Unify all heavens

Chapter 771 The Bull Demon King Who Was Trapped

The birth event of the Bull Demon King is a rare event for the demon clan in recent years. Therefore, after many demon kings in the local fairy world left one by one, some immortals from heaven came to congratulate the Bull Demon King.

After all, although the Bull Demon King is called the Demon King, his identity as a saint's mount has never changed.

After the immortals from Heaven came to Cuiyun Mountain to cause excitement, Cuiyun Mountain finally returned to its former tranquility.

At this time, the Bull Demon King was in the Banana Cave, holding a wine bottle and complaining to Li Qing.

"Junior brother, don't look at the fact that my brother looks good on the surface, but he is very troubled in his heart!"

"When I married your sister-in-law, I went through more than seventy levels on Cuiyun Mountain before finally reaching the top of the mountain and meeting your sister-in-law!"

When he said this, the Bull Demon King gritted his teeth, his eyes revealed a fierce light, and said bitterly: "I don't know who suffered from the plague, but gave your sister-in-law the stupid idea to set up seventy or eighty checkpoints on the way up the mountain. You need to pay a customs fee to pass the customs. In order to pass these customs, I owe a lot of debt, and I have not been able to pay off the debt even after decades of frugality!"

Li Qing had a look on his face when he heard this. He was afraid that the Bull Demon King would see it, so he quickly changed the subject and asked: "Is it possible that my sister-in-law didn't repay these debts with my brother? All the money should be in my sister-in-law's hands!"

The Bull Demon King suddenly let out a long sigh and said: "As a brother, how can I dare to mention this to your sister-in-law? What's more, the money in your sister-in-law's hands has already been bought when she was pregnant with the red child, and she recently went to Tiangong Pavilion has bought a set of outfits for Hong Haier, maybe after tonight, Lao Niu won’t be able to drink anymore!”

When he said this, the Bull Demon King's eyes fell on Li Qing's face, and then said with a sneer on his face: "The reason why I keep you here is to ask my junior brother if he has any money to borrow from me?"

Li Qing was startled when he heard this, then spread his hands with a slight expression and said: "I am a zombie, what do I want from those things outside my body?"

When the Bull Demon King looked disappointed when he heard this, Li Qingze smiled and said: "Although I have no money, I have a way to solve these things for my brother!"


The Bull Demon King's eyes suddenly lit up and he said urgently: "Junior brother, come quickly!"

Li Qing thought for a moment and said, "Senior brother, have you ever heard of Long Live the Fox King?"

The Bull Demon King nodded slowly and said: "The old fox and my brother are old friends, but in recent years I heard that his life expectancy is approaching, so we have less contact!"

Hearing this, Li Qing smiled and said, "Senior brother, since I know the Long Live Fox King, I must know that he is as rich as the country!"

After the Bull Demon King heard this, his bull eyes suddenly narrowed and he thought: "Junior brother, do you mean that the old cow came to devour him and occupy this old fox's accumulation mountain?"

When he finished speaking, before Li Qing could reply, he nodded slowly with a fierce look in his eyes and whispered: "This method is also possible, but if it spreads, it will damage Lao Niu's reputation!"

Li Qing shook his head and said: "As far as I know, this Long Live Fox King has no children, only one jewel in his palm, but he is afraid of melting it when he holds it in his mouth, and he is afraid of losing it when he holds it in his hand. If senior brother goes to Cuishui Mountain to get this jade-faced vixen After getting married, and waiting for the old fox to die, wouldn't it be possible to inherit his millions of wealth!"

The Bull Demon King's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he was obviously moved, but there was still hesitation on his face.

After all, Princess Iron Fan had just given birth to Red Boy, and he went to beg for a little wife. If this matter was spread, it would damage his reputation as the powerful Bull Demon King.

Just when the Bull Demon King was considering whether to do this, he suddenly saw a calf spirit in simple clothes rushing in.

Seeing that he was in a panic, the Bull Demon King glared up his bull's eyes and said viciously: "Why are you so flustered?"

When the little demon heard this, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and reported: "Your Majesty, a messenger from Yin just came to send a message, saying that a demon soul floated into the underworld and disrupted the official affairs in the Yin Division Palace. He only said that he was your disciple!"

"Is this happening?"

The Bull Demon King was stunned for a moment, then stood up and asked, "Do you know the name of that demon soul?"

The little demon nodded repeatedly and said: "Yin Chai said that the demon soul calls itself 'General Yin' and is the leader of the three monsters in Gongzhou City!"

After hearing this, the Bull Demon King frowned and thought for a long time before he remembered who this 'General Yin' was.

He said with a strange look on his face: "You said that 'General Yin' disturbed the Yin Si Palace?"

The little demon nodded repeatedly.

The Bull Demon King immediately sneered and asked, "Has the messenger left?"

The little demon shook his head and said, "He is waiting for your reply."


The Niu Demon King first nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand and ordered: "Go and tell the messenger that General Yin is indeed Lao Niu's disciple. By the way, let him spread the news about Netherworld. For my sake, Lao Niu, this matter will be settled." never mind."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little demon trembled and said: "Your Majesty, I heard that General Yin captured the monk who was studying for scriptures and the monk's servant, and then ripped out the hearts and lungs of the monk's two servants. , chopped into pieces and eaten, but when he was about to eat the monk, the monk was rescued by Taibai Jinxing!"

After hearing this, the Bull Demon King's expression changed, and he took two hurried steps to the little demon, lifted him off the ground, and said with a gloomy face: "What did you say? That tiger spirit that suffered from the plague actually captured it for learning." A monk? And he ate two of his servants?"

The little demon was immediately frightened to the point of leaving his body, and his whole face turned blue-white. He nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice, and said with trembling lips: "That's what Yin Cha said!"

After hearing this, the Bull Demon King narrowed his eyes, his face turned livid, and he gritted his teeth and said: "If you go and spread rumors about Yinshi, then say that Lao Niu doesn't know General Yin or General Subaru, do whatever Yinshi does! "

After that, he threw the little demon out.

Immediately, I heard a scream and flew out of the cave.

After throwing the little demon out, the Bull Demon King turned around and gritted his teeth with an unlucky look on his face and said, "If I had known that the tiger spirit was so bold, I shouldn't have drank with him in the first place!"

When he finished speaking, Li Qing also asked curiously: "Senior brother, when did you accept your disciple? Why have I never heard of it?"

The Bull Demon King sat down with an unlucky look on his face, sighed heavily, waved his hand and cursed: "That happened more than two hundred years ago. The old cow got drunk and fell asleep in the river, and was killed by the tiger spirit. I fished him out, and then drank with him for a few days. The guy took advantage of the wine and just said that he admired me and begged me to accept him as a disciple. If I had known this, I should have treated the tiger spirit that suffered from the natural plague as a side dish that day. Swallow it!”

Li Qing shook his head when he heard this, secretly thinking that he was lucky to be a zombie and would not get drunk no matter how much he drank.

At this thought, he frowned again.

Because in his impression, not long after Taibai Jinxing rescued the monk from General Yin, he went to Five Elements Mountain to rescue the monkey.

"In this case, they will pass by this corpse mountain and ghost ridge in just one or two years!"

After thinking of this, Li Qing's eyes narrowed unconsciously.

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