Unify all heavens

Chapter 731 The Bull Demon King walking sideways!

When the Huli Demon King saw Li Qing, a simple and honest iron-eating beast, turning around, he couldn't help but lick the saliva that was about to flow out of the corner of his mouth. Especially when he saw Li Qing's silly and cute face, he waited. After being bullied, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Because the Huli Demon King opened his mouth, the demon kings around Li Qing all turned around at this moment, licking their lips and looking straight at Li Qing.

Then his eyes lit up with green light, and everyone started talking.

The demon king said, ‘This wise brother and I hit it off immediately, so we should go to my cave first! ’, the demon king said, ‘I want to marry this virtuous brother Jinlan! ’, in short, it was very noisy.

It was like five hundred ducks quacking at the same time, which only made Li Qing's head grow bigger.

Then he stared at his eyes with black and white circles and shouted coldly: "Get out!"

When he said this word, the flesh on his cheeks trembled.

As a result, there were many "Gulu" sounds of swallowing saliva coming from the surrounding area.

Immediately afterwards, these demon kings became even more excited, grinning widely, not even bothering to wipe their saliva, and the green light in their eyes almost shot out!

"My dear brother, my temper is my own. Get out of here quickly! Don't make me angry!"

"This wise brother is so domineering, and he happens to be my best friend!"

"Dare I ask my dear brother, do you have any brothers, sisters, parents or ancestors in your family? Brother, I want to get married. Oh, bah! I will marry into your clan!"

When saying these words, some demon kings would stand on tiptoes and touch the fat on Li Qing's body, even if they were separated by several demon kings, and then make sighing sounds.

Just when Li Qing was thinking about whether to reveal his true identity and then kill several demon kings to offer sacrifices to heaven, he heard a loud shout.

"What are you making such a fuss about?"

While shouting violently, the Bull Demon King grabbed one and threw six or seven Demon Kings away in the blink of an eye before Li Qing came to Li Qing. Then, with a livid face, he said in a cold voice: "It's taken away the old cow's interest. You look like a good brother. It’s so nice to meet you!"

The moment he saw Li Qing's appearance, the Bull Demon King's eyes suddenly widened. He subconsciously licked his lips when he spoke, and his voice became stuttering.

After saying that, he saw a stern face, looking around at the demon kings who were busy wiping their saliva with a threatening look, then his expression changed instantly, he looked at Li Qing with a smile, and said: "My dear brother, don't be afraid. , they are all joking with you!" As he spoke, he raised his hand and patted Li Qing's broad shoulder, and immediately saw that the fat on Li Qing's body trembled for a long time under this pat.

When the Bull Demon King saw this, the smile on his face became even stronger. Without Li Qing's consent, he raised his arms and put his arms around Li Qing's neck. He smiled gently and said: "Come on, come on, this place is too crowded, bro. It’s spacious and spacious, dear brother, come with me!”

Li Qing sneered after seeing the energetic look of the Bull Demon King.

It's just that he now wears the honest look of an iron-eating beast. Even if he sneers, he still looks like a slightly embarrassed smile.

When the Bull Demon King saw Li Qing smiling, the flesh on both sides of his cheeks trembled, and he became even more enthusiastic. He couldn't help but refuse, so he hugged Li Qing and came to his territory.

I saw that this was an open space covered with gravel, and there were several broken tree stumps on the ground.

When the Bull Demon King carried Li Qing to a sharp tree stump at the break, he wiped the sharp broken surface into a flat surface with a big hand. Then when he pressed Li Qing on the stump, he He sat next to him.

It wasn't until he sat down that Li Qing discovered that besides the Bull Demon King and him, there was also a handsome Demon King with red lips and white teeth.

With just one glance, he could tell that this handsome demon king was a woman disguised as a man.

While Li Qing was paying attention to the handsome demon king, the Bull Demon King was also talking to the demon king with a smile on his face.

"My dear brother, I have just seen that I, Lao Niu, still have quite a face in front of the demon kings. It shows that I, Lao Niu, are not that shameless and lustful person!"

