Unify all heavens

Chapter 782 The Great Immortal of Longevity Mountain remains an old friend, and the Corpse Demon of

The ten words engraved on the stele in the middle of Shuiliandong are "Huaguo Mountain is a blessed land, Shuiliandong is a heavenly place", while the stone tablet of Wanshou Mountain is engraved with "Wanshou Mountain is a blessed place, and Wuzhuang is a heavenly cave"!

As the Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong was very impressed by these ten characters. In addition, he was a carefree person and had already memorized the fonts on the stone tablet in Shuilian Cave deeply in his heart. Therefore, at this moment, he couldn't help but step forward, gently caressing the ten words with his furry palm, and thought to himself: "Could it be that the owner of this place once lived on Lao Sun's Huaguo Mountain?"

With this thought in his mind, he secretly decided to inquire about the owner of the mountain at night after meeting him.

At this time, Tang Sanzang stepped forward and entered the mountain gate. Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha led their horses behind and went in together. They also saw a pair of spring couplets on the two doors, which read: "The Immortal Palace of Immortality, a Taoist family that lives as long as heaven." "

Sun Wukong followed them into the mountain gate. After seeing the Spring Festival couplets, he immediately laughed and said: "This Taoist priest is talking big words and bluffing people. When my old grandson made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace five hundred years ago, the leader of the Taishang Laojun family also I’ve never seen anyone say this before!”

Zhu Bajie frowned after seeing the Spring Festival couplets. He always felt as if he had heard of these Spring Festival couplets somewhere, but he couldn't remember them for a while. After hearing Sun Wukong's words at this moment, he smiled and said: "Don't worry about him, go in, maybe this Taoist priest has some ability, we don't know."

As he spoke, he took the lead in leading the dragon horse in.

Qingfeng Mingyue in the hall had already hurried out after hearing the sound outside the mountain gate. At this time, after Zhu Bajie entered the mountain gate, he happened to meet the two of them.

Qingfeng Mingyue subconsciously ignored Zhu Bajie and focused on Tang Sanzang who followed Zhu Bajie into the mountain.

I saw that this monk was majestic, elegant and handsome, and his Buddhist robes were well-tailored. The radiance fills the universe, and the colors condense into the universe. Bright pearls are arranged up and down, and layers of gold threads pass through the front and back. Douluo is surrounded by brocade and embroidered with all kinds of unique embroidery. Eight treasures make-up flower binding button wire, golden ring collar and velvet buckle. The Buddha heaven is divided into high and low, and the stars are divided into high and low. Master Xuanzang has a great destiny, and this thing is worthy of being presented to him. He is like a living Arhat in bliss, surpassing the Western True Enlightenment Show. The tin stick jingles with nine rings, and Vairocana's hat reflects richly. Being a sincere disciple of the Buddha without falsehood is better than Bodhi without falsehood.

For a moment, the breeze and the bright moon were startled. Then they looked at each other and said in their hearts: "This monk is elegant in manners, white and pure in appearance, wearing a dazzling treasure shackles, and holding a nine-ring treasure staff. He is really the reincarnation of the golden cicada, and the Buddha is here. Presumably he is the master. The old friend mentioned!”

As soon as they thought about it, they both bowed their backs and greeted him, saying, "Teacher, Master, you are not welcome. Please come into the hall quickly and take a seat."

Tang Sanzang was still struggling with how to greet these two fairy boys, but he never thought that these two fairy boys were so polite. He was so happy that he went up to the main hall with the two boys to watch.

The so-called main hall is the five main halls facing the south, all with carved latticework with light on top and dark on the bottom. Qingfeng pushed open the grid and invited Tang Monk and his disciples to enter the hall.

As soon as Tang Sanzang entered the hall, he saw the two characters "Heaven and Earth" decorated in five colors hung in the middle of the wall. There was also a vermilion lacquered incense table under the two characters "Heaven and Earth". There was a pair of gold stove bottles on the table. There is a side for convenient fragrance preparation.

Tang Sanzang immediately stepped forward, held incense with his left hand and poured it into the burner. He bowed three times and turned around and said, "Fairy boy, since your Wuzhuang Temple is the Western Immortal World, why don't you make offerings to the Three Pure Ones, the Four Emperors, and the Lords of Luotian! Why do you only worship the heaven and the earth?" Two words of serving incense?"

Qingfeng immediately smiled and said: "To tell you the truth, the teacher, these two words, the upper one is worthy of the courtesy; the lower one is not worthy of our incense. It is the name of my master who is trying to win over the sycophants."

Tang Sanzang was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help asking: "How do you say this?"

