Unify all heavens

Chapter 780 Visiting old friends in Baihu Ridge!

the next day;

But it is said that Tang Sanzang, Sun Wukong and Monk Sha woke up unconsciously, but they were already white in the east.

Everyone opened their eyes and looked up, only to see that the tall buildings, carved beams and painted beams from last night, and the rich houses in the mountains disappeared out of thin air.

They all slept in the pine trees, and Tang Sanzang was so panicked that he hurriedly called Sun Wukong.

At the same time, Monk Sha looked around in astonishment and said: "Master is a disciple of the Buddha who studies scriptures. We are all extraordinary, but we met a ghost last night?"

Sun Wukong on the side knew this very well, so after hearing what Monk Sha said, he smiled and said, "How do you know that?"

Tang Sanzang said with a look of fear on his face: "Look where we are sleeping!"

Sun Wukong immediately laughed and said: "Master, it is very happy under the pine forest. The wind is not blowing and the rain is not wet. You must know that the idiot doesn't know where to suffer at this time."

Tang Sanzang was shocked when he heard this, and subconsciously asked: "Why do you suffer?"

Sun Wukong immediately explained with a smile: "Master, you don't know! Yesterday, the housekeepers of this house were not mortals, and they didn't know that they were Bodhisattvas and Buddhas there. They appeared here to test us. Now that the house has disappeared, the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas I think I went there in the middle of the night, and it was only Zhu Bajie who suffered."

After Tang Sanzang heard this, he quickly put his palms together and bowed and recited the Heart Sutra. Then when he was about to get up, he saw a simple note hanging on an ancient cypress tree in front of him. In a hurry, he said: "Wu Jing, please quickly take down the post and have a look with me!"

Monk Sha stood up quickly, took off the post and handed it to Tang Sanzang.

Tang Sanzang looked down and saw eight Buddhist verses written on the post:

The old mother of Lishan does not want to think about the ordinary world. Nanhai Bodhisattva please come down from the mountain. Puxian and Manjusri are all guests, transformed into beautiful women in the forest. The saintly monk is virtuous and has no vulgarity, and the eight precepts and no Zen are even more ordinary. From now on, meditation must be corrected. If you are lazy, the road will be difficult!

When the three masters and disciples were singing and reciting this Buddhist verse, they suddenly heard a loud voice shouting from deep in the forest: "Master, it hurts me so much! Come and save me! I won't dare to do it again, old pig!"

Tang Sanzang was startled when he heard this. He turned back to look at Sun Wukong and asked, "Wukong, is the one calling you Wuneng?"

Monk Sha on the side listened carefully, then nodded before Sun Wukong spoke: "It's the voice of Second Senior Brother."

Sun Wukong smiled and waved his hand, saying: "Brother, don't pay attention to him, let's go west."

Tang Sanzang sighed softly and shook his head: "Although that idiot is stupid in nature, he still has some brute strength, so he can carry his luggage. For the sake of Bodhisattvas, save him and let us go. I don't think he will dare to do it again in the future." "

Monk Sha immediately packed up his bedding and packed his burden. Sun Wukong unbridled his horse and led Monk Tang into the forest to look for it.

The three masters and disciples walked into the forest and saw Zhu Bajie hanging on the tree by spider webs as thick as his fingers. His whole body was dark as if he had been struck by lightning.

When Zhu Bajie saw Tang Sanzang coming, he screamed loudly.

Sun Wukong stepped forward and said with a smile: "What a good son-in-law! The wedding room was so beautiful last night that I didn't even get up to thank my bride for three days. I didn't go to Master to announce the good news, and I was still playing here!"

In Sun Wukong's teasing, Zhu Bajie knew that he was in the wrong, so he had to grit his teeth, endure the pain, and did not dare to scream anymore.

Monk Sha couldn't bear it, so he quickly put down his luggage, stepped forward and untied the spider web to save him.

As soon as Zhu Bajie landed, he kowtowed to Tang Sanzang.

Sun Wukong on the side laughed again when he saw this, and said: "My good son-in-law, did you enter the bridal chamber in an ink vat last night? How come you were completely dark?"

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he became sad, and hung his neck and said: "Brother, I don't know what kind of pearl shirt my mother gave me to wear last night, and what kind of silver hoop she wore! Who would have thought that the pearl shirt was a fishing net, and the silver hoop was a thunder hoop, which would cause lightning to strike I was thrown into the spider's nest again and suffered a lot all night. It wasn't until the sun rose in the east that the big spider dragged me out of the nest and hung me here!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong held his stomach and laughed.

At the same time, Monk Sha handed the post to Zhu Bajie to see.

Zhu Bajie was even more ashamed when he saw it. He quickly knelt down to Tang Sanzang again and said: "From now on, I will never dare to do anything rash again. Even if I break my bones, I will go west to Lingshan with Master!"

Afterwards, the master and the disciples continued their journey to the west without mentioning the scriptures. They only said that Li Qing had nothing to do since he had achieved success last night and had nothing to do, so he simply went to Baihuling to visit the White Bone Demon.

The reason was that when his bones and flesh were separated that day and he was buried in the blood coffin, he vaguely heard an old voice saying: "I can only splice his bones together. To make his body complete and his flesh and bones fused, there needs to be someone." A zombie with a high level voluntarily accepts the chain of divine punishment from him! However, the zombie who takes over the chain of divine punishment from him will be beaten back to its original shape."

All this time, Li Qing didn't know the authenticity of this matter, so he didn't take any action.

But when he returned to Lishan last night, after he mentioned this matter to Old Mother Lishan, Old Mother Lishan sighed softly, shook her head and left with a complicated expression.

Although Mother Lishan didn't leave a single word, Li Qing's mood had already been guessed.

If this matter is true, then he owes the Bone Demon a huge favor.

As soon as he thought about it, he glanced at the scenery below the sea of ​​clouds.

Over the years, he has traveled almost all over the four major states, and has some impressions of the territories of various monsters and ghosts.

As the saying goes, if there are high mountains, there must be strange things, but if there are steep mountains, there will be evil spirits. The mountain where the White Bone Demon lives is not far from the place where he and Old Mother Lishan set up a robbery for Tang Monk and his disciples yesterday, probably only a few hundred miles away.

Therefore, in just a moment, Li Qing was already in the sky above Baihu Ridge.

If I hadn't gone to Lishan Mountain last night and delayed my trip. He came here when the bright moon was in the sky.

However, it is not too late now.

When Li Qing looked at the mountains below, he saw at a glance the faint corpse aura shrouding the mountains.

After seeing this scene, Li Qing couldn't help but be startled. If he went by what he heard in his impression, the bone spirit turned into its original shape, and it should be a pile of bones.

Since they are white bones, how come they have corpse energy?

"Could it be that she has already cultivated her human form back?"

He was still muttering softly in his mouth, and his figure had already fallen into the sea of ​​clouds, rushing towards the Baihu Ridge below.

At this moment, in Baihu Ridge, a woman in a long white dress was hiding behind a lush locust tree, looking up at Li Qing's figure.

If Li Qing had been present, he would have discovered that this woman was the White Bone Demon from the past.

It's just that now the White Bone Demon's state has dropped from the Golden Fairyland to the Golden Core Stage, and his body shape is also in an unstable and translucent state.

A random gust of wind blew her figure into a twist.

Under her body, there was a pile of bones glowing with white light.

Some of the bones are covered with tooth marks

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