When Li Qing heard the words, he glanced at the Bull Demon King and saw that when the Bull Demon King was speaking, he was serious and looked straight at the handsome demon king.

He suddenly understood in his heart and said secretly: "It seems that the Bull Demon King also saw that this Demon King was disguised as a man. I think this Demon King is the only one who doesn't know that his identity has been discovered by the Bull Demon King!"

When he thought of this, Li Qing rolled his eyes and said, "Could it be that you are the Pingtian Great Sacred Bull Demon King who is known as 'the most powerful demon king in the world and the most powerful demon in the west'?"

The Bull Demon King turned around when he heard this, laughed and patted his chest and said, "It's the old cow!"

Li Qing nodded immediately, pretending to be stupid and said: "I often hear that the Bull Demon King is a kind-faced and evil-hearted Lord, but I didn't expect that it's better to meet him than to be famous!"

When the Bull Demon King heard this, he smiled dryly at the handsome Demon King, and then turned back to look at Li Qing, his eyes exuding a fierce light. Although he was smiling kindly, his tone was already serious. A bit cold.

"I don't know who is spreading the rumor. I, Old Niu, have been running rampant in the immortal world for several guilds, but how come I have never heard of this?"

Li Qing tilted his head with an honest face, looked up at the Bull Demon King with a smile, and then said: "I heard what Lord Fumo Tianjun said! He said that although the Bull Demon King was transformed from an ox into a spirit, he has the character of a crab. I always walk sideways!"

When the words 'Suppress the Demon Lord' came out of Li Qing's mouth, the noisy Demon King next to him subconsciously became quiet.

In an instant, the originally noisy and lively environment suddenly became silent under these words.

At this moment, you can almost hear the drop of a pin.

Even the evil-looking Bull Demon King's eyes froze when he heard the words 'Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord'. Then the corners of his eyes trembled, he swallowed and asked with a smile: "Brother Xian, I actually know him." The Demon Lord?"

Li Qing nodded 'vigorously' and said with a silly smile: "On my way here, I was stopped by Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord, looking for my brother!"

The Bull Demon King's expression changed upon hearing this, he stood up with a 'Teng' sound, and asked expressionlessly: "What did the wise brother say?"

Li Qing shook his head slowly, stared and said, "I only said that my brother is in Changfeng Mountain!"


When the Bull Demon King heard this, his expression changed drastically, and he blurted out in panic.

After saying that, he took a deep breath, turned around and bowed his hands to the handsome Demon King, and said seriously: "Brother, I have a chance to meet you someday. That Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord is Junior Brother Lao Niu, and he has never been able to find his way. If he loses his way again and can't find Lao Niu, he will definitely be anxious! Lao Niu and his brother are in love, how can he just watch my junior brother feel anxious! Let's go now!"

The handsome demon king nodded slightly and said in a rough voice: "Brother, it's okay to go. I'll watch the son-in-law recruitment meeting for some time. Maybe my brother will find the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord. When he comes back here, the son-in-law recruitment conference will not be held yet." start!"

When the Bull Demon King heard this, his eyes lit up, and his heart became even more joyful. However, he did not show it on the surface. Instead, he nodded slowly with a worried expression and said in a deep voice: "I hope so!"

Thanks to the book friend Shen Tu for the reward of 3000 starting coins, Black and Mirror Flower for the reward of 2100 starting coins, my old man Duan Jiude for the reward of 2000 starting coins, I have a dream that cannot be realized and the reward of 1100 starting coins, Forbidden Love Jiangnan 1,000 starting coins for tipping. As well as rewards from book friends such as Liu Mengfei, Please Call Da Wet Chest, Yang Liuxian, Mu Qin, Wu Zhan 173, Chu Tiancheng, Shuang Wenmi llx, Nangong Zihuang, Oh Reindeer, Little Bitch Baby, Miss Sister, You Are So Dirty , the author burst into tears of gratitude. . . .

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