Unify all heavens

Chapter 715 I...I didn't see anything! (Second update)

Chapter 715 I.I didn’t see anything! (Second update)

As the sudden laughter rang out, Li Qing, whose body disappeared, looked back indifferently, looking blankly in the direction of the sound.

At that moment, a young man wearing a light golden luxurious robe was seen falling from a high place.

It is the golden-winged roc in human form!

After Li Qing saw the golden-winged roc, a trace of memory appeared in his lifeless eyes.

But this look of memory only appeared for a few breaths before it was replaced by violence. Then he moved towards the golden-winged roc at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

At this time, the laughing Golden-winged Dapeng saw the scene in the square below.

His laughter stopped suddenly, and then he felt an invisible coldness approaching him quickly.

The moment this cold aura approached, the Golden Winged Dapeng's expression changed drastically, and Li Qing's voice, appearance, and his cold aura also appeared in his mind.

Unlike the Macaque King, the Lion and Camel King, and the Tamarin King, he rarely comes into contact with Li Qing, so even if he senses the coldness, he doesn't know where the coldness comes from.

He was imprisoned for a long time on the Ghost Ridge of Corpse Mountain by Li Qing using the magical power of the universe in his sleeves.

Therefore, he will never forget the cold aura on Li Qing's body.

So, he immediately screamed with horror on his face, and quickly flew to high places without hesitation.

"I didn't see anything!"

When he finished saying this, he had already flown high into the sky.

There is an invisible cover over the square where Kunpeng Cave Mansion is located.

It is this cover that blocks the sea water and sea pressure. Otherwise, even if the Lion and Camel King and the demon kings have great magic power, they will not be able to fight freely in the underwater square.

At this moment, the golden-winged roc had arrived in front of the cover.

It only took a moment for him to leave the hood.

But this moment, at this moment, seems like forever.

Because, just when the golden-winged roc was about to come out of the cover and touch the sea water, a cold hand grabbed his ankle and pulled it down suddenly.

Or maybe he was too frightened. At the moment when his body was suddenly pulled down, the golden-winged roc, which had transformed into a human form, suddenly let out a high-pitched cry from his mouth, and then saw his hands waving in the air continuously, and was forcefully pulled down. He pulled it down and slammed it to the ground.


When the bluestone slab was smashed into cracks, the golden-winged roc also let out another cry from its mouth.

Then Li Qing, whose figure was invisible, grabbed his ankle and beat him back and forth.

Every time it hit the ground hard, a high-pitched cry came out of the golden-winged roc's mouth.

In the cave not far away from him, Patriarch Kunpeng, who had long abandoned his five senses and six consciousnesses, suddenly opened his eyes and then gritted his teeth.

If the Golden-winged Dapeng died in his dojo today, but he turned a blind eye to it, tomorrow the three thousand Buddhas, five hundred Arhats, Eight Great Vajras and Infinite Bodhisattvas from the Great Thunder Sound Temple would drive to the North Ming Dynasty and come to find him. His trouble!

But if he takes care of it, he will violate the order of Daozu and prevent him from becoming a saint in the future!

Just when he was struggling, Demon King Peng, who was practicing cross-legged next to him, also saw the sudden ferocious look on his ancestor's face, and subconsciously asked: "Ancestor, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Patriarch Kunpeng suddenly turned around and looked at him with a look that made Demon King Peng feel extremely unfamiliar.

Immediately, the ferocious look on Patriarch Kunpeng's face disappeared, replaced by a friendly smile.

"My ancestor is feeling restless. Something seems to have happened outside the cave. You can go out and check it out on my behalf, so that my ancestor can calm down!"

As soon as Demon King Peng heard this, he immediately stood up, bowed to Patriarch Kunpeng with a solemn expression, and said, "Yes!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Demon King Peng didn't know that the moment he turned around, Patriarch Kunpeng, who was originally smiling amiably, darkened his face, and secretly said in his heart: "The Hunyuan Dao is not easy to come by. A few Yuan Dynasties ago, I was defeated by Hongyun." The reason is that he lost the qualifications for becoming a saint. Today, we must not ruin the great path because of such trivial matters. Today, the Golden-winged Dapeng died outside the cave, but my descendants also accompanied him. Daleiyin Temple lost the Golden-winged Dapeng. Peng, but I have also lost my favorite junior, they just want to trouble me, but they have no reason!"

"A mere junior, but in exchange for the Hunyuan Dao Fruit!"

"He deserved his death!"

"When I become a saint, I will have as many descendants as I want!"

As soon as he thought of this, Kunpeng Ancestor showed a faint smile on his face, but his eyes were extremely cold.

"Li Qing is just an evil beast. Now the three pure beings can't come out. When I become a saint, he will be wiped out!"

Thinking of this in his mind, he abandoned his five senses and six senses with peace of mind and closed himself up again.

At this moment, Demon King Peng also came to the cave door.

For some reason, when he looked at this stone door that weighed ten thousand kilograms, his mood became heavy, as if he had lost something important in an instant.

At the same time, a cold breath came to him through the stone door.

Like the Golden-winged Dapeng, he had had long-term contact with Li Qing.

Therefore, he knew in an instant that Li Qing was standing on the other side of the door.

Since Demon King Peng can trick the Lion, Camel King, Macaque King, and Tamarin King into worshiping Kunpeng, it means that he is not only not stupid, but also extremely smart!

What's more, he is the most proud descendant of the Kunpeng ancestor.

Therefore, in just an instant, he understood everything clearly.

Immediately, he laughed miserably, and straightened his clothes like a blank sheet of paper, then slowly turned around, bowed deeply in the direction of Kunpeng, and said bitterly: "I bid farewell to my ancestor! I hope that my ancestor can achieve Hunyuan." At this time, don’t forget what happened today!”

After that, he stood up slowly, turned around calmly, opened the stone door inward, and walked out with a faint smile on his face!

The roc rises with the wind in one day and soars up to 90,000 miles.

Ancestor Chengquan has no regrets and goes to the underworld calmly and unhurriedly!


As the sound of the stone door being closed again resounded throughout the cave, Ancestor Kunpeng, who had abandoned his five senses and six senses and sat cross-legged at the end of the cave, clenched his fists and breathed heavily.

Immediately, the Huangting Sutra recited by Patriarch Kunpeng through gritted teeth rang out in the cave.

"The jade tree of my adopted son is strong, and there is no trouble when reaching the road. The spiritual platform reaches the sky and faces the middle field. It is closed in the middle. The divine door in the jade room is the one who taught me. The bright hall reaches the source of the sea of ​​​​dharma on all sides. The true son of the elixir is mine. In the front, the essence of the three passes is deep, the son wants to live in Kunlun, the palace has twelve rings, the palace is full of five colors, the son of the red god stands in the middle of the pool, the Great Wall Xuangu is below, and the eternal life is in the wonderful house. , Abandon the worldly gifts and shake the essence of the master, an inch of land and a square foot of the house can cure your life, keep your children in mind for peace, promote the three strange spirits of the wandering spirit, and have peace of mind in the world of peace!"

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