Unify all heavens

Chapter 735 Bonfire Party (Part 2)

As the sound of "gurgling" sounded, the wild boar demon, whose limbs were broken and thrown aside, became more and more frightened.

As he looked, there was a fire burning not far ahead. There were wooden sticks beside the fire. There were three iron chains hanging down from the intersection of the wooden sticks, which were tied to an iron pot.

At this moment, the bottom of the iron pot was burning red, and the water in the pot began to boil and bubble, with steam rising upwards.

Opposite the fire, two sturdy men sat, one with an ox's horns and the other with a pig's head.

It is the Bull Demon King and the Pig-headed Spirit.

At this moment, the two of them were all looking at the boar spirit opposite the fire ball with a sneer.

Previously, the two of them had suffered a lot of humiliation at the hands of this wild boar spirit.

In the words of the Bull Demon King: "Old Cow spans the three realms, but no one has ever dared to pull Old Cow's ears!"

Of course, when he said this, he deliberately ignored the iron-eating beast Li Qing transformed into.

The pig-headed spirit on the side would touch his neck from time to time, and then laugh sinisterly.

Ever since he was reborn as a pig, and since his cultivation, no one has ever dared to pinch the small ball of soft flesh on the back of his neck.

What a good day today, not only was I mentioned by the wild boar spirit, but I was almost stewed!

Thinking of this, the Bull Demon King and the Pig-headed Demon looked at each other, and both showed a stern smile.

Opposite them, the boar spirit was about to burst into tears.

He feels so wronged

Not long ago, he carried the rabbit and the pig-headed spirit that the Bull Demon King had transformed into, one in each hand, and walked several hundred feet away from Li Qing, driving away many demon kings who wanted to steal the meat. Then he found an open space and retrieved the magic weapon from the storage. He took out a series of cooking tools such as an iron pot and chain, but before he could set up the fire, the rabbit transformed into a three-foot-tall powerful bull demon in front of him. Almost at the same time, The pig with butterfly wings also transformed into a burly man with a pig's head.

As soon as the two men revealed their true bodies, they showed strange smiles to him.

Then his limbs were broken and thrown next to the fire. The Bull Demon King set up the pot, and the Pig-Headed Spirit added firewood. After a while, the iron pot was burning red.

The wild boar spirit wanted to beg for mercy at this moment, but his tongue had been forcefully pulled out by the Bull Demon King, and he rinsed it in boiling water before eating it.

Therefore, after he opened his mouth, he only made an anxious pig noise.

Not far away, after the Bull Demon King heard the pig's cry, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes and asked the pig-headed spirit next to him: "Brother, he is of the same kind as you, can you possibly understand what he is calling?"

The pig-headed spirit smiled coldly without replying, gritted his teeth and said, "He said he was a little cold!"

The Bull Demon King suddenly showed a look of enlightenment and said with a smile: "Since this wise brother is cold all over, Old Niu, please give him some warmth!"

After saying that, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the wild boar spirit struggling on the ground opposite the fire ball, and gave a cold shout.


When he finished speaking, the struggling wild boar spirit floated up and fell into the iron pot with a 'plop'.

In an instant, the pig's squealing became fierce.

Following the sound, I saw the wild boar spirit struggling violently in the boiling water, causing the huge iron pot to shake.

After the Bull Demon King and the Pig-headed Demon saw this tragic scene, not only did they not feel sad about the death of the rabbit and the fox, but they drooled and laughed a few times.

After a few minutes, the wild boar spirit in the pot stopped struggling and floated on the water with the boiling hot water in the pot.

Seeing this, the pig-headed spirit shook his head and said, "Brother, his wild boar skin is very thick. How long do you have to cook it?"

When the Bull Demon King heard this, he waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, dear brother, I just need to add some fire!"

When he finished speaking, he slowly opened his mouth and sprayed a wave of green fire towards the iron pot!

When the pig-headed spirit saw this, his eyes shrank and he secretly said: "Superior Divine Fire!"

When he finished speaking, the iron pot and the iron chains tied to the wood were all turned into molten iron. As for the wild boar spirit, as early as the moment the flames came, it was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. .

The Bull Demon King took a deep breath, sucked the flame back into his mouth, then clapped his hands and stood up, laughing and saying: "Okay, the meat is already cooked, it's time to bring it to Li Tianjun!"

The pig-headed spirit nodded when he heard the words, raised his hand and pulled out a shining silver nine-tooth rake from his ear. Then he walked next to the wild boar meat, and with a 'whoosh' the rake was nailed into the meat, and then turned back. He looked at the Bull Demon King and transformed into the wild boar spirit with a smile.

The Bull Demon King also smiled, raised his hand and wiped his face, and transformed into a wild boar spirit.

Then they walked out together towards the place where the demon kings gathered.

While they were burning the wild boar essence, it was getting late. Now that they were carrying the wild boar meat back to the forest, a bright moon was already hanging high in the sky.

In the forest, the demon kings were sitting on the ground in groups of three or five, surrounding a fire in the middle. They were all laughing and cursing loudly, looking extremely lively.

The Bull Demon King and the Pig-headed Demon didn't stop and walked straight to the center.

On the way, many demon kings saw them resisting a five- to six-meter-long roasted pig, and they enthusiastically invited them to sit down. However, neither the bull demon king nor the pig-headed demon looked down on these little monsters, so They all ignored him with a cold face.

After a while, they returned to the open space.

Then he came to 'Li Qing' and imitated the wild boar spirit, bowed to 'Li Qing', and said with an apologetic smile: "Sir, the meat is roasted!"

'Li Qing' nodded slightly, and then his eyes noticed the nine-tooth rake on the shoulder of one of the wild boar spirits. Then he discovered that only one piece of pork was cooked, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He immediately waved his hand and said: "Give the meat of this wild boar spirit to all the demon kings to eat, I have no appetite!"


The 'boar spirit' carrying the rake nodded immediately and turned around to leave.

But as soon as he took three steps, his whole body trembled, and then he looked at the Bull Demon King beside him.

The Bull Demon King gave him a look that said, "I can't help but I'm asking for more blessings." Then he took a deep breath, turned around, and sat next to "Li Qing" with a smile on his face. After swallowing his saliva, he also not talking.

'Li Qing' did not look back at him, but looked at the small fire piled up at his feet.

On the contrary, the iron-eating beast sat next to the wild boar spirit that the Bull Demon King had transformed into, and said quietly: "This Demon King looks very energetic, and he doesn't look like he has been seriously injured at all!"

The Bull Demon King was startled when he heard this, and turned his head sharply to look.

He didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but he suddenly discovered that the iron-eating beast's honest smile was full of unfathomable meaning.

The iron-eating beast also looked back at him at this time and asked: "May I ask the demon king, what is the crime if you disrespect the leader?"

The Bull Demon King suddenly showed surprise. He turned to look at the motionless 'Li Qing' on the left, then turned to look at the Iron-eating Beast. As if he understood something, he suddenly smiled bitterly.

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