Unify all heavens

Chapter 753 The sea of ​​blood dries up!

The sea level of the Blood Sea has dropped by more than ten feet compared to before!

At this time, not only Ancestor Minghe, but also Immortal Zhenyuan and Old Mother Lishan could notice it.

far away;

Ancestor Hongyun looked at the surging sea of ​​blood, whose sea level was rapidly declining, with a trace of wonder on his face.

"That boy is really good at finding opportunities. At this moment, there are three quasi-sages beside Patriarch Styx, who can't take care of the sea of ​​blood. Even if he carries away the 90,000-mile sea of ​​blood today, Patriarch Styx can't throw it away. Send three quasi-sages to find trouble for him!"

With this thought in his mind, Ancestor Hongyun's eyes fell on Ancestor Styx in mid-air.

At that moment, I saw that Ancestor Styx's face was ashen, and his eyes seemed to contain boundless anger, causing his eyes to be bloodshot.

In front of him, both Zhen Yuanzi and Old Mother Lishan seized this opportunity and each used methods capable of suppressing the religion. For a moment, the void was distorted!

Ancestor Hongyun was stunned for a moment.

Under the sea of ​​blood;

Li Qing poured all his strength into the Netherworld's Brutal Blood Coffin, causing the blood coffin's suction to become stronger every moment!

Perhaps because this surging sea of ​​blood is the foundation of the ancestor of Styx, Li Qing always feels that the sea of ​​blood seems to be alive.

And as the sea level dropped, his feeling became stronger and stronger!

It seemed as if countless Styx Ancestors would appear next to him in the next moment and suppress him with their hands!

above the sea of ​​blood;

Because half of the blood sea has disappeared, the ancestor of the Styx River is about to fall to the level of a quasi-sage at this time. Because of this, he needed to concentrate and muster up all his cultivation to resist the attacks that he could easily resist earlier!

After Zhen Yuanzi and Mother Lishan found out about this, they used their magical powers to attack Ancestor Styx regardless of the cost.

If Ancestor Styx hadn't still had the Karma Red Lotus to protect him, he would have died by now!

However, even if he did not die at this time, looking at the speed of the blood sea's descent, he is still in danger today!

The sea of ​​blood never dries up, and the river Styx never dies!

This is not only the strength of Patriarch Styx, but also his fatal weakness!

Except for saints, no matter if any quasi-sage in the world comes to deal with him, he will be invincible!

Therefore, Patriarch Styx could dominate the Netherworld for so many years, and no one came to deal with him.

After all, as long as one of the 1.2 billion blood molecules remains, Ancestor Styx can be reborn!

Although Li Qing is not a saint, the Netherworld Blood Coffin he owns is refined by a saint! It even has the aura of a saint!

Therefore, any sea of ​​blood poured into the blood coffin will be obliterated by the saint's aura on the blood coffin!

Because of this, the aura and cultivation of the Ancestor Styx will decrease as the level of the Blood Sea drops.

At this time, Ancestor Minghe's aura was already unstable, and it was gradually becoming difficult to resist Zhen Yuanzi and Mother Lishan.

Because of this, the eyes he occasionally looked at the sea of ​​blood were filled with resentment!

"If I can survive today, I will go to heaven and earth tomorrow and travel to the ends of the earth to kill those who stole my sea of ​​blood!"

Just as he was thinking about this, he suddenly found that the time in front of him was once again reversed.

“It’s the hidden world again!!!”

Ancestor Minghe gritted his teeth for a while, and then used all his cultivation to escape from the scope of the world controlled by Zhenyuan Immortal.

When the heaven and earth returned to their original state, Old Mother Lishan's crutch hit the head of Ancestor Minghe hard, causing him to stagger high in the air.

When Patriarch Minghe stabilized his figure and looked back at Old Mother Lishan, his eyes were filled with resentment!

If it's the other quasi-sages, even if they can't be beaten, they can still escape!

If a quasi-sage runs away desperately, even if several more quasi-sages come today, they will definitely not be able to stop him!

But Ancestor Minghe is powerless. He has long wanted to escape, but his foundation is the sea of ​​blood. Even if he escapes, he can only escape into the sea of ​​blood!

