Unify all heavens

Chapter 700: Making havoc in heaven! (three)

"My son, get up quickly!"

Li Tianwang hurriedly stood up and supported him. When Mu Zha stood up, he took his hand and asked with a smile: "My child, where are you from?"

Hui'an said: "The foolish man went with the Bodhisattva to the Peach Fair. Seeing that his third brother and the immortals were not at the meeting, the Bodhisattva asked the Jade Emperor. His Majesty the Taoist King and the immortals went down to the realm to subdue the monster monkeys, but there was no reward for one day. The outcome is unknown. The Bodhisattva has ordered the child to come here to find out the truth."

Li Jing sighed when he heard this and said: "Yesterday I set up camp here and challenged Jiu Yao Xing, but the guy used his magical powers and all Jiu Yao Xing were defeated and ran back. Later, we personally raised the troops, and the guy also formed a formation. . We waited for hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers to fight with him until late, but he used a clone to fight back. When the troops were withdrawn to investigate, they only caught some wolves, insects, tigers and leopards, but not even half of him as a demon monkey. He has not gone out to fight today. .”

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a report from heavenly soldiers outside the camp gate: "The great sage led a group of monkey spirits and shouted outside."

At this time, Mu Cha said: "Father, my son was ordered by the Bodhisattva to come down to inquire about the news. He also said that if he encounters a war, he can help. Now that I have encountered him, I will fight with him and wait and see. What a great sage he is!"

Li Jing nodded when he heard the words and said: "My child, you must have some magical powers after practicing with the Bodhisattva for several years, so you must pay attention to it."

Mu Zha nodded immediately, then rolled the iron rod in his hands, bundled up a bunch of embroidered clothes, flew out of the camp gate to the sky above the Huaguo Mountain, and shouted: "Who is the Monkey King?"

On Huaguo Mountain, when the Monkey King heard this while he was shouting, he raised his head and asked in response: "Where are you from, little baby, and you dare to come here to ask me!"

Mu Cha stood high in the sky and said in a cold voice: "I am Mu Zha, the second prince of King Li Tian. I am now protecting my disciples in front of the throne of Guanyin Bodhisattva. My name is Hui'an."

The Monkey King raised his golden hoop and said, "You are not practicing in the South China Sea, but why do you come here to see me?"

After hearing this, Mu Cha replied: "I was sent by Master to inquire about the military situation. Seeing that you are so rampant, I came here to capture you!"

After hearing this, the Monkey King immediately laughed and said: "What a little baby, I see you haven't been weaned yet. Go home to your mother as soon as possible. Don't lose your life here!"

As soon as Muzha heard this, his face turned livid, and he gritted his teeth and said, "What a sharp-tongued monster monkey. Please bring me the monkey's head so that I can report to Your Majesty!"

The Monkey King immediately laughed and said, "If you don't go back to nurse, why don't you eat Lao Sun's stick!" After saying that, he raised the stick to the sky and hit Muzha head-on and face-first.

Muzha was not afraid of this at all, and just used the iron rod to meet him. The two of them stood in mid-air and started fighting.

Although the iron between the sticks is different, the soldiers are different from each other.

One of them is Taiyi Sanxian Grand Sage, and the other is Zhengyuan Long, a disciple of Guanyin. The iron rod is made of thousands of hammers, and the Six Ding and Liujia carry magical power; the wishful stick is the Tianhe Ding, the divine treasure that suppresses the sea, and has great magical power. When two true rivals meet, there are endless solutions to their exchanges.

There is a poem about this battle:

Thousands of heavenly generals are surrounding each other, and a cave is full of monster monkeys.

Strange fog and sorrowful clouds fill the underworld, and wolf smoke and evil energy shoot into the palace of heaven.

Yesterday's melee was still okay, but today's quarrel is even more fierce.

It is admirable that the Monkey King is really capable, Mu Cha was defeated and escaped again.

It is said that the Monkey King and Hui'an fought for fifty or sixty years, and Hui'an Walker's arms were sore and numb, and he could no longer face the enemy, so he had to pretend to be defeated and leave.

