Unify all heavens

Chapter 768 Cuiyun Mountain Grand Meeting! (middle)

Ghost carriage, also known as Jiufeng, nine-headed bird, ghost bird, and Guhuo bird, is also called "ghost carriage" because it makes the sound of driving at night.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas - Great Wilderness Northern Classic" contains: "In the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain called Arctic Cabinet. The sea water flows northward. There are nine gods with human faces and bird bodies, and the sentence is called Nine Phoenix."

In the Bull Demon King's understanding, the ghost car does not refer to just one thing, but to a family. The ghost car clan of Naiwa Palace!

It is recorded that this clan has nine heads, with human faces and animal bodies, and all have great supernatural powers!

Nine phoenixes are like this, nine dragons are like this, and nine-headed insects are like this!

Or perhaps it is due to the innate magical power. Whenever a member of the Gui Che clan comes to the world, they all have the appearance of the Nine Heads!

The Bull Demon King still remembers that when he left Biyou Palace and made friends with the demons in the world, he saw a demon king with nine rabbit heads in a certain barren mountain and befriended him. There is also such a magical race as the Ghost Car Clan!

However, the Bull Demon King never thought that he would have the opportunity to meet the Guiche clan again in this life, because this clan is the guardian of the Wa Palace and has never been aloof from the world.

At this moment, his thoughts were turning slightly, and the smile on the Bull Demon King's face became brighter. He cupped his hands towards the three-foot-tall Nine-Headed Insect with nine snake heads and said, "Kui Niu, who is a disciple of Sage Shangqing, has seen the Guiche tribe!"

Before these words, the Nine-Headed Insect had heard of the name "There is a man named Hunshi in the Four Seas, and a powerful Demon King in the West". This time, as he followed his father-in-law on the way here, he was still thinking to himself, a mere Minotaur. What kind of ability do you have, and how dare you claim to be a person with a name all over the world! ’.

So he was prepared to give him a showdown the moment he saw the Bull Demon King!

As a result, under these words, the Nine-Headed Insect, who was originally cold-faced and full of pride, instantly changed his face to a humble one. He hurriedly took a step forward and bowed deeply, cupped his hands and said, "Gui Che Clan Hydra pays homage to Uncle Kui Niu!"

When the Bull Demon King heard this, the smile on his face became much colder. After all, he was several generations higher than Hydra, so he was not suitable to be too enthusiastic, so he nodded lightly and said with a smile: "Brother, please get up quickly! "

When he finished speaking, his eyes fell on the old Dragon King of Bibotan. He was wearing a bright red brocade gown for today's grand event. He was also holding a box of gifts in his hand. The dragon horns were not as slovenly as usual. The Bull Demon King It can be seen at a glance that the Old Dragon King of Bibotan specially washed himself for today's grand event. Therefore, with a huge smile on his face, he jokingly patted his shoulder and said, "You old loach, why aren't you afraid of staining the Bibo Pond this time?"

The old Dragon King laughed, deliberately blinked his eyes and said: "Old Dragon washes every three hundred years in auspicious years and months. This time, taking advantage of your son's birthday, he has washed a hundred and eighty years earlier!"

After hearing this, the Bull Demon King narrowed his eyes with joy, held his belly and laughed a few times: "Okay, okay, just wash up for me today. If you don't drink three hundred kilograms of fine wine today, don't think about it." To Cuiyun Mountain!"

The old dragon king of Bibotan laughed immediately and said: "Old dragon, there is always a lot of wine. I must drink up all your wine today, otherwise I will never go down the mountain!"

The Bull Demon King laughed loudly and said: "Okay, okay, you can go into the house and wait for the wine to be served!"

After saying that, he looked at Hydra again and said with a serious face: "Master nephew, you must take good care of your father-in-law today, otherwise I will go to Wa Palace to file a complaint!"

The Nine-Headed Insect immediately bowed and said with a smile: "Uncle, don't worry, don't talk about my father-in-law, today is my uncle's big day, and the little snake will definitely not come back until he is drunk!"

The Bull Demon King patted the Nine-Headed Insect on the shoulder with great satisfaction and said, "Please come into the house!"