When he was at high altitude, he could still resist and resist for a moment or two. If he escaped into the sea of ​​blood, he would be in danger of death today!

When thinking of this, Patriarch Minghe, even though he was unwilling to do so, could only resist the Qiankun in his sleeves and shouted hoarsely: "Mr. Mosquito, I have protected you for tens of thousands of years, but you haven't shown up to save me now. When will we wait?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was startled, and then all their eyes fell on the sea of ​​​​blood, which had dropped by more than half.

If Taoist Mosquito was really protected by Ancestor Styx, then he must be within the sea of ​​blood at this moment!

For a moment, even the movements of Zhen Yuanzi and Old Mother Lishan slowed down, and they squinted at the sea of ​​blood.

Within the sea of ​​blood, Li Qing had already discovered the traces of Taoist Mosquito.

Moreover, what excited him was that the drop of blood that wrapped the mosquito Taoist had been drawn into the whirlpool.

It only takes three to five breaths for this mosquito Taoist to be swept into the Netherworld's Bloody Coffin by the sea of ​​blood. By then, even if he has the ability to escape from heaven to earth, he will never be able to escape from this coffin!

After all, how can other Taoist mosquitoes escape from the magic weapon refined by the saint?

As soon as he thought about it, Li Qing gritted his teeth and suddenly increased the intensity of instilling cultivation!

At the same time, the sea of ​​​​blood poured into the Netherworld Blood Coffin faster than before!

At this time, Li Qing's eyes didn't even dare to blink, staring at the drop of blood that was only half a foot away from the Netherworld Blood Coffin, for fear of an accident!

But at this moment, a voice full of resentment penetrated the sea of ​​blood and rang in his ears.

"Mr. Mosquito, I have protected you for tens of thousands of years. If you don't show up to save you now, when will I wait?"

When he first heard this, Li Qing's expression changed, and he hurriedly poured all the last bits of cultivation in his body into the Netherworld's Brutal Blood Coffin.

But in the end, the success fell short.

He watched helplessly as the drop of blood was rolled up in the mouth of the Netherworld Blood Coffin, but a rumbling sound like thunder suddenly sounded in his ears.

There is poetry to prove it:

The sound is like thunder, the mouth is like thunder, and it is even more difficult to stop when it penetrates the jin (jin) curtain; eating meat and drinking blood invades the human body, and the smoke gathers in the dense forest in fear. The heat becomes more powerful and noisy, and the cold wind becomes ruthless when it moves!

As a thunderous rumble sounded, the six-winged black mosquito was wrapped in a drop of blood. The six wings vibrated together and scattered the blood drop. In an instant, it was freed from the strong suction of the Netherworld's Blood Coffin, like a fish in water. Breaking out of the sea of ​​​​blood in an instant and flying high in the sky.

Looking at the six-winged black mosquito that was as big as an ant, both Zhen Yuanzi and Old Mother Lishan looked shocked.

Then Zhen Yuanzi was seen hurriedly calling the book of the earth out of his body, and protecting him and Mother Lishan.

On the other hand, Patriarch Styx looked at the six-winged black mosquito panting, with a smile of relief on his lips, and then said softly: "You finally appeared. As long as you and I join hands, these Taoist friends will be defeated today." The soul is gone!"

When he said this, he looked at the mosquito Taoist with expectation.

At this moment, even the sound of the mosquito Taoist's wings, which usually made him extremely irritated, sounded so pleasant to the ear!

Unknowingly, Ancestor Minghe had a solemn smile on his face, and his eyes began to scan the two quasi-sages, Zhen Yuanzi and Lishan Mother.

But he didn't realize that above the sea of ​​blood, the six-winged black mosquito's eyes were filled with coldness.

This coldness was no less than that of Li Qing, whose three souls had been damaged and whose six souls had taken over.

Moreover, in this cold expression, there is also a trace of fear!

However, this fear was directed at the sea of ​​blood.

It means that the subscription is too poor during this period, and the book is almost finished, so I always get stuck, so I have no motivation to type. . . However, I have rested enough during this period. There are still about 200,000 to 300,000 words in the follow-up, and I will start to update it until the book is completed. Well, starting tomorrow. Then, the chapter said to start walking, give me some motivation. . .

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