Unify all heavens

Chapter 724 Exchange of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian! (superior)

The so-called bright clouds reflect the sky, and the mist covers the mouth. Although Lord Doumu Yuan had only died for a day, it was as if he had passed away a thousand years ago. At this moment, when she looked at the bright and shining Lingxiao Palace in the distance, she suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

When she left Doumu Palace, her speed was extremely fast, but when she was about to arrive at Tongming Palace, her speed slowed down.

My mind is full of thoughts on how to challenge the Jade Emperor and exchange the magical weapons, spiritual grasses and flowers for the Four Swords of Killing Immortals!

As the saying goes: Items that are neither copper, nor iron, nor steel were once hidden under Mount Xumi;

Without refining Yin and Yang, how can there be no water and fire to temper the edge!

Kill the gods, kill the immortals, and trap the immortals with red light everywhere;

The transformation of the immortal is infinitely wonderful, and the clothes of the great Luo immortal are stained with blood!

The Four Swords of Killing Immortals are the most powerful weapons under heaven. Although the killing power is too strong, these four divine weapons cannot suppress the fate of the Great Sect. However, the former Demon Ancestor Luohu used these four swords to fight against the Taoist Ancestor Hongjun. Fighting for the upper hand, he decided to be the number one killer in the world!

If the four saints Taiqing, Yuqing, Zhunti, and Jieying had not gathered together that day, Tongtian Cult Leader would not have failed, because the power of the Four Swords of Killing Immortals was there.

Not to mention being ridiculed by Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun: "It's ridiculous that the Tongtian Sect is unclear, and the thousand-year-old master has trapped all living beings; relying on the party to corrupt the Immortal Sect, and gathering evil sects to run amok in vain. The sword hangs in the air, and the soul is wasted. Nameless; I don’t know how to obey and be humiliated first, but I still want Hongjun to say that I will rebel."

He also gave the Tao seal and ordered Guangchengzi to take off the Immortal Killing Sword, Chi Jingzhen to take off the Immortal Killing Sword, Yuding Zhenren to take off the Immortal Trapping Sword, and Daoxing Tianzun to take off the Immortal Absolute Sword.

In addition, there is also Ran Deng Taoist hanging on the formation, holding Ding Haizhu in hand and preparing to sneak attack on Tongtian Cult Leader.

As soon as he thought about it, Doumu Yuanjun couldn't help but gnashed his teeth and showed an angry look on his face.

She had already thought about it. After meeting with the Jade Emperor today to explain the sword exchange, if the Jade Emperor agreed to the order, she would take the Qingping Sword and other treasures to change the sword obediently. If the Jade Emperor refused, then from now on The sect would never rise again, so they simply gathered the Biyou disciples, overthrew his heaven, and went down to the lower world to slaughter all the disciples of his Chan sect!

One is to take revenge for that day, and the other is to hand the four swords to Li Qing and send him away from this world!

Looking forward to returning one day! Slaughter this world and destroy the way of heaven!

As the saying goes, appearance comes from the heart.

At this time, because his heart was already full of crazy thoughts, Dou Mu Yuanjun's face could not help but show a bit of cruelty!

Among the four disciples of Master Tongtian, Taoist Duobao has the highest cultivation level and the deepest mind. Therefore, when he faced off against Taiqing Saint under the Zhuxian Formation that day, he was swept away by the wind and fire futon without even resisting.

If he had not gone to the Western Sect to become the Tathagata of Many Treasures soon, the disciples of the Jie Sect might have gathered to save him.

Next is Our Lady of Wudang (Lao Mu of Lishan). She has always been peaceful and undisputed, and the leader of Tongtian Church is most at ease with her.

The Turtle Spirit Mother has a happy-go-lucky temperament, while the Golden Spirit Mother has a hot temper and will get angry if something doesn't go her way!

If the matter of changing swords today falls on the other three, they will slowly figure it out. They will not be like the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who already has the intention of burning the jade and the stone before they go to the Tongming Hall to pay homage to the Jade Emperor!

There are thirty-three heavenly palaces in the sky, including Qianyun Palace, Bisha Palace, Wuming Palace, Sun Palace, Huale Palace, etc. The ridge of one palace swallows the golden stable beast. There are also seventy-two treasure halls, including Chaohui Hall, Lingxu Hall, Baoguang Hall, Tianwang Hall, Lingguan Hall, etc. Each hall has jade unicorns on its pillars.

At this moment, the thirty-three palaces and the seventy-two palaces were all passing by like a fleeting cloud of smoke in front of the eyes of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

Then, she slowly landed and stepped outside the Tongming Hall.

After seeing her, the two palace guards outside the palace subconsciously lowered their halberds to block her way.

But the moment the divine halberd was pressed down, the Golden Spirit Mother gave them a violent look.

In an instant, the two generals felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave, swallowing their saliva and freezing in place, not daring to move any further.

At the same time, the two divine halberds blocking the eyes of the Golden Spirit Mother also clicked, and were shaken by the momentum of the Golden Spirit Mother. They broke in unison and fell to the ground with a clang.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit ignored everything and walked straight into the temple.

At this moment, the immortals in the Tongming Hall were discussing the matter of Mother Lishan's apostasy and conversion to Buddhism, but when the voices were noisy, the Golden Spirit Mother came in.

She was like a piece of ice that had been frozen for thousands of years. As soon as she walked into the hall, the immortals lined up on both sides of the hall were hit by a chill. They all held their breath quietly and looked at the Golden Spirit Mother.

On the high platform, behind the long case, the Jade Emperor's eyes had already fallen on her from the moment she entered the temple.

When he saw the violent aura in the Golden Spirit Mother's body that was about to take shape, the Jade Emperor could not help but be secretly frightened.

However, his expression was calm and he kept looking at the Golden Spirit Mother.


two steps,

Three steps.

As Our Lady of the Golden Spirit approached the high platform, the four heavenly masters beside the Jade Emperor also subconsciously took a step forward.


As soon as they took a step forward, they saw the Jie Jiao disciples in the Immortal Class below. As if they had already made an agreement, they all turned back to look at the four of them. The coldness in their eyes actually caused the expressions of the four great Celestial Masters to change. .

They had a premonition that as long as they took one more step, the magical powers of the gods below would descend on them.

Just when the atmosphere became tense, the Jade Emperor slowly waved his hand, signaling the four heavenly masters to step back.

The four heavenly masters looked at each other and had no choice but to retreat.

At this moment, the Immortal Gods in the Immortal Class also slowly turned around and looked at the Golden Spirit Mother without sideways eyes.

I saw the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit bowing in front of the audience, and said calmly: "I thank you for helping me return the sun!"

The Jade Emperor ignored the fact that the Golden Spirit Mother did not follow the rules, including the four heavenly masters and the immortal gods in the two rows of immortal classes below, also ignored this matter at this moment.

The Jade Emperor said with a faint smile, "I love you!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit responded with a cold expression, and then straightened up.

At this time, the Jade Emperor tapped the long case rhythmically with his index finger, tried his best to calm down his voice, and asked: "Ai Qing, do you know who sent you back to the list of gods?"

The Holy Mother of Jinling said calmly: "Your Majesty, the person who killed me is Old Mother Lishan!"

As soon as she said this, there was a sound of gasping from the immortal classes on both sides.

The immortals and gods who were taught by Jie were all stunned and stood aside in a daze.

"Bang, bang, bang"

The Jade Emperor tapped the long case gently, and the answer from the Golden Spirit Mother confirmed what he was thinking.

But instead he got an even more headache.

The Tongming Hall became silent again at this time, except for the "bang bang" sound of the Jade Emperor tapping the long case with his index finger.

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