Unify all heavens

Chapter 765 The spread of Buddhism to the East (Part 2)

The poem says:

On the 13th day of the Longji Zhenguan period, Wang Xuanzhong discussed the scriptures. The immeasurable Dharma is performed in the ashram, and the clouds and mist light ride on the great wish niche. The imperial edict favored the construction of the temple, and the golden cicada shed its shell and transformed into Xihan. The good results of universal charity are beyond sinking, and the three principles of teaching and preaching are followed.

In the early years, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty led his civil and military ministers to offer sacrifices to the gods because he dreamed of evil spirits demanding their lives all day long. On that day, gods in golden armor descended to earth to guard Chang'an City, and then countless gods and gods descended to the world to eliminate the evil ghosts in the world.

Now, twenty-one years have passed, and there is no trace of the evil ghost in the world anymore.

But not long ago, the Dragon King of Jinghe River was beheaded by Wei Zheng in his dream. As a result, in recent nights, the King of Tang would always see the Dragon King of Jinghe River, carrying the bloody dragon head, coming to seek his life.

The reason was that he agreed to the Dragon King of Jinghe River to avoid his death.

For this reason, he also summoned Wei Zheng to the palace to play chess, but he did not expect that when Wei Zheng was sleeping, his soul flew into the Nine Heavens to sit on the Immortal Killing Platform and killed the Dragon King of Jinghe River.

Because of this, the Dragon King of Jinghe blamed him for not keeping his word and came to trouble him every night.

Fortunately, the great benevolent and compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared in a dream and took the Dragon King of Jinghe away, so that he was able to survive this calamity.

But then he dreamed of entering the underworld again and walked around in the underworld. Yama from the Ten Palaces greeted him and took him to see the eighteen netherworlds and many other sights in the underworld, and a judge saw him off.

When leaving, the judge once said: "Your Majesty, when you go to the world of the world, you must hold a water and land meeting to save the souls of those who have no owners. Don't forget it. If there are no voices of complaint in the underworld, the world of the world can enjoy peace. All human beings can enjoy peace in the world of the world. You can correct your bad deeds one by one, teach the world to be kind, discipline your descendants for a long time, and your country will be forever solid."

Therefore, after the King of Tang regained consciousness, he immediately ordered the eminent monks from all over the country to gather together to compare scriptures and discuss Dharma outside Chang'an City to select the candidate to preside over the Land and Water Conference.

This competition lasted for half a month before twelve eminent monks were selected.

While the King of Tang was thinking about how to select an eminent monk among the twelve eminent monks to preside over the Land and Water Conference, Yin Kaishan, the general manager of the dynasty, recommended his nephew to the King of Tang.

And Yin Kaishan's nephew is none other than the reincarnated Jin Chanzi.

The poem says:

The original taboo name of Lingtong is Golden Chan, just because he had no intention to listen to the Buddha's teachings, and he was transferred to the mortal world to suffer hardships, and he was reborn in the world and was trapped. You will encounter misfortune when you are reincarnated, and you will face the evil party before you are born. His father was Chen Zhuangyuan of Haizhou, and his grandfather was the chief steward of the court. Born as a criminal in Luojiang, he followed the current and drifted along the waves. There is a great fate in the Jinshan Island, and the monk from Qian'an raised him. When he was eighteen years old, he recognized his mother and went to Kyoto to seek help from the foreign minister. The general manager mobilized the army from the mountains and suppressed the bandits in Hongzhou. The number one scholar, Guang Rui, escapes from Tianluo, and the son and father meet again and receive a congratulatory award. I am now receiving the favor of the Lord, and the sage in Lingyan Pavilion is well-known. The benefactor was not willing to become a monk, so the monk Hongfu paid a visit. The small character is Jiangliu Ancient Buddha, and his Buddhist name is Chen Xuanzang.


In the thirteenth year of Zhenguan, the year has passed, and it is the third day of Jiaxu in the ninth month, a good day in Guimao.

Master Chen Xuanzang gathered 1,200 eminent monks to perform various wonderful sutras at Huasheng Temple in Chang'an City.

Today's Huasheng Temple has long been decorated with great grandeur.

But I saw only fluttering banners and flying treasure caps.

The banners are fluttering, and the clouds are swaying in the sky; the treasure cover is flying, and the sun is shining with red lightning.

The World Honored One's golden elephant has an exquisite appearance, and the Arhat's jade appearance is majestic.

