Sun who was wrong this time. If there is a chance to escape from here, I will make it up to my brother!"

Zhu Bajie snorted a few times and ignored him, but in his mind he was thinking about how to get Tang Sanzang to recite the Tightening Curse twice for the monkey!

At the same time, outside the White Tiger Cave, Li Qing looked at Old Mother Lishan and Guanyin Bodhisattva who were slowly descending from high altitude. He quickly raised his hands and said with a smile: "I wonder how Senior Sister and Bodhisattva have the leisure to come to this place where monsters gather today?"

After hearing the words, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva glanced at Old Mother Lishan, then nodded and said with a smile: "Amitabha, Wukong acted recklessly. He offended Li Tianjun a few days ago and was imprisoned by Li Tianjun. I hope Li Tianjun will take this for granted. , forgive him and wait!"

When she finished speaking, she continued: "The poor monk heard that Li Tianjun had some conflicts with Patriarch Kunpeng of Beiming some time ago. If Patriarch Kunpeng comes out of seclusion in the future, the poor monk is willing to block this disaster for Tianjun!"

Li Qing smiled when he heard the words and said: "Bodhisattva is joking. I and Sun Dasheng hit it off immediately and are close friends. How can I lock him up? It must be a villain who spreads slander! To be honest with Bodhisattva, I originally wanted to confront Sun Dasheng. Drink and sing loudly, now that the Bodhisattva is here, I will call out the great sage Sun! Please bother the Bodhisattva to stay here later!"

When he finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the cave, then took out the remaining small bottle of wine from the Netherworld Blood Coffin hidden in the void, and sprinkled it all on Sun Wukong.

Just when Sun Wukong was furious, Li Qing had already sneered: "Great Sage Sun, for the sake of Guanyin Bodhisattva, I will spare you this time. If there is a next time, even if the Tathagata Buddha comes, he will not be able to save you. !”

After saying that, he cast a spell to disperse the ropes tied to Sun Wukong and took him out.

When he walked to the cave door, Zhu Bajie, who was still hanging in the air, immediately shouted with laughter: "Tianjun! Tianjun! Can you relax the old pig too?"

Li Qing immediately turned around and said with a cold face: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva only said he wanted Sun Wukong, not you Marshal Tianpeng. Just stay peacefully in the cave. If I find you dishonest, I will treat you again." Thirty lashes!”

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he immediately trembled and fell silent with an ugly expression on his face.

As he watched Sun Wukong being taken out by Li Qing, and after guessing that they were far away, he began to curse: "You are a plagued monkey, you caused trouble, but let the old pig suffer, and now you can't even get out of trouble." , and you are the only one! Could it be that you are the only disciple of Tang Yudi?"

The White Bone Demon was upset by his noise, and immediately shouted coldly: "Shut up, if you yell again, I will treat you to a whip!"

Zhu Bajie was so angry that he was shaking all over, but he didn't dare to curse anymore. He just gritted his teeth with a look of hatred on his face.

outside the cave.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva looked at Sun Wukong in surprise, then at Li Qing, and subconsciously asked: "Li Tianjun, where is the pig Wuneng?"

Li Qing shook his head when he heard this, spread his hands and said: "There is only Sun Dasheng in my cave, where did the pig Wuneng come from? I have never seen it before, maybe it was eaten by the monsters on the mountain!"

Sun Wukong's expression changed when he heard this, but just as he was about to open his mouth, he saw the corners of Li Qing's mouth raised, and a cold look appeared on his face.

At the moment when he hesitated, Guanyin Bodhisattva turned around and glanced at Old Mother Lishan.

Seeing this, Old Mother Lishan had no choice but to speak, and said slowly: "Junior brother, if you capture Zhu Wuneng, hand him back to the Bodhisattva as well, and the Bodhisattva will punish him and others!"

While speaking, she gave Li Qing a subtle wink.

Li Qing knew it well when he saw it, and immediately shook his head and said: "Senior sister is joking, I don't know any Zhu Wuneng!"

When Guanshiyin Bodhisattva heard the words, he sighed helplessly, reached out from his arms and took out a palm-sized irregular object that exuded glittering golden light, and said to Li Qing: "The poor monk heard that Li Tianjun went to heaven to find the refining weapon some time ago. The material, the poor monk happened to have something in his hand! This thing is called 'Xumi Stone'. If you add a small piece when refining the treasure, you can make the treasure contain the universe, any size! This thing has been in the hands of the poor monk for thousands of years. It has not been used yet, so now I will borrow flowers to offer to the Buddha and give them to Li Tianjun!"

When he finished speaking, he added: "I just hope that Li Tianjun will tell the poor monk the whereabouts of Marshal Tianpeng!"

Li Qing looked at the Sumeru Stone, and then saw Old Mother Lishan nodding slowly, and then smiled and said: "Who is it? If it is Marshal Tianpeng, I have indeed seen it. It's a coincidence. , I am also an old acquaintance with Marshal Tianpeng, and we invited him into the cave to reminisce after seeing each other for a long time!"

After saying this, he called the White Bone Spirit, took Zhu Bajie out, and handed it back to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Avalokitesvara immediately gave the 'Sumi Stone' to Li Qing, then said goodbye to him and left with Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie.

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