Unify all heavens

Chapter 778 Li Qinghua is the housekeeper, and the Four Saints test their Zen mind! (six)

When the old woman and her three daughters saw Zhu Bajie and Li Qing, who had transformed into an old man, come to the backyard, the three daughters pretended to be shy and quickly covered their faces with fans and left the place quickly, leaving the old woman alone. .

Before Zhu Bajie could speak, the old man had already bowed and said, "Meet the master!"

When the old woman nodded, Zhu Bajie suddenly found the courage to bow down and shouted: "Mother!"

The old woman was startled when she heard this, then she laughed and said, "Young elder, if you are not chanting Buddha and chanting sutras with your master and brother in the room, what are you doing here?"

Zhu Bajie immediately laughed and said, "My master was so ignorant that he bumped into my mother. I'm here to apologize!"

The old woman nodded when she heard the words and said: "Your master only knows how to eat fast and chant Buddha's name, but he doesn't think that if he recruits a son-in-law in my family, he will not be better than the monk who went west?"

Zhu Bajie took a few steps forward with courage, came to the old woman, bowed and smiled: "They obeyed the decree of the King of Tang Dynasty and did not dare to disobey the king's order and refused to do this. They were all making fun of me in the front hall just now. , I was worried that my mother might think I have a long mouth and big ears."

Hearing this, the old woman shook her head and said: "Buddhists say that the human body is a stinky skin. I don't mind your appearance. It's just that there is no parent in the family, so it's okay to recruit one. But I'm afraid my daughters may find it ugly. .”

Zhu Bajie was anxious when he heard this, fearing that the matter would be exposed, and hurriedly said: "Excuse me, mother, please try to persuade your daughter-in-law not to be so picky. I think that although Tang Monk is a handsome man, he is actually worthless. Just like that scholar. , I can’t bear it with my shoulders and can’t lift it with my hands. Along the way, it’s all up to me to slay demons and monsters. Otherwise, with a white-faced monk like him, he wouldn’t even be able to get out of Chang’an City! I’m a bit ugly, but I have a strong body and a sharp mind. good."

After saying this, he suddenly became interested, stood up and said: "Although I am an ugly person, I am diligent and have some merits. If you talk about a thousand hectares of land, you don't need to use oxen to plow it. With just one meal of palladium, cloth seeds will grow in time. If there is no rain, you can ask for rain." , the wind will stir when there is no wind. If the house is too short, raise it to two or three floors. If the parents are worried about all kinds of things, I can kick the sky and make the well!"

After hearing this, the old woman laughed, waved her hands and said: "That's all, since you can do housework, then go and discuss with your master. If he agrees, he will ask you to stay. "

Zhu Bajie was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly thanked him.

Not far behind him, Sun Wukong, who had transformed into a dragonfly, saw this scene completely in his eyes. He immediately sneered at Zhu Bajie who turned around and returned with a wave of wings.

After the two of them left, Li Qing no longer pretended to be injured in his legs and feet. He ducked in front of the old woman and whispered: "Senior sister, I think Sun Wukong may see that you are extraordinary!"

Mother Lishan nodded slightly and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Since Zhu Bajie is greedy for money and sex, this calamity should befall him!"

When she finished speaking, she seemed to have remembered something. She shook her head helplessly and sighed: "The Great Master Xuandu is also a person, but he doesn't want to accept such a disciple. No wonder the old gentleman never mentioned Marshal Tianpeng!"

Li Qing nodded when he heard this. Zhu Bajie was also the disciple of Taishang Laojun's direct disciple. He was considered to be Taishang Laojun's disciple. Even the position of Marshal Tianpeng was conferred by the Jade Emperor for the sake of Taishang Laojun. It's just that Zhu Bajie beat this good hand to pieces.

Now, following Tang Monk's sufferings, he goes to Lingshan Mountain to covet the Western Buddha's throne.