Fairy flowers are placed in the vase, and sandalwood is burned in the furnace.

Fairy flowers are placed in the vase, brocade trees fill the temple with brilliance; sandalwood is burned in the furnace, and the fragrant clouds penetrate the clear sky.

The latest fruits are piled on the red plate, and the colorful candies are piled on the table. The eminent monks listed and recited the true scriptures, hoping to free the lonely souls from suffering.

The king of Tang Dynasty had finished his dynasty early. He led many civil and military officials to ride on a phoenix chariot and a dragon chariot. They left the Jinluan Palace and went to the temple to burn incense.

After entering the temple, Master Xuanzang led all the monks in the temple to pay homage, and the King of Tang Dynasty read the Jig Bangbang.

The list says:

"The ultimate virtue is elusive, and the Zen sect is extinct. It is pure and spiritual, flowing around the three realms. It is ever-changing and governs yin and yang. The body and function are true and constant, infinite. Looking at that lonely soul, I feel deeply sad.

This is in accordance with Taizong's holy order: select monks to participate in Zen and teach the Dharma. Open the doors and courtyards of convenience, spread the boats of compassion, and help all living beings in the sea of ​​suffering, freeing them from the six conditions of suffering. Lead back to the true path and play in Hongmeng; move and stop doing nothing, become pure. Relying on this good cause, I invite you to visit Jiangque, the capital of the Qing Dynasty. Taking advantage of my victory, I can escape from the mortal cage of hell. Arrive early and enjoy the bliss of freedom, and travel to the West as you please. "

The King of Tang Dynasty was overjoyed when he saw this, and said to the monks: "You are determined to uphold the alchemy, and never neglect Buddhist services. When your achievements are completed and everyone has their own blessings, I will reward you generously, and I will never work in vain."

The 1,200 monks all bowed their heads in thanks.

On that day, the three fasts were completed, and the king of Tang drove back.

Master Xuanzang led the monks to preach for seven consecutive days, talking about Dharma and Buddhism, waiting for the start of the Land and Water Conference.

Because thousands of monks chanted sutras in unison, the sound of Buddha resounded everywhere in Chang'an City. Just like Xiaoling Mountain, it was peaceful for several days.

However, it is said that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva on Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea received the Tathagata Buddha's instructions and visited good people in Chang'an City to learn scriptures. It has been a long time since he met a truly virtuous person. So he stayed in the Chenghuang Temple outside the city, and was so shocked that all the evil spirits returned to the underworld.

On this day, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva was meditating in the City God's Temple, but suddenly he heard the sound of thousands of monks chanting sutras outside the temple.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva immediately opened his eyes, and flew high into the sky with Mu Cha, flying towards the direction where the sound of chanting sutras came from.

When I arrived at the place after a while, I saw that below was the Huasheng Temple where Taizong preached good deeds, elected eminent monks, and started the construction of the conference.

And the eminent monk who presided over such a meeting was actually monk Jiang Liuer, the disciple of the Buddha who descended from bliss.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was delighted when he saw this, so he took the treasure given by the Buddha to the long street and sold it with wooden fork goods.

In the city of Chang'an, there was that foolish monk who couldn't make the choice, but he had a lot of wealth. I saw the Bodhisattva transformed into a scabies figure, wearing a ragged robe, barefoot and bald, holding the cassock in his hands, glowing brightly. He couldn't suppress his curiosity, so he stepped forward and asked, "Lemon monk, how much will your cassock cost?"

The Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and said, "The cassock is worth five thousand taels, and the tin staff is worth two thousand taels."

The foolish monk was shocked when he heard this, then waved his hands and said with a smile: "Are you two leprous monks madmen or fools? How dare you sell these two crude things for seven thousand taels of silver? Just wear them and you will live forever." Becoming a Buddha and becoming an ancestor is not worth so much!"

After saying that, he shook his head and left.

The Bodhisattva did not argue with him and walked forward with Mu Cha. After traveling for a long time, they came to Donghua Gate and encountered Prime Minister Xiao Chu (li) who was returning from the court. They sent people to clear the street.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva openly did not avoid him and faced the Prime Minister on the street with his cassock in hand.

The prime minister reined in his horse and looked at it. Seeing that the cassock was shining brightly, he asked his servants how much the cassock seller wanted. The Bodhisattva said: "The cassock costs five thousand taels, and the tin staff costs two thousand taels."