Qingfeng smiled and said: "My master is called the ancestor of the Earth Immortal. He is a figure at the beginning of Hongmeng. After the creation of the sky, it is really necessary to worship the sky. If you worship the earth, this vast earth cannot accept the gift of my master." ! As for not offering sacrifices to Sanqing, Four Emperors, and Luotian Prime Ministers, it is because Sanqing is the family master’s friend, the Four Emperors are the family master’s old friends, Jiu Yao is the family master’s junior, and Yuan Chen is the family master’s guest. "

When Tang Sanzang was shocked when he heard this, Sun Wukong laughed and bent over.

Zhu Bajie subconsciously tugged on Sun Wukong's sleeve and asked in a low voice: "Brother, why are you laughing?"

Sun Wukong immediately winked and said: "The three realms of heaven, earth and man only say that Old Sun can do mischief, but they don't expect these two Taoist boys to lie!"

Although Qingfeng Mingyue ignored Sun Wukong, Tang Sanzang still turned around and glared at him, then turned back and asked Qingfeng Mingyue with a smile: "Where is your master?"

After Qingfeng Mingyue glanced at Sun Wukong, she bowed to Tang Sanzang and replied: "To be honest with the elders, my master was consecrated by Yuanshi Tianzun and was invited to Shangqing Tianmiluo Palace to listen to the Hunyuan Dao Fruit. He is not at home."

After hearing this, Sun Wukong thought that the two Taoist boys were lying again. He couldn't help but shouted and sneered: "That Taoist boy! You don't know, Lao Sun is also a good friend of Sanqing. How come you haven't heard of it?" A person like the ancestor of the Earthly Immortal? Even a child like you doesn't recognize him, yet you dare to make trouble in front of Lao Sun! That Miluo Palace is the Heavenly Palace of Saints, what are you talking about with your hooves?"

When Tang Sanzang saw Sun Wukong getting angry, he quickly tried to dissuade him.

But before he opened his mouth, Mingyue sneered and asked with a cold face: "Who are you, monkey, who dare to say these words?"

When Sun Wukong saw that the boy looked down upon him, he immediately jumped forward and said, "Listen up, little kid, I—"

"Since I was a child, I have been highly skilled in supernatural powers, and I have been able to show off my heroism as the wind changes. I have cultivated my character and cultivated my mind through the sun and the moon, and jumped out of reincarnation to escape with my life."

"Yidian Chengxin once visited Taoism and collected medicinal seedlings on Lingtai Mountain. There was an old immortal on that mountain who lived to be one hundred and eight thousand years old."

"Old Sun worshiped him as his master and showed me the path to immortality. He said that there was a pill inside him, but it would be in vain to take it outside."

"It is difficult to pass on the great immortal secrets without the fundamentals. The light shines back and I sit with my heart at peace, with the sun and the moon in my body separated from each other."

"Don't think about anything, be free of desires, keep the six pure bodies strong. It's easy to be young again, and the road to transcendence and sainthood is not far away."

"Three years without leakage, I will become an immortal body, and I won't suffer the same torture as ordinary people. Ten continents and three islands are still playing games, and I can travel to the ends of the world."

"He deserves to be more than three hundred years old, and he will not be able to fly to the sky. The real treasure of subduing the dragon in the sea is a golden cudgel."

"In front of the Huaguo Mountain is the commander-in-chief, and in the Water Curtain Cave there are a group of monsters. The Jade Emperor has issued an edict, granting me the highest rank in the world."

"I caused trouble in Lingxiao Palace several times, and stole the Queen Mother Peach several times. One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers came to surrender to me, and they were densely covered with spears and knives."

"After defeating the King of Heaven and returning to the upper world, Nezha led his troops to flee despite the pain. The Holy Lord Xian Sheng can change, but Lao Sun insisted on losing the battle."

"Taoist Guanyin and the Jade Emperor were watching the demon subduing at Nantianmen. However, I was helped by Laojun, and Erlang captured me and took me to Tiancao."

"Tie your body to the demon-subduing pillar, and then order the magic soldiers to take over the owl. It won't be broken by hammers and swords, and you can also teach thunder and fire to burn it."

"Lao Sun actually has the means and is not afraid of anything at all. He was sent to Lao Jun's furnace to be refined, and the Six Ding Divine Fire slowly tortured him."

"When the day comes, I turn on the furnace and I jump out, holding an iron rod and running around the sky. There is no shelter everywhere, and there will be a scene in thirty-three days."

"My Buddha Tathagata exerted his magic power, and the Five Elements Mountain pressed down on my waist. It has been pressing for five hundred years. Fortunately, Tripitaka came out of the Tang Dynasty."

"I now turn to the west, turn to the sound of thunder and see the jade hair. Ask around the world, I am the most famous demon in the history!"

After he finished saying this, Qingfeng Mingyue all had a look of astonishment on their faces.

Immediately, both of them turned cold, and then Ming Yue sneered and said sarcastically: "Who do you think you are? It turns out you are the Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain who was captured by my senior brother Li Qing over and over again!"

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