The Monkey King also collected his monkey soldiers and stationed them outside the cave door.

Outside the gate of Tianwang's camp, large and small heavenly soldiers caught Mu Zha, moved out of the way, and protected him into the middle tent.

Mu Zha entered the tent but was still panting, and said with a pale face: "That monster monkey is really powerful! I can't fight, so I have to come back defeated!"

Li Jing was shocked when he saw it. His two sons had been practicing with Guanyin Bodhisattva for many years, but they could not defeat the monster monkey. He immediately ordered the heavenly soldiers to write a petition for help, and sent the powerful ghost king and Prince Mucha to heaven to make a memorial.

They didn't dare to stay, they just broke out of the dragnet and rode on the auspicious mist and auspicious clouds.

When I was young, I came to His Highness Tongming and was led to the Lingxiao Palace by the four heavenly masters, who presented the seal to him.

Muzha bowed to Guanyin Bodhisattva again.

The Bodhisattva immediately asked: "How did you find out?"

Hui'an smiled bitterly and said: "The disciple took the order to go down to the realm, opened the gate of heaven and earth, met his father, and told the master what he meant. The father said: "Yesterday, we had a battle with the monkey king, and we only captured him as a tiger, leopard, lion and elephant. I didn't even catch a single monkey spirit from him.' To be honest, at this time, the monster monkey was shouting for war outside again, so the disciple used the iron rod to fight with him, but he couldn't win, so he had to return to the camp in defeat. My father Therefore, the powerful ghost king and his disciples were sent to the realm to ask for help."

The Bodhisattva lowered his head and thought for a long time, then he clasped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, please be patient. This poor monk can catch this monkey with just one move of his own."

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he asked: "Who is this person?"

The Bodhisattva nodded and said with a smile: "This is your Majesty's nephew Xian Sheng Erlang Zhenjun. He now lives at Guanzhou Guanjiang estuary and enjoys the incense below. In the past, he used his strength to kill six monsters, and there were also the Meishan brothers and the twelve hundred grass-headed gods in front of the tent. He has great magical powers. But he just listens to the instructions but not the announcement. Your Majesty can send a decree to mobilize the troops and help him, and he can be captured."

Upon hearing this, the Jade Emperor immediately conveyed the order to mobilize troops.

At the same time, Li Qing also returned from Tianzun Hall without success, because Lingbao Tianzun was not in Tianzun Hall, and the Taoist boy in the hall said to him: "The leader has not returned from attending the grand meeting!"

Therefore, Li Qing left Tianzun Hall and flew towards Tongming Hall.

He expected that since Lingbao Tianzun was not in Yaochi and had not returned to Tianzun Hall, he must be in Tongming Hall.

As soon as Li Qing flew halfway, he saw a black wind flying out of the Tongming Palace.

At that moment, he stopped the black wind by shrinking into an inch.

After the black wind dissipated, a ghost king with a horned face and a dark robe appeared.

When the ghost king saw someone blocking the road, he wanted to curse, but when he saw that the person blocking him was the Earthly Evil Star Lord who had just been consecrated by the Jade Emperor, he quickly apologized and said with a smile: "I have seen Star Lord, but I don't know why Star Lord stopped the little ghost. Why?"

Li Qing immediately asked: "Where are you going in a hurry?"

The ghost king hurriedly reported: "Jun Xing, the demon monkeys in the lower world have defeated hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and many gods and gods one after another. Even Hui'an Walker was defeated by him. So your majesty ordered the little ghost to go to Guanjiangkou to summon the true Lord Sheng Erlang to assist Li." King of Heaven!”

Li Qing smiled when he heard this, not to mention the Monkey King, even if he encountered the formation in the lower realm, he would definitely fall.

When he thought of this, he asked again: "I wonder if Lingbao Tianzun is in the palace?"

The Ghost King quickly replied: "Yes, Tianzun is thinking about countermeasures with His Majesty!"

Li Qing nodded slowly, waved his hand and said, "Go ahead!"

After saying that, he flew straight into the Tongming Palace.

After entering the Tongming Hall, he bowed to the gods and Buddhas in the hall, and then came to the side of Lingbao Tianzun.