Xiao Zhi asked in surprise: "What's so good about this treasure that it's worth such a high price?"

The Bodhisattva said: "The cassock has advantages and disadvantages; some require money and some do not."

Xiao Zhu was curious when he heard this and asked with a smile: "What is good? What is bad?"

The Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and said: "With my cassock, you will not fall into perdition, hell, evil, or encounter the den of tigers and wolves. This is a benefit. If you are a foolish monk who is greedy for sexual pleasure and misfortune, or a monk who does not fast and abstain from discipline, you will be ruined." It is difficult for ordinary people who slander the Buddha to see my face in my cassock, and this is not good."

After Xiao Zhu heard this, he felt a little interested and asked: "Why do you want money and not want money?"

The Bodhisattva said: "You don't follow the Buddha's Dharma, you don't respect the Three Jewels, and you buy a cassock and a tin stick by force. You will definitely sell them for seven thousand taels. This is asking for money. If you respect the Three Jewels, rejoice when you see good things, take refuge in my Buddha, and can afford it, I will give you the cassock." , tin stick, I am willing to give it to him and form a good relationship with me, it is free of charge."

Hearing this, Xiao Wei became more cheerful and knew that he was a good man. He immediately dismounted his horse, met the Bodhisattva with courtesy, and said: "Elder Dafa, please forgive me for Xiao Wei's sin. I, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, am very good-hearted. All civil and military officials should adhere to it. From now on, the Water and Land Conference will be built. This cassock is just the right one to be worn by Master Chen Xuanzang. You and I will come to the court to see you."

The Bodhisattva happily followed and walked into the Donghua Gate with Xiao Chu.

When an official from Huangmen came to see him and asked about it, Xiao Zhi only said, "I have a treasure for you." Huangmenguan did not dare to delay, so he immediately left and returned to the palace to report.

After a while, a decree came, announcing that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and the scabies monk transformed by the wooden cross entered the palace.

After Xiao Chu entered the palace, he knelt down in front of the steps and said: "To inform my emperor, I came across two monks when I left the Donghua Gate. They were selling cassocks and tin staffs. I thought that Master Xuanzang could wear this kind of clothes, so I led the monks to see him. .”

The king of Tang Dynasty was very happy when he heard this and asked how much the cassock was worth. The Bodhisattva and the wooden chak stood at the foot of the steps, not even bowing. Because he asked about the price of the cassock, he replied: "The cassock is five thousand taels and the tin staff is two thousand taels."

Taizong pinched his beard when he heard this and said: "What good is that cassock? It is worth so much silver?"

The Bodhisattva said: "This cassock is draped with a strand of dragon to avoid the disaster of being eaten by silkworms; with a strand of crane hanging on it, you can achieve the wonder of transcending the world and becoming a saint. But where you sit, there are thousands of gods paying homage; whenever you move, there are seven Buddhas with you. This cassock is made of ice. Silkworms practice spinning, craftsmen twist and turn into threads. Fairies weave, goddesses make machines. Square clusters of embroidery stitches, each piece of brocade is stacked with each other. Exquisite scattered makeup flowers, the color is bright and shining. Put it on. The whole body is covered with red mist, and a section of colorful clouds are flying. A mysterious light shines through outside the Three-Day Gate, and there is a precious energy in front of the Five Mountains. Passion flowers are embedded heavily, and the hanging beads are burning like stars. There are luminous pearls on the four corners, and an emerald in the top. .Although it does not have the original body of full illumination, there are eight treasures that generate light. This cassock is folded when you are free, and you can wear it when you meet a saint. When you fold it, it will be wrapped in thousands of layers and see through the rainbow. Only wear it when you meet a saint, and it will alarm the gods and ghosts in the sky. . On it are Ruyi beads, Mani beads, Dust-free beads, and Wind-fixing beads. There are also red agate, purple coral, luminous pearls, and relics. The moon is white, competing with the sun for red. The sky is full of fairy energy, blooming. The auspicious light holds the saint. The celestial energy fills the sky and shines through the sky. The auspicious light holds the saint and casts its shadow all over the world. It shines on the mountains and rivers, startling tigers and leopards, and shadows the islands, moving fish and dragons. Two gold locks are pinned along the edge, Kowtow on the white jade cong."