Just when the Nine-Headed Insect followed the Old Dragon King of Bibotan into the cave, the Bull Demon King's eyes suddenly lit up. Looking at the four figures coming through the mist from a distance, he stomped his hooves and flew towards them. Niu's face smiled like a flower, and said: "I never thought that four old friends would also come, Lao Niu is so polite!"

The Dragon King of the Four Seas, who was stepping on the hazy water mist, immediately joked: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect that the Ox Demon King, who has always been shameless, would have such a daughter-like appearance. It's really eye-opening for us!"

The Bull Demon King immediately smiled and said, "Four old friends have a lot of drinking capacity. Don't try to cheat on us now!"

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, immediately waved his hand and said: "As long as you, a fool, don't save the wine, I will never come back drunk!"

The Bull Demon King's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Is it settled?"

Ao Guang looked at the other three dragon kings and laughed and said: "The majestic Bull Demon King has finally been so heroic. How can we fail to fulfill your wish? A word will make the decision, and a glance will make the decision!"

The Bull Demon King immediately laughed and said, "Please!"

The four dragon kings immediately laughed and fell into the clouds.

After the Dragon King of the Four Seas entered the house, the Bull Demon King landed in front of the cave and welcomed the Scorpion Spirit, Sai Taisui, the Three Kings of Shituo Mountain, Jiuling Yuan Sheng and other demon kings before returning to the house.

Not long after he returned home, he heard the little demon outside the door suddenly shouting: "The former Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord, the Evil Star Lord of the General Territory, the deputy leader of the Jiejiao, and the Corpse Demon King of the Corpse Mountain Ghost Ridge, Li Qing, has arrived! "

As soon as the words fell, the countless demon kings in the cave were shocked, and then the huge cave instantly became quiet, and all eyes turned to the Bull Demon King.

Although the Bull Demon King was complaining secretly in his heart, he still showed excitement on the surface. He stood up from the main seat, raised his hands to the many beings in the cave and said: "My dear friends, please forgive me for being with me!"

After that, she walked around the table and walked towards the door of the cave, leaving only Princess Iron Fan to accompany the many demon kings and gods in the cave.

After the Bull Demon King left, many demon kings in the cave began to discuss in low voices.

"The Bull Demon King is so proud that he can even invite this person!"

"You don't know something. The Bull Demon King is the mount of the Sage of the Shangqing Dynasty, and he and the deputy leader of Jiejiao were once brothers!"

"Tsk, tsk, Demon King Li is here. We need to be more careful. No matter how arrogant this person is, we should not be angry. You must know that the body of Demon King Peng, one of the seven great saints, is still at the bottom of the sea in Beiming."

"Good son-in-law, I know that you are very capable, but this is not the time for you to show off your power. This Li Qing can even beat the ancestor of the Earth Immortal to a state of serious injury and coma. You can't fight with him even for the sake of my Bibotan creature." Fighting!"

"Third brother, I heard that you have a grudge against this Li Demon King, but please don't act out of anger. Even if you beg you for my brother's sake, it won't be too late to talk about Peng Demon King until the end of the spread of Buddhism to the east!"

For a time, the entire Basho Cave began to discuss.

On the other side, outside Basho Cave;

The Bull Demon King looked at Li Qing with a smile on his face, patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Junior brother, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Li Qing bowed his hands and said with a smile: "Congratulations to senior brother on the birth of his son!"

The Bull Demon King said "Hey" and deliberately said with a straight face: "How can you talk like this? You know my son, Lao Niu, wants to call you uncle!"

Li Qing smiled when he heard this and said: "Blame me, blame me, I will drink three cups later to make amends!"

The Bull Demon King nodded slowly and said with a smile: "Junior Brother, three cups are not enough! You can drink as much as you like!"

With that said, he took Li Qing's hand and walked towards the cave.

As he approached, he suddenly whispered: "Junior brother, give me some face today and don't get angry with the guests that I have called!"

Li Qing smiled thoughtfully and said, "I know!"

Only then did the Bull Demon King laugh heartily.

In the new year, I wish you all auspicious times, auspicious days, and auspicious winds, good years and abundant moons like the wind, increased blessings and wealth, longevity, longevity, wealth, benefits, and noble children, filial sons, filial sons, and virtuous descendants, and prosperity and honor every year. , have wealth, power and a future. . . .

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