Lingbao Tianzun glanced at him and said calmly: "If you don't go to my palace and wait, what are you doing here?"

Li Qing immediately bowed and said: "This disciple heard that His Majesty sent True Lord Xian Sheng Erlang to capture the demon monkey, so he came here to wait. I believe that True Lord Erlang will take action and capture the demon monkey to heaven!"

Lingbao Tianzun snorted softly when he heard the words and said: "Since you have such leisure, go to the lower world to find the black lotus. Recently, the black lotus is posing as a general in the water to deceive the gods of the three islands and five mountains. Although it can be easily seen through , but you can’t let that black lotus disturb the stability of the lower realm! This matter is related to the safety of the three realms. If you do it well, you can gain great merit and wash away your past sins!"

Li Qing sighed in his heart. Although he didn't want to go, he had no choice but to say respectfully: "Yes!"

After saying this, he was about to say goodbye to the gods and Buddhas in the temple, but at this moment, I heard Taishang Laojun stroking his beard and smiling and saying to Lingbao Tianzun: "Fellow Taoist, I see that your disciple has three souls and seven souls, but the soul is But it is a little inconsistent with the body, as if it was refined later. If things go on like this, it will be difficult to reach Daluo. It is better to use this free time to let him enter my furnace and refine it with yin fire. I will give him a few gourd pills. , help him!”

When he finished speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun also smiled and said: "I think his magical powers are sparse and it is difficult to realize the Tao. I will take advantage of this moment to give him a magical power to realize the Tao. After he has refined his body, taken the elixir, and cultivated his magical powers, he can If you go and investigate the Black Lotus matter, you can get twice the result with half the effort!"

Lingbao Tianzun responded with a smile, then turned around and said coldly with a frown: "You are so unlucky that you have achieved great luck, and why are you so stupid? Why don't you thank your two uncles!"

Hearing this, Li Qing hurriedly thanked Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun.

At this time, Taishang Laojun slowly stood up, smiled and bowed to the Jade Emperor: "Your Majesty, I will retire here. If there is still need, Your Majesty can just send someone to find me!"

The Jade Emperor smiled and said: "Since I have something important to do, go ahead and do it!"

"Pindao, please resign!"

Taishang Laojun immediately resigned to the Jade Emperor, then looked at Li Qing and said with a smile: "You come with me!"

Li Qing hurriedly said goodbye to the gods and Buddhas in the temple, and followed Taishang Laojun away.

After Li Qing left, Yuanshi Tianzun smiled at Lingbao Tianzun and said: "Fellow Taoist, I think your disciple is quite sensible. Why do you treat him like this? If you don't like this disciple, you can order him to worship him." Under my sect! You don’t like him, but I like him!”

Lingbao Tianzun was startled when he heard this, and then sneered in his heart. His brother must have taken a fancy to the origin of his disciple's purple coffin, so he said this again. I don't know who said, 'Your disciples are all people wearing scales and armor. It is difficult for them to ascend to the great road. They should be on the list of gods!' ’.

Now, if he hadn't fallen in love with the origin of the purple coffin, how could he have accepted a zombie as his disciple, and even said these words without shame.

As soon as he thought about this, Lingbao Tianzun smiled and said: "Friend Taoist, what you said is wrong. I am not unhappy with him, but I don't like him, so as not to let his loose temper harm the people. Even so, my disciple will do the same." He has done a lot of sinful things and caused me a lot of trouble. If he doesn't ignore these sins, tomorrow he will dare to imitate the Monkey King and fight him to the sky!"

When he said this, a strange smile appeared on his face, and he said: "My Taoist disciples are all people with good roots and true immortals. If this evildoer comes to my Taoist disciples, wouldn't it stain the reputation of my Taoist disciples?" But I am different, all my subordinates are men with scales and armor, one more zombie is not too much!"

This chapter is required by the plot, so there are 800 words of the original text of Journey to the West. I compensated for 1,000 words, which is counted as a 3,000-word chapter. However, there is no charge for less than 1,000 words, so the number of words in this chapter is 2985, of which 985 There is no charge for words. counts as compensation. . . . .

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