"Another poem says: 'The Three Jewels are majestic and can be respected, and the Four Lives and Six Paths are fully commented. The clear mind understands and nourishes the laws of man and heaven, and the visible energy transmits the lamp of wisdom. The body is protected in the golden world, and the body and mind are pure with jade kettle ice. Since the Buddha made cassocks , who can dare to kill a monk after all the tribulations?'"

When the King of Tang Dynasty heard the words in the treasure hall, he was very happy and asked: "Monk, what are the benefits of the nine-ring staff?"

The Bodhisattva said: "My tin staff is made of nine links made of copper inlaid with iron, and the nine-section fairy vine will stay in place forever. I am tired of looking at the green and thin bones, so I go down the mountain and bring white clouds back with me. The Fifth Patriarch Mohe traveled to Tianque, and Luo Bu searched for his mother. Diguan. Not stained by the filth of the mortal world, I am happy to accompany the holy monks to Jade Mountain!"

Upon hearing this, the King of Tang ordered him to unfold his cassock and take a closer look from the beginning. He found that it was indeed a good thing. He said, "Dharma elder, I will tell you the truth. I am now cultivating a good teaching and cultivating fields of blessings. I saw many monks gathered in the Huasheng Temple, reciting sutras. Dharma. There is a great virtuous man among them, the Dharma’s name is Xuanzang. I will buy these two treasures from you and give them to him. How much do you want them for?"

When the Bodhisattva heard the words, he put his palms together with Mucha and took refuge, chanted the name of the Buddha, bowed and said: "Since he is virtuous, the poor monk is willing to give it to him without any money."

After that, he pulled away and left.

The king of Tang hurriedly grabbed hold of him, leaned forward and stood in the palace, and asked urgently: "You originally said that the cassock was five thousand taels and the tin staff was two thousand taels. When you saw that I wanted to buy it, you didn't want the money. You dare to say that I rely on the throne and force myself to do so." Want your things? This is even more unreasonable. I will pay you the original price, but you cannot evade it."

The Bodhisattva raised his hands and said: "The poor monk has a wish in front of me. I originally said that if you respect the Three Jewels, you will be happy when you see good things, and take refuge in my Buddha. I don't need any money, and I am willing to give it to him. Now I see that Your Majesty is very virtuous and does good deeds. He respects our Buddhism. What's more? The eminent monk is virtuous and conducts good deeds. He preaches the Dharma and should offer it as a gift. No money is required. The poor monk is willing to keep this thing and return it."

The king of Tang Dynasty was very happy to see his hard work, and he ordered Guanglu Temple to arrange a vegetarian banquet to reward him. The Bodhisattva resolutely refused to accept the offer and left calmly.

At the same time, in Lishan Mountain.

Old Mother Lishan stood outside the hall leaning on a staff, looking towards the direction of Chang'an City, and said softly: "The spread of Buddhism to the east has finally begun."

After saying that, she sighed and returned to the palace and walked to the bed.

Li Qing was seen on the bed, shrouded in an oval-shaped colorful light.

Mother Lishan was not surprised and raised her hand to touch the mask, intending to test the weakness of the mask.

In fact, since she refined all the four swords of Zhu Xian into fangs for Li Qing three days ago, and then stripped out the magical power of Taoist Mosquito and put it into Li Qing's body, this light mask has appeared outside Li Qing's body.

When the light shield first appeared, even she couldn't touch it.

As long as the palm touches the light mask, it will be shaken away by an extremely powerful force.

Now three days have passed, and although the light on the mask has gradually faded, it is still dazzling.

Even Old Mother Lishan didn't know what happened.

In her calculations, Li Qing should be awake at this moment.

However, when her palm touched the light shield, the familiar strong force appeared again, and her palm shook away with a 'bang'.

Although Old Mother Lishan was not injured, she frowned and said secretly: "Although the intensity of the light shield has weakened, the strange power attached to it is still the same as the day before. From this point of view, it will take another seven or eight days. The mask will disappear before it disappears!”

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but shake her head and sighed: "I have never seen such a strange power before. I wonder if it is related to the four refined swords of Zhu Xian?"

After that, he sighed with helplessness, turned around and left with his stick.

Mother Lishan didn't notice that after she walked out of the hall, the oval-shaped light shield covering Li Qing's body suddenly flickered on and off, and there was even a dazzling bloody light in it.

And within the light shield, Li Qing's eyes suddenly opened.

His eyes were as red as blood!

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