Unify all heavens

Chapter 776 Li Qinghua is the housekeeper, and the Four Saints test their Zen mind! (Four)

I saw this house, with a green cypress door and a green hillside, with a pink mud wall and a brick enclosure. There is a stone bridge and flowing water in front of the door, and the shore next to the bridge is colorful.

It can be said that the wild chrysanthemums on the fence are reflected in the frost, and the orchids on the bridge reflect the water.

Tang Sanzang stopped to watch, but saw Sun Wukong carrying the old man on his back, Sha Monk holding the dragon and horse, and Zhu Bajie dragging the nail rake backwards.

Tang Sanzang immediately said happily: "Disciple, look, there is a manor in front of you, but we just happened to stay there for the night."

After hearing this, Sun Wukong hurriedly raised his head and looked up, and sure enough he saw a luxurious house built against the mountain in front of him.

After seeing this house, Sun Wukong subconsciously used his fiery eyes to look at it.

At that moment, I saw that the gatehouse in front of the house was exuding a misty aura of auspiciousness, and the sky above the house was shrouded in auspicious clouds and shrouded in auspicious mist.

After seeing this, Sun Wukong narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: "Could this really be the residence of the immortal family?"

Just when he was thinking of this, he heard the old man on his back laughing and saying, "Elders, that's the old master's house in front of you!"

When Sun Wukong heard this, his heart moved, and he thought to himself that he might have misunderstood the old man.

At this time, Zhu Bajie took the horse and sighed: "This family is really a rich family." After saying that, he was about to go over. Tang Sanzang immediately stretched out his hand to stop him and said: "Bajie can't do it. You and I are monks, and we have our own affairs." To avoid suspicion, don't break in without permission. Just wait until someone comes out and ask for accommodation with courtesy."

As soon as Tang Sanzang finished speaking, he heard the old man on Sun Wukong's back laughing and saying, "Elders don't need to be so polite. Let this little elder carry the old man on his back. Just wait and follow!"

Before Tang Sanzang could respond, Sun Wukong had already carried the old man on his back and walked towards the gatehouse.

Tang Sanzang could only sigh when he saw this, then shook his head and followed. Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng followed his steps closely, leading the horses and walking slowly.

After walking through the archway, Sun Wukong pushed open the two vermilion doors with the old man on his back. Then he looked inside the door and saw three halls facing south in the courtyard. There is a screen door in the middle of the main stop, and a horizontal painting of Shoushan and Fuhai hanging on it. On both sides of the golden lacquer pillars, there is a Spring Festival couplet on red paper, which reads: "The silk is weak at night on the Willow Ping Bridge, and the snow is dotted on the fragrant plum courtyard in spring." In the middle, there is a matte black incense table. There is an ancient bronze beast stove. There are six chairs on the top, and four seasons hanging screens are hung on the two hills.

Several people were looking at the room when they suddenly heard footsteps behind the screen door.

The next moment, an almost-aging woman walked out from behind the screen door.

The master and disciples looked up and saw that the old woman was wearing a gold-woven official green silk coat with a light red armor on top, a goose-yellow embroidered skirt with colorful embroidery, and high-soled floral shoes. The time-like bun is full of soap gauze, and is matched with two-color dragon hair; the palace-like tooth comb is gleaming with vermilion, and there are two strands of red gold hairpin at an angle. The clouds on the temples are half gray and the wings of flying phoenixes are flying, and the earrings are decorated with rows of pearls. Even without makeup, she still looks beautiful, and she is as charming as a young talent.

After seeing the old woman's appearance, Zhu Bajie immediately widened his eyes and saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth.

At the same time, after seeing the master and the disciples, the old woman asked, "Who are you to break into my widow's door?"

When Sun Wukong heard this, he directly used his fiery eyes and golden eyes.

Immediately, a vast golden light rushed into his eyes, and he hurriedly closed his eyes in panic.

And at the same time, after hearing what the old woman said, Tang Sanzang was so panicked that he kept saying: "The young monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the east, and he was ordered to worship the Buddha and seek scriptures in the west. A group of four people passed by Baofang, and the sky was bright. It's late, so I went to the old Bodhisattva's Tan Mansion to ask for help for the night."

When Tang Sanzang finished speaking, the old man on Sun Wukong's back said: "Master, when the old slave went up the mountain to collect firewood, he sprained his foot. The pain was so unbearable that he had to sit against a tree. Thanks to these elders who sent the old slave to Come back!"

When the old woman heard the words, she nodded slightly, and after greeting each other with a smile on her face, she invited the four masters and disciples to sit down in the main hall. The old man transformed by Li Qing was supported by a girl and went to the side room for dressing.

In the main hall, there is another girl with a bun and silk hanging from her bun. She is holding a gold plate and a white jade cup and serving tea. Bowed to them one by one. After the tea was over, the old woman gave orders for the meal.

Tang Sanzang immediately raised his hand and asked: "May I ask the old Bodhisattva what your surname is? What is the name of your place?"

The old woman was sitting on the main seat with a cane. After hearing the words, she sighed and replied: "This is the land of Xiniu Hezhou. The young woman's maiden name is Jia and her husband's surname is Mo. She was unlucky when she was young. Her father-in-law died early and she stayed with her husband. Inheriting the ancestral inheritance, we have a wealth of wealth and thousands of hectares of fertile land. Unfortunately, my husband and I have no children and only gave birth to three girls. Unfortunately, I lost my husband the year before last, and my wife is now a widow. She has completed her three-year filial piety period this year. Full). The land and family property are all left behind, and there are no family members anymore. Only my wives and daughters will take over. I want to marry someone else, but it is difficult to leave the family property. The elder who is suitable for inheriting has descended, thinking that he is the master and the disciple. The young women and girls Four people want to sit on the mountain to recruit husbands, and the four of them are just right. I wonder if I will stay?"