Just as he was thinking of this, Mother Lishan said: "Junior brother, this calamity is about to end. You go to the kitchen and order the boy to prepare a meal for Master Tang Monk and his disciples, and I will play with them for a while!"

Li Qing nodded slightly, turned and left.

As for Sun Wukong, he showed his true colors after flying to the main hall. He even smiled and told what the woman had said to Bajie from the beginning. Tang Sanzang seemed to believe it or not, but he didn't say anything and just chanted the sutra in his heart.

After a while, Zhu Bajie walked outside the main hall door with a happy face, then stopped, and rubbed the pig's face vigorously with a pair of big hands. After all the joy on his face dissipated, he stepped into the room.

Tang Sanzang, who originally closed his eyes and recited sutras, opened his eyes as soon as Zhu Bajie came in, and asked without any fluctuation in his voice: "Wuneng, can you let the horse go?"

Zhu Bajie was only thinking about his own happy event, and he didn't bother to listen to Tang Sanzang's tone. After hearing this sentence, he subconsciously replied: "There is no good grass, no place to let the horse go."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Wukong smiled and asked: "Idiot, where is the white horse tied?"

Zhu Bajie was stunned when he heard this, and stammered: "Isn't it in the backyard?"

As soon as these words came out, Tang Sanzang let out a long sigh.

Not far away, Monk Sha said with an ugly expression, "I tied my horse behind the kitchen when I came in today."

When Zhu Bajie was stunned when he heard this, Sun Wukong smiled and said, "I wonder if you went to admire the moon and flowers when you were hungry, could you possibly see that the flowers are beautiful and the moon is full?"

Hearing this, Zhu Bajie knew that he was gone, so he lowered his head and twisted his neck, frowned, found a chair and sat down without saying anything for a long time.

After a while, two pairs of red lights were brought in by two seven or eight-year-old girls, and then the old woman walked in with her three daughters. Smilingly calling Zhenzhen, Ai'ai, Lian Lian, and paying homage to the person who learned the scriptures.

The three women lined up in the hall and worshiped.

Zhu Bajie took a peek and saw that these three women were really beautiful.

I saw them all with green eyebrows and pink faces. Enchanting and charming, it touches the hearts of the people. The flowers are in a delicate state, and the embroidered ribbons are fluttering like nothing else. The cherry blossoms bloom in the half-smiling part, and the orchid and musk deer spray when walking slowly. The head is covered with pearls and emeralds, and there are countless trembling treasure hairpins; the body is full of fragrance, and there are delicate flowers and golden strands.

What about Chuwa's beauty and Xizi's charming face? It’s really the nine-day fairy descending from the sky, and Chang’e coming out of Guanghan in the moon!

He looked at Zhu Bajie until his eyes were numb and he was speechless for a while.

Tang Sanzang sighed softly, clasped his hands and lowered his head, Sun Wukong looked at Zhu Bajie with a smile, and Monk Sha turned his back. Only Zhu Bajie could not turn his eyes away, with disordered lust and lust. He stood up unsteadily, approached the old woman and whispered: "Thank you, fairies, come down. Mother, please first ask the sisters to go behind the screen for a while." Take a break."

When the three women heard this, they turned to the screen.

At this time, the old woman asked with a smile: "The four elders, have you discussed it? Which girl is suitable for me?"

Before Tang Sanzang could speak, Monk Sha had already sneered and said, "We have already discussed that we should recruit the man named Zhu as his wife."

Zhu Bajie was overjoyed when he heard this, but there was an evil look on his face, saying: "Junior brother, why are you kidding me again? This matter should be taken into account in the long run!"

Sun Wukong jumped down from the chair, approached Zhu Bajie, stretched out his hand to pat his belly, and said jokingly: "Why do you care? You called your mother at the back door, so what do you care about? The matter is settled like this, Master will do it There is a male in-law, this mother-in-law will be the female in-law, the old grandson will be the guardian, and Sha Monk will be the matchmaker. There is no need to read the book. Today is an auspicious day. You come to worship the master and go in and become the son-in-law. "

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