Unify all heavens

Chapter 733 Bonfire Party (Part 1)

In the lush woods, the rabbit transformed by the Bull Demon King is running away desperately.

'Li Qing' was staying not far away. He didn't dare to show his true body here, so he could only run like this.

At the same time, amidst the whirring sound of the wind blowing in front of him, the Bull Demon King narrowed his eyes and thought quickly in his mind.

"If my junior brother found out that the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast was there, but Lao Niu was not there, he would definitely have doubts, and he might even stay there and wait for Lao Niu to fall into the trap!"

"But if I, Lao Niu, never come back, what should I do if my junior brother slaughters all those demon kings?"

"Although none of those demon kings have a backstage, that 'virtuous brother' might be the Rakshasa woman in disguise. She is so handsome in men's clothes, and she will definitely be very gorgeous in women's clothes. If she also dies It would be such a pity if it was in the hands of my junior brother!"

At this thought, he suddenly stopped.

But he was running too fast before, and now he suddenly stopped, and his body suddenly slid forward three to five meters.

After the Bull Demon King stopped, he looked back with a troubled face, his eyes full of hesitation.

He wanted to leave, but he couldn't bear to let the demon king who was disguised as a man be killed by 'Li Qing'.

So I saw him holding the rabbit ears in his hands and squatting on the ground with a hesitant look on his face.

After a while, he suddenly took a deep breath, as if he had made a decision, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Old Niu, I have always been righteous, how can I see this 'virtuous brother' die here? In the hands of junior brother!"

When he finished speaking, he looked around and said to himself: "But Lao Niu, I can't just go back like this. I need to make some preparations!"

After thinking of this, he took a deep breath, stood up, arched his front hooves from left to right, and struck his chest more than a dozen times until he vomited blood. Then he gritted his teeth and severed several meridians. !

The moment his meridians were severed, he spat out a mouthful of blood with a 'pop' sound.

Immediately, he saw that his breath became extremely weak in an instant.


The Bull Demon King grinned viciously and said: "Old Cow, I am seriously injured. If I shed a few tears when I see my junior brother later, he will not think too much about it! Maybe he will help me kill that Rakshasa." Marry the girl back into the cave!”

When he finished speaking, he laughed a few more times and prepared to change back to his original form.

But just as he closed his eyes and recited the mantra, a pair of big hands suddenly fell from the sky, grabbed his rabbit ears and lifted him up.

The Bull Demon King was suddenly furious and at the same time, his head was a little confused.

He had looked around before, and it was obvious that there was nothing but himself. Why did a big hand suddenly appear at such a critical moment?

When he thought of this, he laughed ferociously in his heart and said to himself: "Hey! No one is seeing you. When I regain my true form, I will pull off this guy's ears and serve him a meal!"

After saying that, he closed his eyes again and prepared to recite the mantra in his heart.

But at this moment, a familiar voice reached his ears.

"Hehe, Lord Corpse Demon King just asked me to come out to look for prey, and he picked up a rabbit!"

As this voice sounded, the owner of the voice also lifted up the Bull Demon King, put it in front of his eyes and took a closer look, and said with a simple and honest smile: "Yes, it's quite fat! It will be delicious when baked!"

When he spoke, the Bull Demon King's rabbit eyes widened instantly.

"How could it be this flower bear?"

"When did this guy approach Lao Niu?"

After many thoughts suddenly occurred in his mind, the Bull Demon King also breathed a sigh of relief.

When he met this flower bear before, he patted the flower bear on the shoulder and found that the flower bear's breath was pitifully low.

From this it can be seen that the strength of this flower bear is also extremely weak. Maybe it is an ordinary flower bear with good luck. It swallowed some spiritual grass by mistake, and then realized the wisdom and practiced the crossbones before it had time to practice.

Thinking of this, he sneered in his heart. Even if he transformed into a rabbit, he could kill such a bear with one punch.

As soon as he thought of this, he struggled and wanted to lift his leg and kick the simple black and white face of the flower bear in front of him.

Just let him kick you!

This flower bear will definitely die!

And while the Bull Demon King was struggling, he did not forget to observe the flower bear.

After all, he has always been suspicious, especially at this critical moment, he was even more afraid of capsizing in the gutter.

But in his scrutinizing eyes, this flower bear still looked ordinary, with a simple and honest face, and a look that was easy to bully.

Especially after he struggled, the flower bear's arms started to shake.

It can be seen that the strength of this flower bear is really low!

After thinking of this, the Bull Demon King finally felt relieved. Then he looked around and saw that there was no other existence around, so he struggled even more fiercely.

So, at that moment, I saw the flower bear narrowing his eyes and muttering: "What a vicious rabbit!"

When he finished speaking, he raised his bear's paw, and with the roar of the wind, with the horrified look on the Bull Demon King's face, he suddenly slapped the face of the rabbit that the Bull Demon King had transformed into.


In an instant, the Bull Demon King felt like stars were popping up in his eyes and his ears were ringing.

While feeling dizzy, he saw the corner of the flower bear's mouth seemed to be raised.

But before he could react, the flower bear's thick bear paws whipped up a strong wind and slapped him in the face again.

This slap made the Bull Demon King so weak that he was dragged by the rabbit's ears and hung motionless. He did not recover for a long time.

And at the same time, the flower bear bent its knees and leaped tens of meters, even spanning a distance of tens of feet.

In just one moment, he had covered the distance that the Bull Demon King had run for more than half a day.

When he landed, the Bull Demon King finally reacted.

"This guy must have an extremely advanced method of gathering breath! His real strength is no weaker than Lao Niu me!"

When he thought about it, he could vaguely see that the raised corners of the flower bear's mouth had not yet calmed down.

In an instant, the Bull Demon King gritted his teeth.

He had already concluded that this damned flower bear must have recognized him!

Thinking of this, he struggled again.

This time, he struggled even more fiercely than the previous two times.

Hua Xiong's arms shook violently, but he just wouldn't let go!

Seeing this, the Bull Demon King finally gave up.

With a look of despair, Li Qing was tugged by his ears and allowed the iron-eating beast he transformed into to lead him quickly towards the clearing he had left before.

The Bull Demon King ran exhaustingly for more than ten minutes, but was jumped back by Li Qing.


With a sudden roar, the ground shook.

Then, as the dust filled the air, Li Qing, the iron-eating beast that was regarded as food by all the demon kings, strode out of the dust with a simple smile on his face, carrying a loveless tawny rabbit in his hand.

The author bows down and wishes everyone a happy New Year!

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