Tang Sanzang's complexion changed slightly when he heard this, and then he put down his deafness and mute makeup, closed his eyes and calmed his mind. No matter how many benefits the old woman promised, she remained silent and did not answer.

Seeing this, the old woman sneered and said: "Below the house there are more than 300 hectares of paddy fields, more than 300 hectares of dry fields, and more than 300 hectares of fruit trees in the mountains. There are more than a thousand yellow buffaloes, groups of mules and horses, and countless pigs and sheep. Southeast, northwest, and southeast. , Zhuangbao pasture, there are sixty or seventy places in total. The family has more rice than can be used in eight or nine years, more than ten years of silk, and more gold and silver than can be used in a lifetime. If your masters and disciples are willing to change their minds, Bringing a wife to the Han family, where you can feel at ease and enjoy the glory, but not work any harder than going west?"

After hearing this, Tang Sanzang felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, and he was even more flustered. Just as he was about to stand up and leave, he heard the old woman say again: "I was born on the third day of the third month of the year Dinghai at the time of You. My old husband is older than me. Three years old, I am forty-five years old this year. The eldest daughter’s name is Zhenzhen, she is twenty years old this year; the second daughter’s name is Ai’ai, she is eighteen years old; The woman is ugly, but fortunately the little girl has some color, and the female worker knows everything. Because the husband has no children, he raised them as sons. He also taught him to read some Confucian books when he was young, and they all know them. I would like to recite some poems. Although I live in a villa, it is not very vulgar, and I think I am worthy of all the elders. If you are willing to let go of your arms, grow your hair long, and be a parent with your family, wear silk and brocade, you can win against the strong. Such as the tiles, snow shoes and cloud hats!"

Tang Sanzang could only remain silent, but he had already recited the Heart Sutra in his heart.

But after Zhu Bajie smelled such wealth and beauty, he suddenly felt itchy. Even though he was sitting on that chair, he was twisting left and right from time to time as if a needle was poking his butt.

In the end, he couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up, approached Tang Sanzang, tugged on his cassock, and whispered: "Master! This lady is telling you, why are you pretending to ignore me? Aren't you losing the etiquette of our Tang Dynasty?" "

Tang Sanzang suddenly raised his head and shouted with a livid face: "You evil beast! We are monks, how can we be tempted by wealth or pay attention to beauty?" After seeing this, the old woman couldn't help but shake her head and smile, and just sighed: "Poor, Poor! What are the benefits of becoming a monk?"

After hearing this, Tang Sanzang took a deep breath, stood up, raised his hands and asked, "May I ask the female Bodhisattva, what good does it do for you as a layperson?"

The old woman smiled and said: "Elder, please sit down and wait until I tell you the benefits of lay people."

After saying that, he smiled and recited a poem, saying only: "The tailoring in spring is better than Silla; in summer, you change the gauze to enjoy the green lotus; in autumn, you have new fragrant glutinous wine; in winter, you come to the warm pavilion to get drunk. It is useful in all four seasons. There are so many precious pieces with eight sections; they are lined with brocade and laid with silk flowers and candles at night, which is better than walking in obeisance to Amitabha."

Tang Sanzang immediately retorted: "Female Bodhisattva, it is indeed good for you as a layperson to enjoy glory and wealth, to wear clothes and to eat, and to have your children reunited. But I don't know that being a monk also has some benefits." After that, unexpectedly, He also recited: "The ambition to become a monk is very important. It overthrows the former love hall. External things do not create idle talk, and there is good yin and yang in the body. After completing the work, I will go to the golden palace, see my nature and clear my mind and return to my hometown. It is better than being greedy for blood and food at home. , I always fall into the trap of being a stinker."

The old woman was furious when she heard this. She banged the table and stood up. She said in a cold voice: "You are such a rude monk! If I didn't see you coming from far away and rescuing my housekeeper, I would have gone away long ago." You go out." After saying that, he sneered again: "I am sincere and want to bring family connections to you, but you hurt me with your words. Even if you have taken the precepts and made a vow never to return to secular life, so what? Do you know what your people are thinking?

Seeing her getting angry, Sanzang panicked in his heart, so he could only recite "Amitabha" solemnly, and then shouted: "Wukong, you are here."

Sun Wukong was stunned when he heard this, and then said with a playful smile: "Master, don't make fun of me. I didn't know how to do such a thing since I was a child. Let's teach Bajie here."

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he was overjoyed and wished he could just accept it and stay in this paradise-like land, but he also had some concerns in his heart. So I saw a look of dissatisfaction on his face and said: "Brother, don't play tricks on me. Let's take the long term and take the long term."

When Tang Sanzang saw this, he could only shake his head and said: "Since you two are unwilling, then teach Wu Jing to stay here."

The monk Sha Monk was shocked when he heard this. He hurriedly stood up from his chair and said, "Master, don't scare me. I remember that my disciple was inspired by Bodhisattva, accepted the precepts, and waited for Master. Since Master accepted me, he has taught me, and followed me." Master is less than two months old and has not achieved even half a cent of his achievements. How dare he seek such wealth and honor? He would rather die than go to the West, and he will never do such a deceptive thing."

When the old woman saw them pushing me and pushing you, but they all refused, a layer of frost appeared on her face. He just gritted his teeth and told the girl next to him: "There is no need to prepare fasting meals. These ignorant monks only need to recite 'Amitabha', so what else do they need to eat?"

After saying that, he stepped away and entered the screen door, and closed the waist door with a "servant" sound, leaving the master and apprentice outside.

It said that the plot needed it, so I wrote a Journey to the West plot, and tomorrow’s chapter will be normal. . . Then this chapter is 2980 words, and the 980 words are compensation without deduction. . . .

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